Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hiv And Aids Epidemic. In The 21St Century, Everyone Has

HIV and AIDS Epidemic In the 21st century, everyone has heard of the frightening HIV and AIDS virus. The disease we first discovered in 1983 in Arica, when it killed millions of people, especially poor people and travelers. In the developing countries, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are considered a death sentence, the world over, it is a frightening virus that has killed many people. The research provided me with the information the developing countries have a higher rate of HIV/AIDS infection than highly developed countries. The statistics from â€Å" The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic† show that 36.7 million people in the world have HIV/AIDS, and of the 36.7 million, 19 million are in†¦show more content†¦When it was first reported, scientists were unaware of the how many people were infected with HIV and how many developed AIDS. By the mid-1980 it was suggested that more than 100,000 men would have already been infec ted with the virus. In 1983, females were infected with this virus, and at that time, scientists believed it come from heterosexual sex. In the same year, children were infected with this virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that casual contact could transmit that virus. However, later that year, scientists said that HIV/AIDS could only pass to someone through sex, by sharing and injection syringe, though breastfeeding, and through contact with the blood of someone infected with the virus (History of HIV/AIDS Overview). â€Å" I have a boyfriend, but I cannot tell him I am positive although he says he love me and this is stressing me a lot because I want to get married but I could not because he will fall sick. I love him, yet I could tell him I m positive. Even when I am with my friend, we go dancing, chat, sometimes we pray, but I don’t move with my drugs because I don’t trust them much with status.† According to Natalia Matovu Sharh, people living with HIV/AIDS are associated with discrimination from the society and family members because they believe the disease will bring shame to the social and the family. Individuals who are willing to start a treatment haveShow MoreRelatedThe Plague Of Plagues : Smallpox2151 Words   |  9 Pagesseems to be becoming less of a possibility and more a thing of antiquity. Around the latter half of the 20th century, doctors thought that disease as a whole would be eradicated with the new vaccinations and antibiotics that were being produced. For the first time in history it seemed as if diseases were under control. It was not long before the arrogance of modern medicine found new epidemics that were not so easily cured. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Investment Opportunities in Adventure Tourism in Australia

Question: Discuss about theInvestment Opportunities in Adventure Tourism in Australia. Answer: Introduction: Adventure tourism is one of the fastest growing sector in Australia. In all the stages of economic development, the adventure tourism has been the priority of Australia for the growth of the market and this is because they are able to recognize the cultural, ecological and economic value. Adventure tourism is international as well as domestic. Australia is regarded as one of the top destinations for adventure travel according to the World Youth Student and Educational Travel Confederation (Randle and Hoye 2016). Several Australians states actively courts backpackers and have created Backpackers action plan. In the state of Victoria, the action plan comes with statement that the backpackers are less vulnerable to the fluctuating economic conditions and in the wake of global financial crisis, it would be the resilient travelers (Abascal et al. 2016). The research proposal is intended to highlight the long term competitiveness in the adventure tourism. It would also take into consideration the importance of collaboration of private and public sector within the adventure tourism. In the later part, hypothesis is developed about the scope of investment in this sector. Hypothesis developed would predict Research questions will be framed on the basis of impact of adventure tourism on the economy, community development and considering the macro economic factors as well (Mason 2015). Role of tourism sector in Australia is to enhance the international and domestic leisure tourism and international business events. Over the past years, adventure tourism in Australia has grown exponentially and tourist are visiting the destination that is previously not discovered (Rice 2014). Problem Statement: Few studies have analyzed the relationship between investment opportunities in adventure tourism in Australia. Economy is greatly impacted by investment made in tourism sector and thereby provides the platform of economic development. Therefore, present study analyses the available investment opportunities and how far the investment level in adventure tourism contributes to economic and community development. Literature Review: Current Scenario of Tourism in Australia: Since last decade, Australian northern territory has record of facilitating the substantial projects. The land development corporation of Australia plays a crucial role in the development and growth of the territory by delivering the investment opportunities in a commercially manner (Morgan 2016). Destinations and business which is involved in tourism considers several factors while successfully creating the demand for their offerings. Tourism sector in Australia is known for its ability to create many opportunities that enhance the performance of the economy. Adventure Tourism in Australia: Adventure tourism is growing subset of the Tourism market which seeks programs and activities having the perception of uncertain outcome. Adventure tourism in defined as the activities that are commercially operated and this involves combination of excitement and adventure that is pursed in outdoor environment ( 2017). Adventure tourism incorporates the broad range of activities that include low risk adventure activities such as tamping to high risk adventure activities such as white water rafting. There are White Water River rafting in New South Wales and Sydney (Buckley et al. 2014). Supply chain of the adventure tourism in Australia is complex and does not follow the traditional pattern. Adventure tour operators plays a key role in contributing to the sustainable vision of the sectors by promoting the activities and choosing the facilities (Dredge et al. 2014). Adventure tourism in Australia is attracting the attention for its emphasis on culture of the company. Australia offers prepackaged adventure tourism market often including the adventure neophytes. Research Questions and Hypothesis: Research Questions: Is the collaboration of public and private sector has any impact on the development of adventure tourism in Australia. Does adventure tourism provides the business opportunities in Australia? Do adventure tourism contributes effectively in the economy and community development and attract high value customers? Hypothesis: Following hypothesis are set in order to make recommendation for the investment opportunities of adventure tourism in Australia: Null hypothesis (H0): Australia does not have any investment opportunities in the adventure tourism. Alternative hypothesis (H1): Adventure tourism does not provide any investment opportunities in Australia. Operational Definitions and Measurement: Data for conducting the research are collected by limiting the number of respondents to seventy. This is done so that any kind of complication are avoided with the techniques of research. For the measurement of the different type of respondents from the participants, Likert scale has been used. Likert scale is used for scaling the responses obtained from the respondents. This represents the attitude of the participants in the research toward the particular topic. Researcher needs to set various parameters for executing the Likert Scale. For the purpose of quantitative analysis of the primary information or data collected form the respondents, it will be suitable to convert the responses percentage terms. From the above analysis, it is shown that the respondents Research Methodologies: Research Design Under the present study, descriptive research design is considered in which the researcher describes a particular situation. This is based on collection, presentation and designing of collected data. Sampling Techniques Analysis of the primary data and secondary data will form the basis of the sampling techniques used. It has been observed that the total number of respondents for conducting the research is seventy. Respondents would comprise of information collected from the hotels and tourism spots in Australia. It would also includes the higher authority and senior level managers who are seeking to expand the business via the adventure tourism in Australia. Secondary data would comprise of the reports of the several investments made in the Tourism sector. Analysis would be done on the basis of the quantitative data collected from the field of enquiry and from the various secondary sources. Method of Analysis: Primary collection data is done by using the survey method. In addition to this, analysis of the quantitative data collected from the respondents is further done by evaluating the data based on the central tendency analysis. Analysis of collected data is better understood by using some of the statistical tool such as standard deviation, mean, skewness, kurtosis and performing several tests. For the analysis of the secondary data collected, it is suitable to consider theoretical bases that has been used for the purpose for literature review. Research Process Research process will be initiated by identifying the types of investments made in the adventure tourism in Australia. Process of collecting the data will be started by carrying out the survey. Questionnaires framed would be distributed to the respondents. Which are seventy in number. Such questions would be asked to the senior managers of the tourism sector and the hotels and several respondents from the tourist spot. Descriptive statistical value of the data would be found out by carrying out the analysis using the approach of central tendency. Investigation of investment opportunities in the adventure tourism is done by evaluating collected data. Expected Outcome It has been studies by different authors that several places in Australia such as Victoria, New South Wales and Sydney serve as the ideal destinations for adventure tourism. It has been found that adventure tourism supports local economies and encourages sustainable practices in Australia. Outcome of the research would depict the positivity contributed to the economy, business and community due to investment made in the adventure tourism sector in Australia. Adventure tourism may require less capital investment for infrastructure. In order for the adventure tourism to flourish, it is necessary that investment is made in the elements complimenting the natural, adventurous and cultural assets. Research is depicting the need for collaboration of the public and private sector for creating fertile ground for adventure tourism. While the government can work to ensure that the practices, policies and attitudes are in place and private sectors can contribute to the development of adventure tourism sector. This can be done by creating compelling and innovative products. Conclusion, Interpretation and Recommendation: Findings from research have been analyzed in detail by considering the bases of theory, reviewing the relevant literature, literature background. It also includes hypothesis that is selected for analysis of data and techniques of interpretation have been applied to relevant questions. The interpretation of collaboration of the public and private sector on influencing the investment opportunities on adventure tourism sector has been seen with the partial response by the respondents. This is in light of the reluctance of the private sector to focus their efforts in promoting investment in adventure tourism because of long term challenges of maintaining business. Respondents partially agreed with the availability of scope of business and investment opportunities for the adventure tourism. This secondary interpretation shows respondents tendency towards partial awareness. Moreover, the respondents have shown agreement of adventure tourism on the community development and attracts the customers of high value. Therefore, continued growth of these sector would have a positive impact on the destination economies, people and environment. On the basis of interpretation of last research question presented, it has been found that several adventure companies in Australia are increasingly opening up new destinations, developing new products and taking initiatives in attracting new clients by enhancing their commitment to sustainability. From above discussion and interpretation, null hypothesis associated with availability of investment opportunities in Australia can be rejected. Hence, alternative hypothesis would be accepted. Reference: Abascal, T.E., Fluker, M. and Jiang, M., 2016. Domestic demand for Indigenous tourism in Australia: understanding intention to participate.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,24(8-9), pp.1350-1368. Buckley, R., 2014. Adventure tourism as a research tool in non-tourism disciplines.Tourism Recreation Research,39(1), pp.39-49. Buckley, R., Shakeela, A. and Guitart, D., 2014. Adventure tourism and local livelihoods.Annals of Tourism Research,48, pp.269-272. Dredge, D., Airey, D. and Gross, M.J., 2014.The routledge handbook of tourism and hospitality education. Routledge. Horner, S. and Swarbrooke, J., 2016.Consumer behaviour in tourism. Routledge. Mason, P., 2015.Tourism impacts, planning and management. Routledge. Morgan, D., 2016. Adventure tourism.Encyclopedia of Tourism, pp.10-11. Randle, E.J. and Hoye, R., 2016. Stakeholder perception of regulating commercial tourism in Victorian National Parks, Australia.Tourism Management,54, pp.138-149. Rice, P., 2014. Universal management: a proposal to change the direction of accessibility management in the Australian tourism industry to create benefits for all Australians and visitors to Australia.Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal,2(2). (2017). Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2017].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The One Day in Jozefow Initiation to Mass Murder free essay sample

The main question raised in the One Day in Jozefow: Initiation to Mass Murder article is that of how did the Nazis get the manpower and successfully eliminate so many Polish Jews in a mere matter of eleven months. What is found is that the Nazis did not actually use real military force to clear the ghettos. When they were given orders leaders did not have enough men to successfully clear ghettos, therefore, they turned to normal everyday Polish police. They also gathered prisoners of war who were from places like the Ukraine and Lithuania. The Nazis also took order police who were stationed in the German government. This gave them the numbers they were so lacking and that were vital to them to take on their orders. Many of these people had not been brought up and raised in Nazi Germany and therefore they did not have the values and anti-Semitism that other soldiers had. We will write a custom essay sample on The One Day in Jozefow: Initiation to Mass Murder or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They were simply given orders and expected to carry them out. Some men did not want to participate in shooting Jews at point-blank range and yet some did without even giving a second thought as to why they were killing these people. It seemed as if some of the men were merely just going along with what their peers were doing in order not to be singled out or labeled a coward. This concept is a very interesting one. How could the Nazis succeed in simply convincing men who were not necessarily racists towards Jewish people to kill them so mercilessly? Surely the men could have refused and went against orders but instead, they chose to kill innocent people. After the Holocaust, the men were uncomfortable talking about what they did. They did not feel good about it nor did they take any sort of pride. They themselves probably wondered how they were so easily persuaded and convinced to murder so many Polish Jews. Genocide and Public Health: German Doctors and Polish Jews examines the roles that German Doctors played in the mass murder of the Polish Jews. It looks especially at the public health officials. First, it shows the fact that German Doctors thought Poland, in general, was a filthy country that was filled with uncivilized people. They thought health conditions in Poland were not even suitable for animals. Things like this helped contribute to anti-Semitism because people thought no respectable human being would ever choose to live in such conditions. The health system that was set up was to first serve the German people above anyone else. There was an emphasis on preventing the spread of any diseases that the Polish Jews may be carrying. This like this helped justify things like mass murder. It gave people all the more reason to think that it was okay to eliminate Jewish people from the country entirely. They restricted the movement of Jews in order to prevent any diseases from traveling and keep in mind the well being of the Polish people and above all the Germans. The doctors began to look at Jewish people not as patients but instead as a danger to everyone else. They did not focus on getting them better but instead thought it would be best just to abolish the Jewish people entirely. These ides infiltrated other people’s heads and fueled their hatred. The Jewish people were putting them at risk for sickness and disease and they did not seem to care. This gave the people all of the more reason to want them to be murdered. These two articles were extremely interesting to explore and compare. It is amazing the influence certain people can have on others. On one hand you have the doctors being able to spread bold lies and make citizens feel that the Jewish people were the cause of a lot of disease and they could not be cured therefore they had to be eliminated. On the other hand you had people who were not necessarily against Jewish people being persuaded to kill them for beliefs that they themselves did not possess.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Timeline of Events in Electromagnetism

A Timeline of Events in Electromagnetism Human fascination with electromagnetism, the interaction of electric currents and magnetic fields, dates back to the dawn of time with the human observation of lightning and other unexplainable occurrences, such as electric fish and eels. Humans knew there was a phenomenon, but it remained shrouded in mysticism until the 1600s when scientists began digging deeper into theory. This timeline of events about the discovery and research leading to our modern understanding of electromagnetism demonstrates how scientists, inventors, and theorists worked together to advance the science collectively. 600 BCE: Sparking Amber in Ancient Greece The earliest writings about electromagnetism were in 600 BCE, when the ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician and scientist Thales of Miletus described his experiments rubbing animal fur on various substances such as amber. Thales discovered that amber rubbed with fur attracts bits of dust and hairs that create static electricity, and if he rubbed the amber for long enough, he could even get an electric spark to jump. 221–206 BCE: Chinese Lodestone Compass The magnetic compass is an ancient Chinese invention, likely first made in China during the Qin dynasty, from 221 to 206 BCE. The compass used a lodestone, a magnetic oxide, to indicate true north. The underlying concept may not have been understood, but the ability of the compass to point true north was clear. 1600: Gilbert and the Lodestone Toward the late 16th century, the founder of electrical science English scientist William Gilbert published De Magnete in Latin translated as On the Magnet or On the Lodestone. Gilbert was a contemporary of Galileo, who was impressed by Gilberts work. Gilbert undertook a number of careful electrical experiments, in the course of which he discovered that many substances were capable of manifesting electrical properties. Gilbert also discovered that a heated body lost its electricity and that moisture prevented the electrification of all bodies. He also noticed that electrified substances attracted all other substances indiscriminately, whereas a magnet only attracted iron. 1752: Franklins Kite Experiments American founding father Benjamin Franklin is famous for the extremely dangerous experiment he ran, of having his son fly a kite through a storm-threatened sky. A key attached to the kite string sparked and charged a Leyden jar, thus establishing the link between lightning and electricity. Following these experiments, he invented the lightning rod. Franklin discovered there are two kinds of charges, positive and negative: objects with like charges repel one another, and those with unlike charges attract one another. Franklin also documented the conservation of charge, the theory that an isolated system has a constant total charge. 1785: Coulombs Law In 1785, French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb developed Coulombs law, the definition of the electrostatic force of attraction and repulsion. He found that the force exerted between two small electrified bodies is directly proportional to the product of the magnitude of charges and varies inversely to the square of the distance between those charges. Coulombs discovery of the law of inverse squares virtually annexed a large part of the domain of electricity. He also produced important work on the study of friction. 1789: Galvanic Electricity In 1780, Italian professor Luigi Galvani (1737–1790) discovered that electricity from two different metals causes frog legs to twitch. He observed that a frogs muscle, suspended on an iron balustrade by a copper hook passing through its dorsal column, underwent lively convulsions without any extraneous cause. To account for this phenomenon, Galvani assumed that electricity of opposite kinds existed in the nerves and muscles of the frog. Galvani published the results of his discoveries in 1789, together with his hypothesis, which engrossed the attention of the physicists of that time. 1790: Voltaic Electricity Italian physicist, chemist and inventor Alessandro Volta (1745–1827) read of Galvanis research and in his own work discovered that chemicals acting on two dissimilar metals generate electricity without the benefit of a frog. He invented the first electric battery, the voltaic pile battery in 1799. With the pile battery, Volta proved that electricity could be generated chemically and debunked the prevalent theory that electricity was generated solely by living beings. Voltas invention sparked a great deal of scientific excitement, leading others to conduct similar experiments which eventually led to the development of the field of electrochemistry. 1820: Magnetic Fields In 1820, Danish physicist and chemist Hans Christian Oersted (1777–1851) discovered what would become known as Oersteds Law: that an electric current affects a compass needle and creates magnetic fields. He was the first scientist to find the connection between electricity and magnetism. 1821: Amperes Electrodynamics French physicist Andre Marie Ampere (1775–1836) found that wires carrying current produce forces on each other, announcing his theory of electrodynamics in 1821. Amperes theory of electrodynamics states that two parallel portions of a circuit attract one another if the currents in them are flowing in the same direction, and repel one another if the currents flow in the opposite direction. Two portions of circuits crossing one another obliquely attract one another if both the currents flow either towards or from the point of crossing and repel one another if one flows to and the other from that point. When an element of a circuit exerts a force on another element of a circuit, that force always tends to urge the second one in a direction at right angles to its own direction. 1831: Faraday and Electromagnetic Induction English scientist Michael Faraday (1791–1867) at the Royal Society in London developed the idea of an electric field and studied the effect of currents on magnets. His research found that the magnetic field created around a conductor carried a direct current, thereby establishing the basis for the concept of the electromagnetic field in physics. Faraday also established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying relationship between the two phenomena. He similarly discovered the principles of electromagnetic induction and diamagnetism and the laws of electrolysis. 1873: Maxwell and the Basis of Electromagnetic Theory James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879), a Scottish physicist and mathematician, recognized that electromagnetisms processes could be established using mathematics. Maxwell published Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism in 1873 in which he summarizes and synthesizes the discoveries of Coloumb, Oersted, Ampere, Faraday into four mathematical equations. Maxwells equations are used today as the basis of electromagnetic theory. Maxwell predicts the connections of magnetism and electricity leading directly to the prediction of electromagnetic waves. 1885: Hertz and Electric Waves German physicist Heinrich Hertz proved Maxwells electromagnetic wave theory was correct, and in the process, generated and detected electromagnetic waves. Hertz published his work in a book, Electric Waves: Being Researches on the Propagation of Electric Action With Finite Velocity Through Space. The discovery of electromagnetic waves led to the development to the radio. The unit of frequency of the waves measured in cycles per second was named the hertz in his honor. 1895: Marconi and the Radio In 1895, Italian inventor and electrical engineer Guglielmo Marconi put the discovery of electromagnetic waves to practical use by sending messages over long distances using radio signals, also known as the wireless. He was known for his pioneering work on long-distance radio transmission and his development of Marconis law and a radio telegraph system. He is often credited as the inventor of the radio, and he shared the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics with Karl Ferdinand Braun in recognition of their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy. Sources Andrà © Marie Ampà ¨re. St. Andrews University. 1998. Web. June 10, 2018.Benjamin Franklin and the Kite Experiment. The Franklin Institute. Web. June 10, 2018.Coulombs Law. The Physics Classroom. Web. June 10, 2018. De Magnete. The William Gilbert Website. Web. June 10, 2018.July 1820: Oersted and electromagnetism. This Month in Physics History, APS News. 2008. Web. June 10, 2018.OGrady, Patricia. Thales of Miletus (c. 620 B.C.E.- c. 546 B.C.E.). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Web. June 10, 2018Silverman, Susan. Compass, China, 200 BCE. Smith College. Web. June 10, 2018.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Open Markets, Closed Borders Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Open Markets, Closed Borders - Assignment Example I am of the opinion that if full disclosure of information by the commission is done, the public would appreciate the facts and figures as they happened and help them deal with closure. It is important to note and mention that the questions that the victims and families have regarding the sad events of 9/11 would be put to rest. This is to say that the victims, families and the society as a whole would have closure on the issue, appreciating successes and failures accordingly. There exists as cooperative relationship between the DoD and homeland security where they engage in matters of complementarities (Wise, 2006). If there is a breach or any issue by the coastal line security and safety, then the homeland security would initiate the response at the signal of the DoD personnel. In practice, it is the role and duty of the DOD to safeguard the territorial integrity and waters of the USA, if a person is arrested trying to enter the country illegally, then the DOD personnel would handover such a person to Department of Homeland security for processing and charging such a person under relevant

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Child Poverty in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Child Poverty in Canada - Essay Example However in my opinion, effective and consistent implementation will surely depend on the other economic parameters like inflation, GDP etc. Hence economic policies to improve these parameters are also significant in addressing the problem of child poverty. Ottawa lacks plan to fight child poverty, coalition says ---- The Star Summary Monsebraaten (2011) in his article presents the stagnant nature of the children living below poverty in Canada. The article refers Campaign 2000 a coalition devoted to eradicating the same problem that over 1989 to 2009 the progress of the Canadian government to abolish poverty is far from satisfactory. This becomes evident from the fact that in 1989 the poverty rate was 11.9% and that in 2009 was 11.9%. Again this meager improvement was not always uniform and rather subject to business cycle fluctuations. In sharp contrast the nation has experienced staggering and almost uniform growth rate for the past 11 years that proceeded the year 2009. A growing i nequality in terms of income distribution in Canadian economy was first time noticed in the Campaign 2000’s first ever report published long back in 2001. Not only the gap between haves and have not has widened over the year; the middle income group was not spared at all and has to devote more and more hours to work to keep their standard of living at the same level. Despite the governments’ extensive effort to fight back poverty that reflected through two reports from the Senate and the House of Commons Committee in recent times; the pivotal point seems to be misjudged. The strong correlation between economic growth of the country and reducing poverty level that is apparently obvious through high level of employment creation seems to overlook an important social factor.... Monsebraaten (2011) in his article presents the stagnant nature of the children living below poverty in Canada. The article refers Campaign 2000 a coalition devoted to eradicating the same problem that over 1989 to 2009 the progress of the Canadian government to abolish poverty is far from satisfactory. This becomes evident from the fact that in 1989 the poverty rate was 11.9% and that in 2009 was 11.9%. Again this meager improvement was not always uniform and rather subject to business cycle fluctuations. In sharp contrast the nation has experienced staggering and almost uniform growth rate for the past 11 years that proceeded the year 2009. A growing inequality in terms of income distribution in Canadian economy was first time noticed in the Campaign 2000’s first ever report published long back in 2001. Not only the gap between haves and have not has widened over the year; the middle income group was not spared at all and has to devote more and more hours to work to keep the ir standard of living at the same level. Despite the governments’ extensive effort to fight back poverty that reflected through two reports from the Senate and the House of Commons Committee in recent times; the pivotal point seems to be misjudged. The strong correlation between economic growth of the country and reducing poverty level that is apparently obvious through high level of employment creation seems to overlook an important social factor. This factor gets revealed through the life of Becky McFarlene.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fraud- Satyam Computers Limited, India Research Paper - 1

Fraud- Satyam Computers Limited, India - Research Paper Example From being the fourth largest IT Company, with high profile, the outsourcing company has been embroiled for having the biggest scam in history. Formed in 1987 by Ramalinga Raju, the company grew and become a ‘rising star’ in Indian ‘outsourced’ computer service industry. With the rising importance of IT in the market, the company realized an estimated compound growth rate of 6.4% by 2007. The company attracted a lot of investors and it grew significantly. Raju, the managing director, attracted up to 300 customers worldwide and 13, 120 technical associates. A year later, the company had shown a compound growth rate of 35% and earnings per share rose from $0.12 to $0.622. On the other hand, Satyam’s stock tripled to 300%. The company further generated a significant growth as well as increased shareholder value. In 2009, Raju, through a letter to the company, disclosed that he had been manipulating the accounting numbers of the company for several years. He further claimed that he had overstated the assets on the company’s balance sheet by $1.47 billion and to make the matters worse, almost $1.04 billion cash and bank loans claimed by the company was not-existent3. The company had underreported all the liabilities on the balance sheet and overestimated the income for several years so as to meet the expectation of the analyst. For instance, the results showed 97% profits and 75% revenue increase. The director and the firm’s global head of the internal audit used various schemes to perpetuate the fraud. Raju used his personal computer to develop several bank statements and falsified the accounts so as to inflate the non-existent balance sheets. In fact, he inflated income statements by making interest claims using fake bank accounts. As the scam revealed further, it was evident that Raju had created over 6000 counterfeit salary accounts and directed the money there anytime the company make deposits.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

System Requirment Specifications For Online Courier Information Technology Essay

System Requirment Specifications For Online Courier Information Technology Essay J.W Couriers has recently launched offices in the Wrexham area. It is an self governing company operating in North Wales and North West England. The company has no connection with any other national operation so in order to compete it supplies a manageable operation. In addition to the normal collection and delivery of parcels, it concentrate on legal documents, urgent medical supplies, sensitive material, valuable cargo, hazardous loads, contract work, etc. Site Goals: Allowing the customer to create an account Allowing the customer to request a quote for a collection/delivery service. Allowing the user to track Parcel from collection to the final destination. Allowing the admin to register a new user. Allowing the admin to add a new parcel location. Allowing the Quotes for different Parcel Types. Accept/Reject Customer Request. View the different types of Quotes. Adding the Branches for different Warehouses. Allowing the user change his/her personal details. Audience: Every project has its own trend to its audience. Due to massive usage of web (internet) is easy to carry out many kinds of business in online. . Audience for this type of business are the people who require the courier service to collect/deliver the goods from one place to another. By asking the jobs and quoting the price in online. The audience must know how to use the internet and how to quote the price. B. Competition Analysis: List of organizations: BLUEDART ( ROYAL MAIL ( TNT ( Critical Evaluation: BLUEDART: BLUEDART authorize courier services internationally. It supplies different types of courier services for customers like normal delivery, express delivery and so. This website has good shipping structure. It provides search to find related content in the website. But the website lacks the consistent look. It does not have correct styles. It allows the customer to get the rate and time quote. It also provides techniques to track the location of order and contains many other features. ROYALMAIL: ROYALMAIL is one of the biggest courier services which provide its services internationally. It provides services like Logistics, mail, Parcel and other services to the customer. The website of this organization provides many features to the customers. It is well organized with good shipping system. It provides different mechanisms for the customer to track, trade, account management, Estimate duties and taxes. It also supplies content in different types of text sizes. TNT: TNT is courier service provides its service internationally. It includes two kinds of services TNT post and TNT express. It provides very limited features in the website like tracking and tracing the order, account management and request quote. The website is well organized and had good consistent look comparing to the above two. It also provides sitemap for easy site navigation. Like ROYALMAIL it provides content in different text sizes and allows the customers to print the text. Content decision: Existing system: The existing has following drawbacks. It is less user-friendly. It is having lots of manual work (Manual system does not mean that you are working with pen and paper, it also include working on spread sheets and other simple softwares). The present system is very less secure. It cannot provide online registration. It does not have tracking mechanism Proposed system By considering the problems in the existing developed the new system providing with different interface. By this new system user having flexibility like online registration The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in view of the database integration approach. User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls. The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. It can be accessed over the Internet. There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under process. It provides high level of security using different protocols like https etc. Tracking Mechanism is available in this application. Task 3: Critical Evaluation: JW courier website was primarily designed to provide courier services for the customers by allowing them to quote in online. This website was designed to solve the problems in existing website, which does not provide the following No. of Modules Administrator Customer Authentication Registration Search Public User Modules Description Administrator: Administrator has the complete control of the project. The admin module will be used by the administrator of this portal; she/he can manage the Warehouse details and Branch Details. He can accept or reject the Customer requests. Admin can accept or reject the Parcel Requests. She/he can add the quotes for particular parcel. He can add the all Country details and states. Customer: Customer must fill the registration details before login. Customer can also manage his/her profile. He/she can View the all Quotes. He/she can also request to Particular parcel and search the particular parcel Track Id. Authentication: Authentications process of granting or denying access to a Web based Application. It is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be. Authentication is commonly done through the use of credentials i.e. user name and passwords Search: This module is used to search the required information. Search for Parcel Track Id. Registration: The system has a process of registration. Every user need to submit their complete details including user name and password in the form of registration. Whenever a user registration completed then only a user can get log in into the system by using his user id and password. Public User: Public User can view the only what available in this site. Whenever public user open the site he can get some functionalities like About Us, Contact us and what opportunities are available. Public User can also Login to the site but he should fill the Register form according to the Requirements after that he can logon to the site. No. of users Administrator Customer Public Users INPUT OUTPUT The following some are the projects inputs and outputs. Inputs: Admin enters the credentials. Admin preserves the Countries and States. Member Details store in Central database. Manager preserves the Warehouses and Branches for particular Warehouse. Customer can add the all the Quotes. Customer should register into the site. Output: Admin can view User Registration details. Admin can view the details of the Parcel requests from the Customers. Customer can view his/her personal Details. Admin can view the Customer details (Accept/Reject). Customer can view the status of the Parcel using Track Id. The case study JW courier service is to design a website for the organization to provide courier services for the customers online. The main purpose of the project is to design a complete website to solve the problems in the existing website of the JW courier services. Each problem in existing project are solved in following ways: The existing website does not provide help for the customer. So the proposed solution was developed to provide help using chatting. Does not allow the customer to register so the proposed solution was developed to provide registration for the customer. It does not have tracking mechanism to track the order locations Admin module to add new location to the order to track order location It does not provide the customer to quote the orders online. So the proposed solution should solve the problem by allowing the customer to quote online and view previous quotes. Does not provide admin module to price the quotes ordered by the customers. So the proposed solution should provide admin to price the quotes. Development architecture Our project architecture generally contains the following components 1. UI or Presentation Layer, 2. Business Access Layer (BAL) or Business Logic Layer 3. Data Access Layer (DAL). The pictorial representation of the architecture as shown below: Presentation Layer (UI): Presentation layer contains pages like .aspx form where data is presented to the user or input is taken from the user. Business Access Layer (BAL) or Business Logic Layer: BAL contains business logic, validations or calculations related with the data, if needed. We will call it Business Access Layer in our project. Data Access Layer (DAL): DAL contains methods that helps business layer to connect the data and perform required action, might be returning data or manipulating data in the database. Feasibility study Technical feasibility The proposed/developed system is a web application and does not require any additional software requirements except hosting. A web hosting company hosts the web application in their web servers. Any client (end-user) with an internet connection and a web browsing software (at client side) can immediately start accessing/using the system. So, the system does not need any installation/setup procedure. Hence, the system is functionally feasible. Economic feasibility Author (project stakeholder) does not need to purchase any software and hardware to host the developed system. Web hosting companies purchase and maintain all necessary hardware and software for hosting the websites. Author has to pay only hosting charges to the hosting company. When it comes to the end-user, he/she does not need to purchase any software to use the website. Now-a-days every computerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s operating system is providing built in web browser and so many web browsing software products are available in the market for free. Only the cost that the author should bare is cost of development. Before starting the development, the development team estimates cost of development depends on the features asked by the client. If any new features to be added as per the new requirements of the client, cost of new additions are submitted to the client and after getting the confirmation from the client the new features will be added by the development team. Development team will take care of in-time delivery of the project to avoid excess cost of development due to delay. Hence, the proposed system is economically feasible. Operational feasibility This is about acceptance of the new system by the existing end-users and employees of the system and author. The website is aiming at employees and now-a-days all of them are aware of web browsing. If any person does not have any idea of web browsing, he/she will be trained to use the system within one hour time. So, the system can easily be accepted by any kind of end-user. Hence the proposed system is technically feasible.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

English Prose Study Essay :: English Literature

English Prose Study Essay Miss Havisham is first introduced to the reader when Mr Pumblechook (Pips Uncle) announces that Miss Havisham Requests Pips presence to play at her house. Miss Havisham fits into the main plot because she trains Estella to â€Å" break their hearts.† When Pip sees Estella for the fist time, he instantly falls in love with her. Miss Havisham sees this and she encourages Pip to do so. Miss Havisham was also, in Pips eyes, the cause of his ‘Great expectations’ Miss Havisham may also have been placed in the novel by Dickens, To explore how the effects of bad experiences on people. In this case it would be Miss Havisham being jilted on her wedding day In the first description of Satis house you get the image of a dilapidated house that has been abandoned even though there is someone there still living there. When pip goes to miss Havishams house she asks him to touch her heart. This according to her is ‘Broken.’ When Miss Havisham says ‘I sometimes have sick fancies’ this shows that Miss Havisham is mentally disturbed in the head. Satis house is an old decaying house, which was turned this way by Miss Havishams neglect. When Pip returns to miss Havishams she takes him into her wedding breakfast room. There is a rotting cake in the middle of the table. This sums up Miss Havishams life perfectly. Forgotten and Mouldy. Another thing that is made out to be strange is that al the clocks have been stopped at twenty to nine. This makes it sound like her life has been frozen in time, as she also wore one shoe, half her veil was arranged and she still wore a decaying wedding dress. This makes the readers believe that she has frozen time at that exact point. Miss Havisham plays an important part in the Novel as she leads pip into believing that she was his benefactor because he believed that she was rearing him for Estella when in fact it was the convict (Magwitch). Miss Havishams character at the beginning of the novel is made out to be cruel and heartless, however later on in the novel she turns over a new leaf and begs for Pip’s forgiveness just before she is burnt to death. Charles Dickens explores the theme of sin and forgiveness in the novel. Throughout the novel some of the people who have sinned tried to redeem themselves the other people who have sinned haven’t. In addition, Dickens explores the theme of what is a gentle man. Compyson Who jilted Miss Havisham and manipulated Magwitch into doing his dirty

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Samsung vs. Apple: New Foundation and Platform

This paper is based on the article titled ‘Samsung vs Apple, The Battle for Design Dominance’ written by Haydn Shaughnessy and retrieved from www. forbes. com. The article is about Samsung vs Apple executing a new foundation and platform for business strategy. This is a key change in the business strategy of the software organization. This material is very important and relevant to the course content of business strategy because of the following reasons: ? It talks about business strategy of one of the leading cell phone organization in the country and how it is changing its business strategy to adapt to the changing environment. It helps us understand the importance of change in business strategy with changing times. ?It talks about computation and new business strategy which includes Social strategy, platform strategy and radical adjacencies. This helps us understand the change a new business strategy brings in any organization. There are also many practical managerial implications of this material: It talks about the social media strategy of Samsung battle with Apple and how their new design studio has the ability to bring software and hardware together in a new way.It gives us an idea about how important it is to get the demographics write on the social media and adapt or strategy accordingly. Secondly the article also helps us understand the importance of Samsung and platform in a banking organization further emphasizing on good quality software. Thirdly, it stresses on the importance of radical changes in operations to adapt to the changing markets, which can be the only survival strategy. ARTICLE RETRIVED FROM http://www. forbes. com/sites/haydnshaughnessy/2013/03/17/samsung-vs-apple-when-design-thinking-came-to-town/2/ /

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom New Technology essay

buy custom New Technology essay Human life has been influenced to varying lengths by the utilization of new technology. The application of comprehension to the sensible intends of human existence in order to improve the pre-existing conditions is known as new technology. The utilization of power sources, tools and procedures entail technology. The fields that are mostly related to technology include; - engineering and science. In the case of science, individuals get enlightened about their surroundings on issues such as: - matter, energy, space properties and the resultant effect of interacting with them. On the other hand, engineering caters for administration of designs, arrangements and methods of attaining the set out objectives. Since ancient times, when man used tools, technology has been employed in upgrading human life. The modern society has enlisted technology in: - medical field, government and industrial sector so as to enhance the living standards of humans. Initially, technology concentrated on machines creation, tools and structures. However, as life proceeds, technology has been used to impact on other human aspects, thereby effecting a huge turn-over. For the sake of life enhancement, technology has been employed in the microscopic field. This has enabled knowledge transfer and development of fresh materials by learning about the interactions between atoms (Faulkner Andreas, pg 301). Exemplified by microelectronics and silicon chips, the venture into technological advancements is far from over. Benefits associated with technology include: - a heightened amount of profits, minimal cost in production since automated equipments replace personnel needed for labor, improved communication by use of mobiles, computers and e-mails, which ensures instant information delivery and fair competition as it allows the minimization of costs while upholding the quality of products. Nonetheless, technology has its setbacks which are: -the cost of maintenance may be high since it should be checked oftenly to ensure efficiency, difficulties in the integration and management of the technology, pollution of environment by created machines and unnecessary expenses on some technologies, which end up hurting the human race, such as production of weapons. With regard to technology, the advancements in this field have boosted the lifestyles of humans. Nevertheless, technology has also affected the human environment and life pessimistically. The pros and cons of technology have to be carefully considered in order to make an informed decision on whether to use or not use technology. On the brighter side of life, technology has made an incredible impact on human life and thus it should be advanced to realize the maximum potential success of the human race. Buy custom New Technology essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Ludwig Von Mises essays

Ludwig Von Mises essays Ludwig Von Mises was born in 1881 in Austro- Hungarian city of Lemberg. Ludwigs father was a successful engineer, which is where Ludwig found his inspiration to work hard. When he turned nineteen Mr. Mises enrolled in the University of Vienna. Here with the great learning atmosphere of the University he studied economic greats Carl Menger, who is the founder of the Austrian school and also attended the seminar of the great professor at the school Eugen Von Bohm-Bawerk. Ludwig Von Mises received his doctorate at age 27. In 1912 after receiving his PhD Mises started his first piece of work, The Theory of Money and Credit. Mises, unlike other Austrian economist that came before him, which followed the classical school in separating money from the rest of the economy, and analyzed it in separate theoretical terms. Mises argued that just as the price of any commodity is determined by supply and demand, so is the purchasing power of money, its price. Mises showed in his work that prices increase faster or slower than the money supply, the amount and speed of price increases depending on peoples desire to hold cash. He also argued that because prices increase only relative to one another, monetary inflation brings about redistribution of wealth, from savers and earners to banks and government and its connected interested groups. Even more damaging are the business cycles of booms and busts that monetary inflation causes. In broad outline, when government inflates, it lowers the interest rate below the p roper market level, which depends on saving. The artificially low interest rate misleads businesses onto making uneconomic investments and creates an inflationary boom. When the credit expansion slows or stops, investments errors are revealed and bankruptcies and unemployment result. Central Banks like Federal Reserve will inevitable create the business cycle. What is to be done to stop the cycle? Mis ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Sustainability - Essay Example Sustainability is the agenda of leading companies and it has gained recognition as a driver for strategic product as well as business innovation (Deloitte n.d, p.1). A business that considers the change as an opportunity and come up with innovative products as well as business models to thrive in a sustainable way have high likelihood of reaping advantage, be relevant to consumers, capture market share and operate efficiently in a quick transforming world. Firms face increased expectations from investors and consumers regarding their way of operations; therefore, companies are keen to be considered as accountable corporate citizens. It is expected in the future that consumers will place strong emphasis on convenience, price and quality in making decisions regarding their shopping. In the increasingly transparent world with high number of consumers digitally empowered since information on brands and products is regularly found on and discussed in blogs, forums and in social media site s. Companies that never respond to the development increase their likelihood of being in the spotlight for the wrong reasons since brands and businesses have little control over the internet (Berns et al 2009, pp.20-26). Business proactivity, involvement and the changing consumer attitudes to sustainability increase demand for products and services responsibly produced. Therefore, the organization has to respond to the changing patterns this can be achieved through integrating sustainability within the company’s supply chain and development products that enable consumers to buy ethically. Companies neglecting to embrace the changes face the risk of their products being less relevant to the sentiment of consumers and expensive. Social media platforms like twitter and facebook ensure corporate transparency; therefore, companies have increased pressure to meet the sophisticated corporate transparency and accountability standards. In the current’s information society, corp orate offences can no longer be ignored and bad behaviour has permanent reputational as well as financial repercussions for corporations. Young people are increasingly aware of the impact they have through their buying choices thus, they buy from companies that stand for more than profit (Deloitte n.d, pp.3). Sustainability has been one of the business’s urgent mandates thus stakeholder management perspective is essential since it requires managers to establish various groups or individuals with stakes in the firm as well as incorporating stakeholders concerns into the firm’s day-to-day operations and strategic plans. Sustainability mandate has attracted the attention of leaders in business since it is the goal of business ethics. With the challenge of globalization, considerable interest is directed toward development of ways for addressing the different impacts of companies in society (Crane, Dirk and Andrew 2007, p.254-263). Most of the impacts are far-reaching such as the environmental pollution resulting from transportation, production and use of products like refrigerators and cars. Whenever in society a corporation has to engage in the debate concerning its social role in order to ensure that it becomes a major contributor of sustainability instead of being a social and environmental predator that undermines the world. Therefore, the company has a huge opportunity of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Your pick of this week's news Week8 (responses) Assignment

Your pick of this week's news Week8 (responses) - Assignment Example People need to appreciate the significance of sleep to human body. Buckley and Bradsher argue that the Chinese government denied any involvement of the Chinese people in the mystery of the missing Malaysian airliner. From the arguments, I think it is clear that the Chinese government is attempting to narrow or even rule out the chances of possible suspects that were responsible for the disappearance of the airline, which involves a particular look at a Chinese citizen from the Uighur tribe. In her article, Perlez explains the significance Michele Obama’s tour to China. Michelle Obama toured China accompanied by her daughters and mother. Her hostess was the Chinese first ladypeng Liyuan. I think the reason for the tour was to depict how the United States is sometimes perceived in China, which seems to have a fragile association with America. U.S first lady visited Chinese schools where Americans student learned. From the article, it is easy to locate how the work of first lady in China has evolved over the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The concept of Emily Grierson as a trapped individual Essay

The concept of Emily Grierson as a trapped individual - Essay Example Emily Grierson was strongly attached to her father and it was her father who brought her up. Her mother had passed away and she did not have any other close relatives. This aspect of her life led her to live a life of solitude and her life was based upon her relationship with her father. Her father was a proud man who considered him to be superior to all the other people who resided in the town. He kept a distance for the other people and did not intermingle in the social gatherings with people. He instilled similar feelings in his daughter and she was also not very social and restricted to her life within the house. Her father considered all the men who offered to marry Emily not to be up to the mark and rejected all these proposals. This behaviour of the Griersons is portrayed by Faulkner in these words, â€Å"People in our town, remembering how old lady Wyatt, her great-aunt, had gone completely crazy at last, believed that the Griersons held themselves a little too high for what they really were. None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such.† Thus her upbringing by her father pushed her into solitude and led her to lead a trapped life. Emily’s father was the most important figure in her life and the death of her father shattered her. She became hysteric and was not ready to accept the death of her father. She did not take the condolences of the people and sent them away. It was only by force that her father’s body was buried. This great loss pushed her more into entrapment and she was left alone in her life. The next major character that entered her life was an outsider, Homer Barron who came to visit the town. Emily became greatly attached to him owing to her solitude and loneliness but Barron opted not to marry Emily. She took a drastic step of poisoning Homer Barron and kept his body in her house. The reaction of the people of the town and their criticism for her can also be held accountable for her trapped li fe. The people in the town talked about her behind her back and only visited her out of curiosity to see what was going inside her house. This social alienation served to further prevent Emily from leading a normal life. Emily became totally isolated and did not believe in societal laws and regulations. She developed these believes owing to her entrapped life. She did not consider herself to be a member of the society. She did not allow for the installation of a mail box at her house as she did not want to be linked to the outside world. She also denied paying the taxes in the town and responded to the officials from the city by saying, "I received a paper, yes," Miss Emily said. "Perhaps he considers himself the sheriff . . . I have no taxes in Jefferson." It has been portrayed that the life of Emily Grierson starts â€Å"decaying† in her home in solitude. She began to decay physically, mentally as well as socially. She started losing her looks and was totally cut off from t he social environment of the town. She did not mingle with anyone and thus her life depicted a theme of decaying. She also lost her sanity as she went as far as to kill Homer Barron so that she could keep his body with her. The death of her father is the initiation of her psychiatric issues. This can be seen when she denies that her

Monday, October 28, 2019

Community College Students Essay Example for Free

Community College Students Essay Often times, community college students are depicted by the public and the media as â€Å"not smart enough† or â€Å"not capable. † For example, just recently I was at Barnes and Noble and as I was looking for a book the sales associate approached me. She asked me if I needed help then asked me what school I attended, when I told her that I go to Fullerton College her attitude changed. She asked me if I didn’t go to a four year university because of my grades, when I told her that, that wasn’t the reason she went on ranting that I need to do good in school and I shouldn’t be at a community college. It seems that the public look down on the students at community college. When watching the show, â€Å"Blue Mountain State,† you have a group of friends that happen to be on the universities football team. On the show is portrays the typical university life and the football players engage in heavy drinking, drugs and lots of sex. If a four university is offering that then what is so good about going to one? Often times you hear about crazier parties thrown by universities rather than community colleges. Universities are supposed to be prestigious but these huge parties are throwing them off. Many times the public says that community college is no good because of its parties with drugs, they say that’s why no students should aim for community colleges but statistics say that universities throw the biggest parties. Who are the bad guys now? Recent talk on the website collegeconfidential. om, students talk about how their parents do not want their kids to go to a community college. This is a website for real people with answers from people who have had the experiences. A student just recently posted that his parents did not want him to go to a community college because they are no good. Many people were quick to respond to his post, most of the people who replied were adults who have had the experience, even some professors, and they told him that community college is not bad at all. The responders replied by saying that ommunity college has great professors and are cheaper than a four year university. Of course at a four year university you will get a bit better education, but for those who cannot afford the fees it is great for them. For example, a user , â€Å"NTKTOP,† posted this comment. â€Å"My parents say that they suck and that theyre going to kick me out of the house if I go to one. † This student sees nothing wrong with community college but his parents do, then this is what one San Diego State University graduate had to say, â€Å"I dont think theyre bad. Of course, it depends on the school you choose and professor you get, but thats the same of any traditional school. CC can be a good jumping board for some people. No matter where you go, you will find easy professors but in my experience CC is a not a bad choice. † This is my second semester in a community college; so far everything has been going good. The professors I have had are not very difficult but do not give easy grades. Last semester I had a Spanish class that was for advanced speakers but there were some things that did not click in my mind. My professor would stay with me after class to try and help me to better understand the material. This semester my math class has tutors that they offer for free. I take advantage of these resources because they are free and the professors are willing to help me out without any problem. The stories I hear from my friends in community college are that they have teachers that care for the student’s education; they do not give easy grades just because we are in community college. Many professors want to further our knowledge and prepare us for our transfer to a university. No matter where you go, you will get a great education. The United States is known worldwide for its prestigious schools. A big part has to come from the students, if the student is willing to put in the time, dedication and effort their possibilities are endless. So far, community college has been a great experience for me. I have great professors who are always able to help out. The media tries to pick on community colleges but in reality, it is a great choice in this economy. Many students that leave a four year university have a huge debt to pay because of loans. Many students choose community college because it is a fraction of the cost of a university. I do not think it is fair when parents judge community colleges as bad; you can get a good education for a very affordable price. You can go to a community college such as Fullerton College, which has great professors, to get your general education classes out of the way for a low price then transfer to a four year university to mainly focus on your degree classes.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dangerous Abortion Laws Essay -- essays papers

Dangerous Abortion Laws Does the sovereignty of a minor’s body also belong to their legal guardians and mainstream societies views of morality? The only answer to this question is absolutely not. Currently 28 states in the U.S. require parental consent or notification in order for a minor to receive abortion services.(Net 3) This is not a federally mandated law, but if the right-wing religious groups get their way it will become just that.(Net 3) Requiring parental involvement in a minor’s decision to abort is unacceptable due to; personal choice, birth control, and health risk, issues. Although a judicial bypass can over-rule a parental involvement law, a minor must prove either extenuating circumstances or her maturity in this decision.(Net 4) It must be understood that this bypass is not nor will it ever be, an antidote for the terrible consequences a parental involvement law can hold towards a minor. When a minor applies for a judicial bypass a multitude of sources may influence the judge’s ruling. That is if the judge chooses to hear her case. Amongst these influences lurk variants of all kinds. Variants that may encumber the minor’s chances of having her petition approved may include: There are no set guidelines for a judge to follow, therefore personal discretion, bias, religion, and or opinions, may sway the judge to a truly unfair decision.(Net 4) When ruling on a minor’s level of maturity no set criteria designates a judges determinate factors. Having to go through the legal system can prolong a young women’s pregnancy, which in turn increases cost, health risks, and emotional strain. The judicial system is an intimidating infrastructure for most adults.(Net 4) Therefore it imposes a frightening experience for a minor who has already taken so much upon herself in order to obtain an abortion. A severe drawback to judicial bypass is there is absolutely no guarantee of privacy.(Net 4) An excellent example of this occurs quite frequently in small close-knit towns where parental involvement laws are strictly enforced, and shot-gun weddings are used as an alternative to abortion. Judges who handle these situations are often local elected officials,so their decisions may be altered for campaign purposes.(Net 4) In local municipal courts a minor chances of being recognized by someone is all too likely. So a minor’s chances of having her ... ...ential abortion are logically the same as birth control dipensation. 3. Dangerous health risks make laws that may force teens to endure more than they choose or are able to, therefore such laws are never appropriate. Cons: 1. Judicial bypass can make parental involvement laws more feasible. 2. Possible side effects. Bibliography: Work Citation Page 1. Barans, T. â€Å"Women’s Reproductive Self-Determination.† Pro-choice Right to Abortion. ( *(Net 1) 2. Harris R, Yvette. â€Å"Adolescent Abortion.† Society. July-Aug.1997 v34. p20-22. *(Mag 1) 3. â€Å"Health Risks.† March of the Dimes Foundation. ( /teenfact.html) *(Net 2) 4. â€Å"Judicial Bypass.† ( *(Net 4) 5. â€Å"Parental Consent for FamilyPlanning.† APHA Fact Sheet. ( *(Net 3) 6. â€Å"Republican leaders vow to take quick action on Child Custody Protection Act.† National Right to Life News. June 9,1998. v25. p1. *(Mag 2)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Financial Literacy Essay

India is among the world’s most efficient financial markets in terms of technology, regulation and systems. It also has one of the highest savings rate in the world – our gross household savings rate, which averaged 19% of gross domestic product (GDP) between 1996-97 and 1999-2000, increased to about 23% in 2003-04 and has been growing ever since. While savings are more in India, where the savings are invested is a cause for concern. Investments by households have been more into either bank fixed deposits, risk-free government-backed securities and low-yielding instruments, or in non-financial assets. A majority of our households do not use modern financial markets. As per an RBI report, only 1. 4% of household savings was invested in equity, mutual funds and debentures in 2003-04. Though this went up to about 4% in 2005-06, it is still very small. Unless the common person becomes a wiser investor and is protected from wrong doings, wealth creation for the investor and the economy will remain a distant dream. We need to convert a country of savers into a nation of investors. Which one should you use? Such questions and choices appear tough to even urban population not to talk of those in rural areas, where most of India’s population is. When it comes to financial solutions, investors tend to use thumb rules or seek advice from friends and relatives, which are often poor approximations compared to those that follow from a systematic process. If they get bad advice, their outcomes will be poor, and they will start to lose faith in the financial sector. A big improvement of financial knowledge of households is necessary so that they participate continuously in financial markets. Financial literacy plays a significant role in the efficient allocation of household savings and the ability of individuals to meet their financial goals. It also means the ability to seek sound financial advice. Financial literacy has assumed greater importance in recent years as financial markets have become increasingly complex and the common man finds it very difficult to make informed decisions. Financial literacy is considered an important adjunct for promoting financial inclusion and ultimately financial stability. Both developed and developing countries, therefore, are focusing on programmes for financial literacy/education. In India, the need for financial literacy is even greater considering the low levels of literacy and the large section of the population, which still remains out of the formal financial set-up. To understand financial planning, a person should be financially literate to understand the importance of preparing household budgets, cash-flow management and asset allocation to meet financial goals. Everyone saves money for future needs but the approach is to save surplus money without preparing household budgets, without prioritizing personal financial goals, without properly allocating investments in different asset classes and without understanding the real rate of return (after adjusting for inflation). Financial literacy has become an immensely popular component of financial reform across the world. As a response to the recent financial crisis, the United States government set up the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy in January 2008, charged with promoting programs that improve financial education at all levels of the economy and helping increase access to financial services. In the developing world, the Indonesian government declared 2008 â€Å"the year of financial education,† with a stated goal of improving access to and use of financial services by increasing financial literacy. Similarly, in India, the Reserve Bank of India launched an initiative in 2007 to establish Financial Literacy and Credit Counseling Centers throughout the country which would offer free financial education and counseling to urban and rural populations. The World Bank also hasn’t been missing out on the trend – it recently approved a $15 million Trust Fund on Financial Literacy. But what do we know about financial literacy? Does it work, and if so, through what mechanisms? Despite the money being ploughed into financial literacy programs, we know very little to address these important questions. While it is true that there is a large and growing body of survey evidence from both developed and developing countries that demonstrate a strong association between financial literacy and household well-being, we are still in the process of learning whether this relationship is causal. While survey analysis can control for all observable variables in the survey questionnaires such as income, gender, age, education, etc. , there may be some unobserved variables, such as ability, that may be driving the positive correlation between financial literacy and use of financial services. In addition, people who choose to participate in surveys or literacy seminars may be quite different in terms of their interests in financial matters, for instance, than those who do not participate. The positive correlations may therefore be driven by endogenous selection. Further, survey evidence cannot distinguish the direction of causality: greater financial literacy may lead to greater use of financial services, or just as likely, individuals who use more financial services may score better on financial literacy assessments based on their experience in financial markets. Experimental studies on financial literacy, similar to medical drug trials, allow for overcoming the problems of selection and endogeneity that are associated with survey analysis. There are only a handful of completed studies on financial literacy, though more are in the pipeline. In the developed world, research evidence that financial education can affect decision-making comes from a randomized evaluation conducted at a major university in the United States. Duflo and Saez (2003) implemented an â€Å"encouragement design,† in which they randomly offered some administrative employees a small financial incentive ($20) to attend a session which provided information on retirement products. Those receiving the incentive were significantly more likely to attend the training session, and this had a small, but significant impact on their savings decisions, as more individuals in the treatment group enrolled in tax-deferred retirement accounts. In a paper I coauthored with Shawn Cole and Thomas Sampson, we provide the first study in this direction in the developing world, through a randomized evaluation of a financial literacy training program in Indonesia. Participants in this study consisted of unbanked households, half of whom received an invitation for a free financial literacy seminar 2-3 hours in length. Although take up of the training is high, we find no effect of the program on the likelihood of opening a bank account in the general population. We do, however, find that the training has a significant impact on unschooled and financially illiterate households, increasing the likelihood of opening a bank account by 12% and 5%, respectively. These results suggest that financial literacy training programs should be carefully targeted at these subgroups of individuals. Additionally, a more comprehensive financial literacy program that is delivered over several weekly sessions, rather than a single session of a few hours, may be required to change financial behavior among households in the general population. The need for a more detailed and extensive financial education program is also reflected in research by Cole, Gine et. al (2009) on rainfall insurance for low-income farmers in Andhra Pradesh, India. Specifically, they randomize the provision of an education module about converting the measurement of rainfall in millimeters to soil moisture. Since farmers typically decide when to sow using soil moisture whereas insurance payouts are calculated using millimeters, the education module should improve farmers’ understanding of the insurance policy. However, results indicate that the education module had no significant effect on insurance participation, possibly because the intervention was quite minimal. The education component only involved using a ruler to demonstrate a length of 10mm and 100mm, and subsequently showing a chart of how 100mm of rain translates into average soil moisture for a particular soil type. Moreover, the information was presented quite briefly, taking no more than 2 to 3 minutes. Thus, a modest amount of financial education appears to be insufficient in inducing households to participate in financial markets, and a more thorough financial literacy program may be necessary to do so. There are even fewer ongoing studies attempting to look at other aspects of financial literacy behavior. Exceptions include Cole, Shapiro and Zia, who are conducting a randomized evaluation of a video-based financial literacy training program in India, which includes modules on loans, savings, budgeting and insurance. Elsewhere, Hastings and Mitchell are conducting an experiment among Chilean households, to determine whether or not financial literacy has an effect on an individual’s ability to make optimal financial decisions; and Karlan, McMillan and Kutsoati are carrying out a randomized control trial in Ghana where rural bank customers receive six 15-minute financial literacy lessons. The jury is still out on whether financial literacy is a useful and cost-effective tool for promoting financial access. The studies mentioned here and many more that are in development should enhance our understanding of what works, how it works, and for whom it works. Indians have better financial literacy levels than most others globally and rank second out of 10 leading nations in having a basic financial literacy level, a survey said. â€Å"Indians turn out to be the second out of 10 leading nations in the world to have a basic financial literacy level (55 per cent), just behind the Japanese, an ING Consumer Resourcefulness Survey, said. A majority of Indian consumers have not only shown better skills in managing their household financial budget but are also confident of facing any financial impediments in future as compared to citizens of nine other countries, the survey said. The survey was carried out amongst 5,000 consumers across ten major nations, including India, the USA, Mexico, The Netherlands, Romania, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Korea and Japan. The survey shows that a whopping 84 per cent of Indians prefer buying life insurance products as compared to 54 per cent globally. A similar percentage of Indians believe in maintaining a household budget with a focus on savings. School for Investor Education & Financial Literacy (SIEFL) Financial Literacy Programmes through schools: NISM intends to introduce financial education in schools through the Pocket Money program. Currently the program covers more than 4300 children from 32 schools across North, South and East India. The program is in the process of being introduced in the schools in the Western region. The Spread of Financial Literacy It is better to start early with the process of financial education as discipline in money matters is an important characteristic of an individual. Children should be taught the benefits of saving and introducing the age old concepts of having a piggy bank can be a welcome start. Schools need to inculcate these habits in students and gradually introduce them to the basics of personal finance. A beginning has already been made by introducing subjects on basic finance in the school curriculum at certain centers. Reserve Bank of India is promoting this early education of children by adopting a friendly and entertaining way through the medium of comics. They are also encouraging the young to participate in contests, the winners of which are awarded scholarships. It is the vulnerable sections of society like women, senior citizens, the rural and urban poor who need to be adequately educated and equipped. The Financial Literacy programme of RBI is tackling all these issues through different means. Their website is a store house of knowledge provided there is an urge to learn. The individual has to be proactive and be eager to grasp the necessary knowledge to safeguard himself and thereby his money. RBI is making extra efforts to be as transparent as possible in the larger interest of the common citizen by reaching out to them through their out reach programmes. These pro-grammes which were held during the 75th year of RBI in 2010 in far corners of the country were primarily to educate the masses about the activi-ties of RBI and how to utilize the available banking services for their betterment. Most banks also have their financial literacy departments and credit counseling centers where personal problems are addressed. How much of these centers are successes is deba-table because a very small percentage of people know about these facilities and even if they know there is an inherent hesitation to seek their help. The websites of banks and financial institutions also have all the details about their products and services. In case of doubts it is advisable to refer to these portals to avoid making any wrong or improper decision. The concern is that incomplete or half baked knowledge is not used to take decisions which are repented later. BCSBI or Banking Codes and Standards Board of India have been set up by RBI as an apex body to improve the working of banks and introduce systemic changes wherever necessary for better treatment of customers. While their primary focus remains on customer service they are also participating in disseminating information on different aspects of banking. For an effective literacy campaign it is important that information asymmetry between service provider and customer is reduced. In this connection banks have unilaterally undertaken to comply with a Code of Commitment to Customers detailing the nature of services provided by banks, the normal time taken for rendering these services and the various obligations of banks who have signed these codes. Only when there is awareness can the customers use the code to their benefit. It is for the individual to take advantage of the provisions provided there is willingness to learn. BCSBI also publishes a quarterly newsletter which is both informative and educative. The importance of promoting financial literacy and the enormity of the task is being gradually understood. This has made many organizations enter this field to make their presence felt. Innovative ways have been adopted to keep the literacy efforts simple and user friendly for maximum benefit. Websites, print media and audio visual communications relating to financial education are easily accessible for the average individual to improve his under-standing of the financial market, its products and services. National dailies, banks, financial institutions,  private organizations are individually contributing through easy to understand pamphlets, comic strips, newsletters etc. to reach the consumer covering fundamental issues. Seminars, conferences, interactive sessions are often arranged to address issues of common concern and dissemination of information. Spreading of information and awareness is critical for an emerging economy like India. If the vast population of deprived people is brought into the mainstream it would be of immense benefit both as a social necessity as well as an economic push. The call for financial inclusion in the country has therefore become an immediate priority and is engaging the attention of policy makers for effective execution. It would reap dividends only when the targeted people are financial literate. Only then would they be able to make the most appropriate choice of the products and services which would improve their position. The vast majority of our people are extremely vulnerable as they depend upon informal sources of finance for meet-in their needs. Only by empowering them with the adequate knowledge can we hope to improve their lot and that of the economy as a whole. The penetration of banking and insurance services is extremely poor in India and if the coverage is extended by simultaneous spreading of financial literacy it would be a huge progress for overall growth. The formal channels of money transmission has to be introduced for all round benefit as for far too long the poor, gullible people have suffered at the hands of the money lender and his brethren. The international body Organization for Economic Development OECD is putting its weight behind RBI in promoting financial literacy in India. There is no running away from this hard fact for which the financial service providers are also being trained to encourage the dissemi-nation of information in as comprehensive a way as possible. However it is the individual as the consumer who needs to grasp and absorb the knowledge for his betterment and safety. Money creation through the legitimate way is hard and painstaking but can be lost in no time if there is improper financial planning. Financial awareness is a critical component in the process of protecting and enlarging the corpus of funds that an individual may have. | | | | | | | The survey shows 84 per cent Indians prefer buying life insurance products compared to 54 per cent globally and a similar percentage of Indians believe in maintaining a household budget with focus on savings. Indians are averse to borrowing money. They borrow money only in case they have to buy a house (50 per cent) or a car (43 per cent). Compared to 33 per cent globally, 87 per cent of Indian households have an emergency fund. The survey was conducted by New York Stock Exchange-listed, ING Groep, and research consultancy firm, Epiphany, amongst 5000 consumers across ten nations, including India, United States, Mexico, Netherlands, Romania, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Korea and Japan. It was to gain a better understanding of how consumers’ financial literacy level influences their attitudes and behaviours and identify the potential similarities and differences across countries, age and gender.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

What are computer viruses and how do they work?

A computer virus is nothing but a programme that is built to â€Å"infect† other programs by making certain changes in that programme that render it unable to perform its designated function.During this procedure of ‘infection’, the virus also self perpetuates, in that it makes many copies of itself, so that it can then further infect other programmes, much like the viral infections that affect human beings.Surprisingly, there is so much similarity between the tow, in that during the replication process the copies are made exactly like the original, with no posttranslational modifications.Depending on what the virus was created to do, it can either delete the programmes it infects, or it can make it completely useless, and may itself turn it into an ‘infecting’ programme also.Major categories of viruses are1 Parasitic virus:   these are the most common form of virus, it attaches itself to executable files and replicates when the infected program is executed.2 Memory-resident virus: this virus attacks the main cache memory of the system, and gains access to all the programmes that are executed.3 Boot sector virus: this virus infects the boot segment, and then infects all the files that are executed from the disc4 Stealth virus: like the stealth machine, is virtually immune from anti virus softwares5 Polymorphic virus: after each infection, the virus changes its character, thus making cleaning or treatment very difficult6 Metamorphic virus: unlike the previous, the virus completely changes itself after every infection. .In the lifetime of the virus, a number of phases have been identified that allow the identification and possible clean up of the virus.1 Dormant phase: virus is not attacking in this phase. It waits for a specific trigger for which it has been programmed. It may be a particular date or a specific programme that is required. These are specific viruses, while not all viruses have been programmed to follow this phas e2   Propagation phase: virus makes multiple copies of itself to infect many files at the same time. Thus the virus may enter the files or the system areas itself.3 Triggering phase: the virus gets its signal to become activated. Having received its signal, it then assumes a position from which it can attack easily.4 Execution phase: this is the final step, when the virus actually performs the step it was made to do. Thus the virus may delete the file, make the programme corrupt, make multiple copies of itself, or whatever it was programmed to perform.Viruses are operating system specific and some even only attack specific hardwares. For example the linux operating system has not yet faced a virus attack, while the microsoft system is continuously batting many virus attacks, even the apple OS is not immune from these attacksAnother identity is a worm. This is a program that can replicate itself (like a virus), but it has the additional ability to send copies from one computer to a nother computer across network connections, via e-mails or VPN systemsReferances1 Heidari M. Malicious Codes in Depth. Accessed from on 13 June, 20082 Brain M. How computer viruses worl. Accessed from on 13 June, 2008

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Modred essays

Modred essays A messenger comes from Modred to Arthur with an ultimatum. Arthur must either leave the land, in which case there will be no fight, or he must fight Mordred. Arthur chooses the latter option, believing it is too late to turn back. Arthurs men are doing a good job with all of the fighting. His men are on the run. King Kaberentin of Cornwell breaks rank and attacks the enemy with the fourth battalion. Mordred sends two more battalions to counter-attack, and King Aguisant takes the fifth battalion into battle. Arthur takes his battalion and charges Mordreds. I dont understand why there was so much fighting back then. That definitely shows that we are born violent and not necessarily taught. Many of Arthurs knight fall dead. Finally, Arthur and Mordred meet, Mordred is dead, but not before Mordred mortally wounds Arthur. Arthur goes to the chapel and prays. Again, I dont understand why is he praying he knows hes going to die eventually. Arthurs court is no longer needed, and disappears from the world. It is just Girflet and King Arthur left Girflet is dismissed. Why do they call their house of prayer the Black Chapel? So now King Arthur is dead but not before a boat of women come and take him away? Why? What is the point of that? Why dont they have women fight? I guess because the guys fought like maniacs back then. The names got really confusing after a while, so, Hector, Lancelot, and Lionel are brothers. Gawain in Jerusalem killed King Baudegamis during the quest for the Holy Grail. (pg. 24) Bors is Hector, Lancelot, and Lionels cousin. They were all knights in Arthur court. Gawain is Arthurs nephew. Because there are so many people in this story it is very confusing to stay up on it. ...