Monday, September 30, 2019

Union Carbide Disaster: Bhopal, India

Union Carbide Disaster: Bhopal, India On December 3, 1984 just three miles from the City of Bhopal.. An American owned Union Carbide Pesticide Plant leaked Toxic gas in to the air killing over Hundreds of people right away. Mr. Y P Gokhale, managing director of Union Carbide in India said, â€Å"That a Methyl isocyanate gas (MIC) had escaped when a valve in the plant’s underground storage tank broke under pressure. The leak was caused by a series of mechanical and human errors in the pesticide producing plant.For a full hour the plant’s personnel and safety equipment failed to detect the massive leak, and when the alarm was sound most of the harm was already done. What was worse was that local health officials had not been educated on the toxicity of the chemicals used at the Union Carbide plant therefore there were no emergency procedures in place to protect the people of Bhopal. Panic broke out in the city of Bhopal and the areas surrounding more then tens of thousan ds of people attempted to escape. More then 20,000 people required hospital symptoms including swollen eyes, frothing at the mouth and breathing difficulties.There we thousands of dead animals just covering the streets of Bhopal. The Indian government sued Union Carbide in a civil case and settled in 1989 for 470 million dollars. The Union Carbide which shut down its Bhopal plant after the disaster has yet to clean up the site completely. More then thousands of people died instantly and over 2,000 people died during the aftermath. In 1999 a voluntary group in Bhopal which believed not enough had been done to help the victims, filed a lawsuite in the United States claiming that Union Carbide violated international law and human rights.In November of 2000 Warren Anderson was charged of â€Å"Culpable homicide† for cost cutting at the plant which is alleged to have compromised safety Standards. In 2004 the Indian Supreme Court approved a compensation plan drawn up to help more t he 570,000 Victims of the disaster. The welfare commission paid well over 350 million dollars. The Bhopal disaster in 1984 was one of the worst industrial accidents in history. However after 3 decades later toxic waste is still being stored on the site under poor conditions.Today the people in Bhopal still live with the consequences of the gas cloud and are still fighting for compensation. Almost 28 years after the accident, a group of cabinet ministers in New Delhi decided to sign over the disposal of the toxic waste from Bhopal to the German technicians. The old factory in Bhopal with its rusty tanks and dilapidated clusters of buildings, is like a ghost factory. People in the area of Bhopal are still dying from the toxic gas leak more then 300,000 have died from it over the years and more are expected to die as well.This was one of the deadliest Toxic gas leaks in the world I can’t believe that this happen. And what hurts the most is that it took them over 28 years to fina lly take care of the matter and I doubt its all just quiet yet as they are hitting the 29th year since the gas leak. Germany was nice to move in and help them out by taking this stuff and getting rid of it for them. I on the other hand think something should have been done about it many of years ago. On the 20th anniversary of the Mascara a man claim to have said that the Company Dow was going to pick up the waste and get rid of it.When the news people called to ask the man question there was no one by that name that had worked for them and that the guy was an imposter that they had no intention to pick up the waste. Work Cited 1. http://www. spiegel. de/international/world/germany-plans-to-dispose-of-bhopal-toxic-waste-a-840791. html 2. http://topics. nytimes. com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/india/bhopal/index. html 3. http://www. history. com/this-day-in-history/the-bhopal-union-carbide-disaster 4. http://news. bbc. co. uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/december/3/n ewsid_2698000/2698709. stm

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hallstead Case Essay

1.)The breakeven point in number of sales has risen along with the breakeven point in sales dollars from 2003 to 2006. The margin of safety has decreased as well. Every year they have to increase the number of sales tickets then the previous year to meet their breakeven point. After 2004 when expansion of the store begun, Hallstead’s fixed cost have grown each year. The decrease from 2004 to 2006 is far less substantial than from 2003 to 2004. This damage is cause by the stores expansion. It is renting a much larger space down the street from its previous location. This has incurred much lager expenses each year then in than prior to 2004. 2.)Yes, the company’s income would increase. The new breakeven point in sales dollars would be approximately $6.03 million. 3.)Eliminating sales commission would have a huge effect on the breakeven volume. If they follow through with Gretchen’s idea of eliminating sales commission their expenses would decrease a great deal each year. They would not have to make nearly as many sales to breakeven. Although this could have an adverse effect on the sales volume. Employees will not be nearly as aggressive in making sales because it will not affect their personal income. Employees could act disapprovingly towards this new measure, affecting the bottom line negatively in the long run. 4.)If Hallstead added an additional $200,000 to advertising each year they would have to increase the sales volume considerably, that’s if they decide not to do away with sales commission. 5.)Average sales would have to increase over $24 to break even if fixed costs remained the same. 6.)I would recommend that Hallstead Jewelers listen to the consultant that suggested price reduction to increase sales. I believe this would be a smart move because with the new store they have room for more sales then the previous location so upping sales numbers is an important step. If reducing sales doesn’t help improve the bottom line, I would then suggest that they eliminate sales commission. Although this as been an important part of business, eliminating sales commission would greatly decrease their yearly expense. I think adding advertising after their recent move is extremely important. Although it is a $200,000 expense, it could increase sales significantly. These are my suggestions for Hallstead Jewelers

Saturday, September 28, 2019

My Beach Memories

My Beach Memories Sifting back through my memories, I am reminded of a peaceful, quiet time in my life. My mind drifts back to a happy place of relaxation and tranquility. I am able to remove myself from all the continued chaos of everyday life. Sitting on the sand, feeling the warmth of the sun, all of my troubles quickly melt away. I can feel the soft, wet sand as my skin melts into it, reminding me that I have no deadlines to meet or no place to rush off to now. The cool, crisp water feels exhilarating as it rushes over my body. As the ocean waves crash against me, I can still feel the sting of the fine ocean mist and the pungent taste of the salt as it sprinkles over my face. The fresh smell of the salty ocean water clears my sinuses as I synchronize my breathing with the ebb of the tide. Lying quietly in the sun, I can feel its warmth engulfing me like a large fuzzy blanket covering my skin. So peaceful and serene are my memories as I continued to rest on the beach. I can still hear the crash of the water against the rocks. The ocean birds' songs still echo in my head as they sang me to sleep on the soft, warm sand. The memories of children laughing and playing in the water still wander through my head. I also remember the sounds of seagulls chirping as they glide over my paradise. Having not a care in the world, could there be a more wonderful place? The sun sets softly behind the large palm trees as the wind gently blows salt and sand against my body as I sit and watch. The air turns cooler as the night begins. I can see millions of twinkling stars, as I get lost in their magic and mystery. It seems as if time is frozen no worries or stress to cloud my mind. I can be free to dream and ponder over all of my desires. Sitting quietly on the beach, I can be free. These fond memories are my pathway to escape from reality. Even if the moment is brief, it is long enough to rekindle my desire for life. Just reminiscing over my time at the beach has rejuvenated my wayward mind and wilting body. I can go back to my happy place any time I desire. I have such fond memories of the beach. I will never forget how peaceful, relaxing, and beautiful my favorite place has been to me.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Effective communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Effective communication - Assignment Example The process of conveying information from the source, say an individual or group of people to a destination, which may be a person or group of people, is a complex process that may encounter a myriad of hindrances such as prejudice or noise from hecklers, for instance.   Communication is a complex â€Å"give and take† process (Antos, 2011). Thus, barriers to communication are elemental factors that blocks or obstructs the delivery of information as intended from the source to/by the receiver (Eisenberg, 2010). Listening and communication skills are part of effective communication and may well form the basis of information content distortion. Preconceptions (prejudice), for example, are barriers to listening capabilities that often come with inbuilt preformed opinions that dictate how an individual communicates with another party. In particular, pre-conceived notions are recipes for selective hearing and retention with a hampering effect to screening out statement of facts (Antos, 2011). Noteworthy, effective communication requires open-mind speaking and listening from both parties (information sender(s) and receiver(s)). Such a strategy is not only a show of respect to others’ unique perspectives but a deviational tactic from confrontational side-bars at the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Strategic management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic management - Coursework Example The idea involves detailed analysis as well as analytical actions in order to facilitate the organisations to attain their expected business objectives. In strategic management, the analysis of internal as well as external factors of an organisation is considered to be the primary factors (Amason, 2010). Once the internal as well as external factors are determined, then the management of an organisation has to make strong decisions on proper implementation of those factors for sustainable growth of the business (Gregory & et. al., 2005). McDonald’s has been proudly serving to deliver its different products to the customers since the year 1955. Today, McDonald’s is regarded as one of the world’s best fast food retail chain (McDonald’s, 2012). In recent times, the company established its restaurants in around 100 nations. Consequently, it generates huge amount of revenue by performing in the international market with increased expansion of restaurants. It ha s been observed that McDonald’s is operating 33,510 restaurants throughout the world till the end of the year 2011 (McDonald’s Corporation, 2011). The company has been committed to provide the best services to its customers. McDonald’s execute certain significant policies as well as relevant strategies that enable it to expand the size of the business at large (McDonald’s, 2012). The vision statement of the company is to become the world’s top fast food retail chain as well as the best service provider in the similar industry (Scribd Inc., 2012). McDonald’s has proved itself as an integral part of the communities through its social involvement such as organising youth sports, inspiring the society by organising events as well as conducting local charities (McDonald’s, 2012). Moreover, its effective as well as powerful distribution channel enables it to serve quality product to its customers (McDonald’s, 2009). In this paper, Mc Donald’s resources as well as capabilities and its assessment based on the theory of strategic management will be taken into concern. Moreover, the competitive advantage aligning with the company’s core resources and competencies will also be portrayed in the paper. Resources and Capabilities of McDonald’s Organisational resources as well as capabilities are often viewed to be the main factors that are responsible for assisting the organisations to raise their competitive advantages. The core resources of an organisation can be identified as tangible as well as intangible resources. These resources are the major components that develop the organisational strategies. In this similar context, tangible resources represent financial assets, technological means as well as organisational infrastructure. On the other hand, intangible resources signify the aspects relating to human resource, innovation as well as goodwill (Fogleman, n.d.). McDonald’s serves signi ficant portion of customers on regular basis through its several high demand products. The different products of the company are served to near about 119 countries throughout the globe by engaging substantial number of employees. It has been viewed that the company has been preparing effective business strategies for expanding its business in certain parts of South-Asian region. McDonald’

Royal Bank of Scotland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Royal Bank of Scotland - Essay Example At the time the controversy was percolating in the banking community there were no existing regulations that will cap bonuses much less the regular compensation of the Royal Bank of Scotland’s most senior officers. Ergo for all intents and purposes senior managers were not violating the law and their obligation to do no fault before the bars of justice. However the ethical standard was not only thrown out the window the sense of propriety of the people involved was put into questions. The board of directors itself populated by either the same people who will receive the bonuses shall of course choose to receive the bonus. It should be noted that there is nothing wrong in getting bonuses however, getting it from a distressed bank or an institution that are not only losing money but will be bailed out by the government. Banks are the very foundation of the economy of the United Kingdom, if its citizens lost its trust and confidence in the banking sector the result would not only be economic dislocation but also total economic chaos. These events would precipitate from the shortage of currency which banks help to balance to ensure that their amount can be sustained by the sum total of the United Kingdom’s assets. Thus it is essential that banks are free from controversy that may cause the subject of the United Kingdom to lose its trust and confidence. The United Kingdom failure to institute immediate sanctions to erring banks and their officers were not enough and cannot be rectified by a mere threat of an increase in taxes on bonuses. Drastic measures such as those implemented by the United States to break down or collapse the banks into several pieces were even lobbied by some legislators from both houses of the United Kingdom. Considering that the government of the United Kingdom owns more than half of the Royal Bank of Scotland, it is therefore in the best interest of the government to protect its interest through the board seats it occupy.   T he bonuses for all intents and purposes may have been given or agreed upon by the board of directors with the senior executives of the bank long before the losses were incurred. Thus, the senior management that was affected was well within their rights to receive the bonuses. However, considering that bonus are supposed to be rewards for a job well done. The bonuses are not only needed but it was never really justified in the first place.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Essay about play Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

About play - Essay Example In the beginning of the play, the conditions of living, as described by the house is striking. In addition to this, Walter Lee’s irresponsible nature makes a reader anticipate some kind of change, to alter the balance. Moreover, when Joseph Asagai visits the Youngers’ house, they are in the midst of cleaning up. This point is the fulcrum, since after this point, the ‘process of cleaning’ is geared up towards change. At the end of the play, we see that the family is all set to move into a new house in Clybourne Park, which is symbolic of a change in the physical environment. In addition to this, Beneatha’s life undergoes a change, since she chooses Asagai over Murchison, though it was an expected action. Moreover, the biggest change is seen in Walter Lee’s character, which becomes a round character by the end of the play. The character undergoes an internal change and this is evident when Walter Lee stands up for his family and their principles. Consider the following dialogue spoken by Mama, â€Å"Oh—So now its life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life—now its money. I guess the world really do change .† Thus, Change can rightly be called one of the themes of the play. Another major theme of the play is the concept of ‘dream’. It is closely related to, and can be called a critique of the American Dream, wherein it is believed that every individual must be provided with the opportunities to earn and own a piece of land and lead a luxurious life. All through the play, the concept of ‘dreams’ plays a strong undercurrent. Each member has a particular dream. Mama’s dream is to buy a comfortable house in an all-white locality, while Walter Lee’s dream is to get into business. Ruth is an independent intelligent girl, who wants to steer clear of all the Americanisation, and get in touch with her African roots. Mama is scheduled to get the pension

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

HumanDocuments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HumanDocuments - Essay Example The introduction of cotton produced a positive effect which completely changed the highly agricultural population towards becoming a manufacturing community. Significant transformations within the society became notable and the social setting was transformed through the way individuals behave within the society (Guest, 28). Traditionally majority of the population within this region relied on arable farming to produce food for their households and any surplus would be sold. The modern day township of Manchester has become inhabited by highly industrious individuals (Kay, 44) The society within the region was comprised of individuals who upheld and believed in the high moral standards as a way of life (Guest, 26). The settlement of disputes, which rarely occurred was undertaken by clergymen, whose authority was unquestionable (Guest, 26). The harmony which existed within the community surrounding the region had since been lost and the society had become highly permissive (Guest, 27). Social norms were observed by all the members of the society, an aspect which enhanced the peace and tranquillity of the region (Kay, 45). The society could be described as having been highly religious as the observation of religious virtues was considered a mandatory aspect of human livelihood. The dress code of the people could testify to the religious beliefs upheld by the people (Tignor et al., 583). Events occurring in relation to the introduction of cotton resulted in an overall transformation of the society and this caused the people to move away for their beloved s ocial norms to other secular behaviours (Kay, 45; Guest, 27). According to Guest, farmers within the regions were content with their traditional and cultural responsibilities and showed little support for transformations occurring within the society (Guest, 27). Men worked and provided for their families and were heavily dependent on their families for social and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Wegener's Granulomatosis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Wegener's Granulomatosis - Research Paper Example Wegener’s granulomatis has no known cause and although it affects people at any age, it usually affects the young or adults at their middle age. Fatigue, loss of weight, fever, shortness of breath, bloody sputum, joint pain, and inflammation in the sinuses are the common symptoms of Wegener’s granulomatosis. Several literatures are reviewed in this paper. Among patients with Wegener granulomatosis, narrowing of the lumen with some evidence of vasculitis resulted from thickened or fibrotic laryngeal wall. In some cases, granulation tissue replaces the mucosal lining of the larynx. Hence, laryngoscopy must be carefully performed to avoid bleeding from granulomas and dislodgement of ulcerations tissue among patients whom suspected diagnosis of Wegener granulomatosis is noted. Wegener’s granulomatosis is a fatal disease when it is not diagnosed and treated properly since it presents in various forms and deceives as manifestations of other diseases. Annotated Bibliogr aphy 1. Tanna, et al., (2011) Otolaryngologic Manifestations of Wegener Granulomatosis (WG) This article discusses that it is common to have otolaryngologic manifestation among patients with Wegener granulomatosis, and usually presents as nasal, sinus, ear, or tracheal manifestations in about 70 percent. The symptoms of otolaryngologic manifestations are oftentimes misdiagnosed as infectious or allergic in etiology and generally precede the pulmonary or renal involvement. On the other hand, up to 80 percent of nose and paranasal sinuses are involved in WG and in its early stage, are often misdiagnosed as chronic rhinitis or sinusitis. Mucosal edema with obstruction, rhinorrhea, ulceration, crusting, and epistaxis are common nasal signs and symptoms observed in WG. It is mentioned in this article that necrotizing granulomatous inflammation of upper and lower airways, small arteries and veins systemic vasculitis, and focal granulomatous are known as the classical triad of full  œ blown granulomatosis. However, it is noted that it does necessarily involve all three areas and organ systems. Hence, both could be limited and systemic variations may include in the head and neck alone; head and neck and pulmonary; and head, neck, pulmonary and renal, which can be indolent or rapid in its clinical course. Its constitutional signs and symptoms, which are common but dominate rarely the clinical picture, include fever, loss of weight, and fatigue. 2. Goritsas, C., Paissios, N., Trigidou, R., and Delladetsima, J. (2010). Hepatic Involvement in Wegener’s Granulomatosis: A Case Report. This paper talks about the hepatic involvement in a patient diagnosed to have Wegener’s Granulomatosis. This is a case report of a 58 year old man, Caucasian Greek presenting with dry cough, fever, bilateral alveolar infiltrates, and acute hepatitis. The patient was diagnosed with Wegener’s granulomatosis after a lung biopsy, and its diagnosis was supported by anti-p roteinase-3 anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies present. Liver biopsy indicated a â€Å"presence of mild non-specific lobular hepatitis and periodic acid-Schiff positive Lafora-like inclusions in a large number of his liver cells.† Patient had remissions of chest x-ray findings and liver function test after being treated with prednisone and cyclophosphamide. The authors of this paper concluded that there is an etiological link between hepatitis and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Critical Analysis Of A Satirical Piece Essay Example for Free

A Critical Analysis Of A Satirical Piece Essay The piece of satirical work that Ive chosen to analyse is a poem written by Carol Ann Duffy, a very successful female poet. The poem itself is called Poet For Our Times, it was written approximately ten to fifteen years ago, at the time she was working in a comprehensive school running workshops. This poem bore some personal significance to Duffy because her brother was working as the news editor for the Daily Mirror. The poem is written in the first person, told from the point of view of a newspaper headline writer. The poem attempts to satirize the culture of the time and there is an underlying political and social contemporary context. The use of the headlines is satirizing the un-poetic nature of the headlines and therefore the newspapers. Duffy also uses the content of the headlines referring to the conservative government of the time in an attempt to satirize both the governments effectiveness; and the private lives of the more significant figures in the government, such as Cecil Parkinson, CECIL-KEAYS ROW SHOCK TELLS EYETIE WAITER. See more: how to write a good critical analysis essay This headline tells of a row between the politician and his secretary Keays who he allegedly had a love child with. This is satirizing his inability to stick to his marriage vows, so in using this headline she succeeds in exposing the weakness of Cecil Parkinson for another woman, other than his wife. This headline also feature a term which wouldnt be understood in this day, that is, EYETIE This is a racial slang term for Italian, which originated during the Second World War when Italy formed an alliance with Germany. The derogatory term is satirizing the racist nature of many English men during the time the poem was written, I think that this is an attempt to satirize this feature of the late nineteen eighties English man and his folly into racial slur. The narrator thinks very highly of himself and he even goes as far as to say that he thinks he is a, Poet for our times. Whereas in actual fact he isnt and this is what Duffy is satirizing, his high opinion of himself which is unjustified, as in fact he merely writes punchy lines in order to try and sell more papers for the daily paper that he works for. I think that another aspect of the headline writers life that Duffy is satirizing is the pub culture of him and of his working class friends and peers. I think this stands out due to short phrases in each stanza, which are read as pub talk, for example, all-right-squire. I think that this talk could be the narrator talking to either a landlord or lady or his friends. The pub talk continues throughout the poem and I think that this implies that the man doesnt just go to the pub for a swift half, but more like for a heavy drinking session. I think that this is implied because the man says, My shout In the following stanza that implies that it is his turn to pay for a round of drinks. Then two stanzas later another drink is asked for, this is implied when he says, make that a scotch, ta. This implies that he isnt merely in the pub for a quick drink, but that he is a heavy drinker as he is changing his drink to a spirit. I think that this satirization is in order to depict the weakness of the narrator to alcohol and the unhealthy lifestyle. I think that she is trying to make the point that working class men should spend less time in the pub, and possibly more with their family if theyre married or partaking in some kind of recreational activity, such as using a local health club or playing five a side football. In conclusion to the points I have made I think that Duffys poem is very successful in exposing human follies and weaknesses and trying toi change the cultural approach of working class men of the time.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Haber process for optimum performance

The Haber process for optimum performance Research Question: What are the conditions for running the Haber process for optimum performance Abstract In this essay I will find out what are the best conditions for the production of the maximum yield in the Haber process, by running simulations of the Haber process at different conditions to determine the best conditions. From the Experiment I found that the lowest temperature possible and the highest pressure possible would provide the best conditions to operate the Haber process at for the maximum yield possible. Introduction The Haber process is an important Process used in chemical Industry to manufacture Ammonia from Nitrogen and Hydrogen that originate in the air. The reason why its very important is it turns an inert gas Nitrogen (N2) and a very volatile and reactive gas Hydrogen (H2) into ammonia which is a stable compound but reactive enough to be used in different aspects. Why was the Haber process discovered? During the First World War Britain Cut off Germany Supply route to Chiles salt peter natural deposits (Quote Since the Allies (Russian Empire,United Kingdom,France,Canada,Australia,Italy, theEmpire of Japan,Portugaland theUnited States) (Quote has gained control over the natural deposits of saltpetre from natural deposits found in Chile, therefore cutting off Germanys access to materials that the needed to produce necessary items such as food, guns, bombs other war materials. Germany has to find ways to produce its own hence the Haber process which was discovered in 1909 by a German chemist named Fritz Haber to produce ammonia was set into industrial scale in 1913; the produced ammonia was later processed into a Synthetic Form of Chile saltpetre Introduction (Part 2) The Haber process is the process that uses extracted nitrogen from the atmosphere and reacts the nitrogen (N2) gas would react with 3 moles of hydrogen (H2) gas by using a medium temperature around 473K-673K (200- 400oC) High atmospheric pressures such as 250 atmospheres (25331250 Pascal) and a catalyst to create ammonia (NH3). Due to advancements made to technology we are able to do reaction at extremely high temperatures such as 2300K (2026oC) and we know that a reaction occurs faster when conducted at the highest temperature possible but the Haber processs success is not calculated on the speed of the reaction but on the yield of the ammonia that is produced during the reaction. Although increasing the temperate would surly increase the rate of reaction in a normal forward reaction the problem with using this method on the Haber process is its not a normal forward reaction type of reaction but is an equilibrium type of reaction. The Chateliers Principle states increasing the temperature will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the left side of the reaction resulting in a lower yield of ammonia because the forward reaction is exothermic. N2(g) + 3H2(g) Very High heat, Low pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) nitrogen hydrogen ammonia Reducing the temperature will cause the equilibrium system to change the point of equilibrium to minimise the effect of the change, and hence it will produce more heat due to an increase the exothermic reaction therefore causing the wanted increase in the yield of ammonia. N2(g) + 3H2(g) Low heat, High pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) nitrogen hydrogen ammonia However, the rate of the reaction at very lower temperatures is exceptionally slow, and so a higher temperature should be used to increase the speed of the reaction which results in a lower yield of ammonia but a temperature low enough to create more ammonia than use in the reverse reaction hence we have the final equation is an which an above normal ammonia production. N2(g) + 3H2(g) High TEmperature, Low pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) nitrogen hydrogen ammonia Increasing the pressure condition of the haber chamber causes the equilibrium position to shift to the right resulting in an increased yield of ammonia because ammonia has more gas molecules (more moles) on the left hand side or the forward reaction of the equation (4 in total 3 Hydrogen and 1 Nitrogen) than there are on the right hand side or backwards reaction of the equation (2 in total 2NH3). N2 + 3H2(g) High Temperature, Low pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) nitrogen hydrogen ammonia Increasing the pressure means the system will have to adjust to reduce the effect of the change, which is reducing the pressure built up by reducing the amount of moles that can be located in the equilibrium reaction. The most important use of nitrogen is in making ammonia (NH3), which is a colourless gas with a strong odour, similar to the smell of urine. The reason is because urine contains some ammonia. The production of ammonia changes the non oxidation properties of nitrogen as the Oxidation reaction. Pharmaceuticals Used in the manufacture of drugs such as sulphonamide which inhibit the growth and multiplication of bacteria buy the removal of replacing the aminobenzoic acid for the synthesis of folic acids and minerals as well as vitamins and thiamine. Fertilizer A major use of ammonia is in making fertilizers. Ammonia can be used directly as fertilizer by adding it to irrigation water for plants that needing much nitrogen. It is also used to produce the urea (NH2CONH2), which is used as a fertilizer. Another important use of ammonia is to create nitric acid (HNO3), which is then also used to make fertilizer the Haber Process didnt lonely provide the Germans with Saltpetre but revolutionized the agriculture industry with an increased yield in crop production enabling them to continue. Cleaning Products Many people use household ammonia as a disinfectant. Nitric acid-made form ammonia-is used in explosives. Ammonia is also used in the plastic industry and as a feed supplement for livestock. The dipole moment of this compound and this is consistent with its geometry, a triangular Pyramid due to its electronic arrangement obeying the octet rule, Four pairs of electrons three bonding pairs and one lone pair repel each other giving the molecule the triangular pyramid shape of bond angles of 107 degrees is close to the tetrahedral angle of 109.5 degrees. The electronic arrangement of the valence electrons in nitrogen is described as sp3 hybridization of atomic orbitals. The NH3 molecules and their ability to make hyrodgen bonds explains thir polarity and high solubility of ammonia in water. A chemical reaction occurs when ammonia dissolues in water as it acts as a base acquiring a hydrogen ion from H2O to ammonium and hydroxides ions NH3(aq) + H2O(l) NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq) The production of hydroxide ions when ammonia dissolves in water gives the solution of ammonia its alkaline characteristics (basic properties), The double arrow in the equation states that an equilibrium has been reached between the dissolved ammonia gas and ammonium ions. The ammonium ion acts as a weak acid aqueous solution because it dissociates to form Hydrogen ion and ammonia. (Shakhashiri, 2008) This is why dissolved ammonia is used in cleaning products because its able to react with both and acid stain and alkaline stain meaning its an all round cleaning products even though the acid is weak its strong enough to deal with domestic stains. Explosives Sodium Nitrate is a Chemical compound with the chemical compound of NaNo3 has been referred to as Chile saltpetre before. And is produced by a reaction of a metal and an acid to produce a salt and is highly soluble in water. (Quote) Sodium Nitrate can be used as a fertilizer and as a material from the production of explosive gunpowder. Naturally gun powder is a rapid burning compound made of Carbon (C12) potassium nitrate, KNO3 and Sulfur and is used in guns because of its capacity to burn in a rapidly producing enough pressure to propel a bullet and not explode.(Quote) Sodium nitrate has antimicrobial properties when used as a food preservative. It can be used in the production of nitric acid by combining it with sulfuric acid. It can used as a substitute oxidizer used in fireworks as a replacement for potassium nitrate commonly found in gun powder. Because sodium nitrate can be used as a Phase Change Material it may be used for heat transfer in solar power plants. Imporantance of Nitrogen. Nitrogen gas (N2) is often used as a substitution for air which is a mixture of 78% nitrogen 78%), Oxygen 20%, and 1% of other gases such as Water Vapour Argon and Carbon dioxide (0.03%). where oxidation is undesirable. One area for use is to maintain the freshness to food products by packaging them in nitrogen gas to reduce the spoilage of food due to its properties for preventing oxidization which can cause Rancid unpleasant odour or taste of decomposing oils or fats (Quote). Argon has been used as replacement for air in light bulbs to prevent the heated tungsten filament from reacting with the oxygen found in air because Argon is an inert gas but is expensive so ammonia can be reverted back to Nitrogen gas by the process gentrification to replace Argon in light bulbs and is cheaper inert material than Argon. Nitrogen is also used as a controlled storage and Transportation measure food packages due to its capabities to be used as a noble gas, to extend the sheld life of fruits and vegetables and is now used during storage to displace most of the oxygen in the containers, thereby , slowing down the repiration and deterioration of food as proven in biochemistry as in aerobic respiration 32 ATP molecules are created from one glucose molecules and 2 ATP molecules are created from one glucose molecule which is a clear sign that respiration and deterioration of food occurs at 16 times slower during anaerobic respiration which respiration without the presence of oxygen, than respiration occurring aerobically which is respiration with oxygen present. Investigation Design To do this Investigation I will be using a simulator that allow we to change the conditions of the Haber process chamber and notice the change in the yield and work out the direction that the equiliburm will take with extra options such as catalysis. Firstly I had to decide what the 2 variables I would be looking at during this investigation and decided that the dependant variable will be the yield of ammonia that I would receive from running the simulations. The Controlled variable will be the temperature and atmospheric pressure that the reaction will be taking place. Another variable that I looked at was if the reaction will be taking place in the presence of a catalyst of not. It was decide that due to the lack of acquiring two or more simulations that were able to run the haber process reaction in the presence of a catalyst The uncontrolled variable would be required in this reaction because the aim of the reaction is to achieve a dynamic equilibrium which is a reaction in which the forward reaction and backward reaction are equal in a closed environment. Meaning all variables and atoms present are controlled and accounted for. Set both simulations at the same pressure and temperature to and begin the reaction recorded both results and create a table of results and find the mean of both tables. Redo the experiment changing the controlled variables every time and recording the yield of the reaction at those conditions Create a Graph using both the mean table to display the results that where shown in the table. This Is the haber process taking place without the presence of an iron catalyst at the temperature of 300oC and 191 atmospheric pressure. Which will give me the amount of ammonia produced in grams and will be working out in percentage of the nitrogen used to allow compatibility of the 2 different simulations that one will be using. Screen Shot 2 (Screen Shot to be taken off website ) (Blocked by school.) Is the Haber process taking place without the presence of an iron catalyst at the temperature that the Chateliers Principle indicates will be the most effective in the promotion of increasing the Yield. Because this Simulation cannot give the yield of the Haber process ammonia moles or grams I have to change the data received from the first simulation into compatible data. Results Simulation 1 (Changing the Temperature but keeping the pressure and 200) Pressure 1000 800 600 400 200 Temp 150 150 150 150 150 Yeild 57% 55% 53% 48% 35% From these results obtained in the diagram above we notice an increase in yield as we increase the pressure of the reaction while keeping the temperature the same which agrees with the information placed in the beginning of the introduction which states icreasing the pressure will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the right side of the reaction resulting in an increased yield of ammonia since there are more gas molecules Simulation 2 (changing the Pressure but keeping the Temperature at 150) Pressure Yield 1000 57% 800 55% 600 53% 400 48% 200 35% From these results obtained in the diagram above we notice an increase in yield as we increase the pressure of the reaction while keeping the temperature the same which agrees with the information placed in the beginning of the introduction which states the   Chateliers Principle states increasing the temperature will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the left side of the reaction resulting in a lower yield of ammonia because the forward reaction is exothermic. And the 0.8 ( r) shows that there is a high positive correlation between the yield amount The Curve tends to show that if the pressure was increased any more that 1000 the increment in the production of ammonia may not be justified for the amount of effort that will be put into creating a haber process camber at that atmospheric pressure. The equilibrium expression for this reaction is: Keq =[NH3]2/[N2][H2]3 Temperature (oC) Keq 25 6.4 x 102 200 4.4 x 10-1 300 4.3 x 10-3 400 1.6 x 10-4 500 1.5 x 10-5 As the temperature of increases, the equilibrium constant decreases as the yield of the ammonia decreases. The results of the Ka test agree with the graphs that simulation 1 and simulation 2 provided. As the Ka increases the PH reduces towards the more acidic range meaning the NH3 concentration increases meaning for the best yield of the Haber process, industry must obtain the highest level Ka. Conclusion. In conclusion the from the graphs and from the working out of the Keqi can state that the best conditions to process the haber process under is the lowest temperature that is usable because it increases the yield of the haber process in a linear regression which is a positive feedback increase in the yield of ammonia the optimized temperate was 200oC because it provided the highest yield. The other condition that was optimized during this experiment was pressure and after the experiment I found that the highest possible pressure is the optimum condition for this reaction to take place under. Because it gave the highest yield of ammonia compared to lower pressures which all provided lower yield. Evaluation The simulations that were used during this Essay were accurate enough to accept as possible theoretical yield but did not take into account of the possibility that some materials would be lost during the preparation for the haber process. It would have been better if I had more simulations and different type of simulations to check if the results I received from using these simulations were accurate or not and would increase the reliability of this experiment. The limitations to using this method were the some simulations couldnt operate a catalyst which limited the amount of results I was able to obtain and didnt factor in any cost effectiveness into the reaction. The haber process occurring in the presence of a catalysis does not affect the amount of NH3 that is produced by the reaction yet it only hastens the reaction by lowing the activation energy is takes for atoms to react. This would increase the rate of reaction without taking into consideration the geometric position that theses atoms need to react. A catalyst is a chemical that is used in a chemical reaction to speed up the rate of reaction with out the compound being used up in the reaction itself, meaning after the reaction the catalyst retains its structure and physical properties it had before the reaction took place. It works by lowering the activation energy of the reaction. The iron catalyst acts as a platform on which the Nitrogen and hydrogen atoms will bind on to before under going the reaction. The binding on to the catalyst is creates a transactional compound N2(g) + 3H2(g) = 2NH3(g) nitrogen hydrogen Fe ammonia Another Factor that I should have researched was the rate of reaction and possibly to the cost effectiveness of having a lower rate of reaction over the time effectiveness of having a high rate or reactions. Looking at the effect that the rate or reaction would have on at equilibrium And working out possible ways to reduce the forward reaction to increase the yield of ammonia by adding a rate determining step for the forward reaction to encourage the forward reaction to reaction and produce ammonia but would discourage the backward reaction from according either by adding third party molecule such Sulphuric acid to create ammonium sulphate and can easily to separated by heating to 235oC because it sublimes to create ammonia and sulphuric acid and the gases are at different weights meaning using a gases filtration method and condense then separately. (NH4)2SO4(s) NH3(g) + H2SO4(g) Another improvement would be to calculate the H of the reaction while looking at and S of the reaction to allow to choose the most accurate best conditions for the reaction and most accurate cost effective option for the reaction. Because the having a positive H means the need more energy placed in which reduces the cost effectiveness of the reaction but may increase the yield of the ammonia while the G which measure reactions ability to reaction at room temperature which would increase the rate of reaction and the low temperature would mean the equilibrium would shift and allow the ammonia to be created in much more yield making the reaction cost effective and maximum conditions for the maximum yield. By working out the S and H I could use them to work out the amount of unused heat which is lost to the surroundings during the reaction, after this work out which reaction conditions provide the less heat lost to the surrounding while still providing an acceptable amount of yield. Afte r working out the H, G and S if would help me make a more informed decision on which of the reaction conditions provided current industry yield and cost and work out which conditions provided either current industry yield at a lower cost or improved yield at a higher cost and ultimately work out which conditions produced greatest yield and at the lost possible cost. Another improved for this experiment would be increasing the range of pressure that was used during the simulations because I noticed in the graphs that increasing the pressure post 1000 would make the production of ammonia not as effective as lower pressures are.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Symbolism in Lord of the Flies, by William Golding Essay -- essays res

Symbolism in Lord of the Flies, by William Golding In his classic novel, Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses many elements of symbolism to help the readers gain a greater understanding of his message. Symbolism can be anything, a person, place, or thing, used to portray something beyond its self. It is used to represent or foreshadow the conclusion of the story. As one reads this novel, he or she will begin to recognize the way basic civilization is slowly stripped away from the boys as conflict between civilization and savagery arises. The conch shell represents power and authority. Whoever has the shell has the power to talk. The conch shows how people use objects to give power, like a crown. "Conch?" "That's what this shell's called. I'll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he's speaking (pg.33)." This shows that whoever holds the conch during meetings gets to speak At these meetings a sense of order is instilled because the boys have to wait until they hold the conch to speak. The conch becomes a powerful symbol of civilization. "By the time Ralph had finished blowing the conch the platform was crowded." (Golding, 32) Ralph shows his leadership abilities as he recognizes the use of the conch. Ralph begins to take leadership over the boys by setting rules as using the conch to let everyone have a turn to speak. Another symbol of strength and command is the fire. As long as the fire is well maintained, the b...

Thursday, September 19, 2019

LVMH?s Diversification :: essays research papers

LVMH’s Diversification Strategy into Luxury Goods The problem After the case and readings the problems of LVMH there are several problems such as the declining demand for luxury goods because it is linked to political events, situation and social trends. (After the attacks of 9/11 an impact on luxury goods has dropped and had automatically an impact on LVMH sales) Secondly luxury products are easy to counterfeit, some countries such as china, turkey, and other still have to improve their IPR policies And finally LVMH diversification strategy (Bernard Arnault) is making acquisitions outside the company’s sector. In sector where they don’t have the â€Å"know-how† and don’t match the company Image. The current CEO (Arnault Bernard) is also the major shareholder which makes him easier to make decisions on new acquisitions The swot analysis Strength: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Name recognition which makes them the largest product marketplace †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Their experience during the time †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Leading position †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Quality provider †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Distribution †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public Relation Weaknesses †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Their Diversification †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conflict of interest (fashion vs. wine and spirits) †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Forward and backward integration †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Luxury goods are easy to imitate. (Perfumes, Louis Vuitton bags†¦) †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finance problems: net sales decreased by nearly 6% in 2003 †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Declining shares Opportunities †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Merger and acquisition †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Consumer trends †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Current increase in wealth †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Emerging market †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Improvement of way of selling their large product line (distribution channels) †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Expansion to other markets Threats †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Change in consumer taste †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Economic recession †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Competitor in smaller markets †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Counterfeit Recommendation Focus on core business To expand the current existing brands geographically. Alliances with new creators Gain access to distribution channels as a different proposition Sell the acquisition which don’t fit the company image Implementation Choose several countries to enter that is suitable for the luxury market and in order to develop the strategy of the company

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tess Of The D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy - Is Tess a Pure Woman? Essay

Thomas Hardy’s Tess Of The D’Urbervilles (A Pure Women) - Do You Agree with Hardy’s Subtitle, A Pure Women? ‘Tess Of The D’Urberville’ was written by Thomas Hardy in 1891. Tess is the main character who gets exploited by the character, Alec. The question is whether Tess is pure or not. The subject of purity caused a lot of controversy in the Victorian times. The dictionary definition of the word purity is that if someone is pure they are innocent, fresh, virtues, chaste and very trustworthy. Thomas Hardy English poet and novelist, famous for his dispictions of the imaginary county â€Å"Wessex†. Hardy’s work reflected his stoical pessimism and sense of tragedy in human life. In the Victorian times you were able to buy names depending on whether you were rich or not this will show if you have social status or not. Victorians believed that any man or women having a sexual relationship or sexual contact before marriage was seen as a sinner. If you pregnant and was not married society will not accept you they were very strict and very religious. In the Victorian times there were three classes. The Masses, the Nouveax Riches, and the Landed Gentry. The Masses were the poor working class, the Nouveax Riches were the people who worked in factory’s In the city they get the new money and that is were the name came from, they were hated by the Landed Gentry because they were almost the same standard as them, the Landed Gentry were the rich people who didn’t work but got their money from their ancestors (old money). Tess a young cottage girl ‘she was a fine and handsome girl†¦ and large innocent eyes added eloquence to colour and shape†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Tess and her family were the poor working class and were happy the way they... ...Angel and tells him what she has done and says that if anything happens to her he has to promise to look after her younger sister Liza- lu this shows us that she is very loving towards her sister and is willing to do anything for her happiness. Tess is then captured and is hanged in the last chapter. Conclusion: To conclude I think Tess is a pure woman. I have shown how fate has taken a major part in her life. Thomas Hardy is a person who wrote most of his novels in a pessimistic way. His view on life and in women was completely different to the rest of the society; he reckons that men and women should have an equal right. The reason why he wrote ‘A Pure Woman’ as his subtitle is because he wanted to put it out to the rest of the society and because this is a question everyone wants an answer to. This subject caused a lot of controversy at the time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

African Childbirth Traditions

In the majority of African communities birth is a meaning-laden event both for the parents and the community as a whole. Children are viewed as a blessing from God.   However, despite this, very little preparation will be made prior to the birth itself as it is believed that performing acts such as naming a child, buying clothes or preparing food is overly optimistic.For this reason pregnancy will not be mentioned until the point at which it becomes noticeable.   In addition to this, the women themselves will continue to work throughout their pregnancy as this is deemed a sign of their strength and suitability for motherhood. Hot mustard will not be eaten during pregnancy as it is widely believed that it can cause the mother to miscarry.Warm foods, however, will be consumed due to beliefs that they assist with the healing process after the birth of the child.   Many women will refrain from taking vitamins or other supplements during their pregnancy as they believe that such nut ritional supplements will cause the baby to grow larger and thus make delivery more painful.In African society the birth itself will generally take place in the house of the parents, or, in the case of the first born child, the house of the Mother’s or Father’s parents.   In some communities there are special birthing houses that are created for the purpose of childbirths but these are relatively rare.Although, in some cases, a trained specialist will usually deliver the baby it is not uncommon for an elderly woman or traditional healers to act as a midwife.   This can threaten the health of both the mother and the baby and concerns over this tradition are well documented.During the labor stage of delivery men are not allowed in the room.   The woman will generally give birth in a squat position or on a birthing stool surrounded by her close friends and family who will burn incense and drink fresh coffee.In some African communities the mother will be permitted so me pain relief during the later stages of delivery and this will generally be administered in the form of herbal remedies.   However, many people in Africa view pain as a compulsory part of giving birth and view it as a reminder of their basic human weakness.Many women treat childbirth as a test of their own self worth and will refrain from crying out in pain during the process in order to retain dignity and moral virtue.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Abnormal Psychology Essay

Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with psychopathology and abnormal behavior. Abnormal behavior is disruptive in classes unable to control tempers and loud. Abnormal Phycology is when someone’s thoughts are causing them discomfort and they act on it. This will then allow someone to be diagnosed mentally Ill. Normal Psychology: See more: Satirical elements in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn essay Normal psychology is the study of the human behavior and the mind. It is stereotype in way that judge’s criteria are normal or abnormal. Normal psychology is a common way to diagnose behavior by the ability to be Maladaptive. Two aspects make this flexible and common. Maladaptive to one’s self is the inability to reach goals, and to adapt to the everyday demands of life. Also there is Maladaptive to society, the interference in social functioning.(Spoor 1999) Being in either of these categories someone would be diagnosed mentally ill. Comparison of Normal and Abnormal Psychology: Normal Psychology and abnormal psychology works together because they both are decisions made that people chose to react to. In a normal setting someone can be sitting and reading a book quietly. Then another person comes along and makes loud distracting noises that the person either chooses to adhere to or ignore. Abnormal psychology has worked out more problems that were associated with normal psychology. Therapies and treatments are advanced, illnesses and disorders are common and frequent, and studies are in depth. The root of normal psychology has attached itself to abnormal psychology. The study of how a person feels, thinks, interprets, and behaves is the root of both of these psychological paths and they are intertwined. Abnormal Psychology Essay Jeffrey Dahmer was a sex offender and serial killer mainly between the years 1978 and 1991. He is well known for his severely atypical behaviors. Among his outward manners that are recognized as abnormal are paraphilia-specifically necrophilia and sexual sadism. Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims, whom were boys and men, suffered from rape, violence, dismemberment and finally their murders. Dahmer’s slow progression of killings soon turned into an obsession, which would later land him in prison with a sentence for fifteen life terms or a total of 957 years in prison. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born to Joyce and Lionel Dahmer in Wisconsin, and eight years later moved with his family to Ohio. In his younger years, between the ages of ten and fifteen, Jeffrey became more and more antisocial; he was very quiet and socially distant from his family members and had signs of anhedonia (loss of interest in hobbies and interactions with people). Discovered later, this behavior may have been caused by peers at school consistently mocking Jeffrey without him putting up any defense for himself. See more:  The 3 Types of Satire Essay His fetishes and discoveries of unique hobbies began in a biology class in 9th grade where Jeffrey and his classmates dissected a fetal pig. At the end of the class, Jeffrey collected the remains of the pig and returned to the house, deciding to keep its skeleton. Dahmer’s fascination with this initial incident began to grow and carry over to other animals, such as dogs and cats. In an interview with Stone Phillips Dahmer says, â€Å"There may have been some violence involved, some underlying subconscious feelings of violence†¦ I just†¦ it was a compulsion, it became a compulsion. As this continued throughout his teenage years, Jeffrey Dahmer began to consume alcohol regularly. In the same interview he admits, â€Å"I was drinking a lot during that time and just, I don’t know, looking for some way to find some fulfillment, some pleasure and I acted on my fantasies and that’s where everything went wrong. † Soon, his alcoholism, too, got out of hand and he became an alcoholic while still finishing high school. Jeffrey Dahmer attempted to attend college at Ohio State University, but his lost of interest in attending classes combined with his heavy consumption of alcohol caused him to drop out after only a quarter of a semester. During this time, his parents, Joyce and Lionel got divorced. Jeffrey’s father made him join the Army after dropping out of Ohio State, but after a couple years, his alcohol problem again caused him to be removed. After being discharged from the Army, Dahmer decided against facing his father so he decided to live in Miami, Florida where the majority of his time was spent in a hospital. In 1981 Jeffrey Dahmer was first arrested for public intoxication. In 1982, Jeffrey went back to Wisconsin to live with his grandmother. Late nights, alcohol binges, and belligerent behavior characterized his time living there. His grandmother was tolerant of his peculiar behavior at first, which included several strange incidences: she had found a male mannequin dressed up in Jeffrey’s closet, a . 357 Magnum under his bed, and she could recall many instances where awful smells would waft from the basement. Dahmer once claimed that the terrible smell was from a squirrel that he had caught, killed, and dissolved with chemicals. (Dahmer’s father was chemist, and this claim was made from Jeffery to his father; it seems as though Jeffery told his father so that he would be proud of him). Jeffrey was arrested again in 1982 and in 1986, both times for indecent exposure. The second offense that he was arrested for in 1986 was for masturbation in front of two young males. It was only two years later that Jeffrey’s so-far-tolerant grandmother told him that he could not live with her anymore due to the many strange happenings. Jeffrey was arrested in the same year, 1988, for sexually fondling and drugging a young teenage boy (age thirteen); for this, he was put on probation for five years and for one year he was assigned to a work release camp where he was registered as a sex offender from the incident with the thirteen year old boy. Due to good behavior and a built up trust with the authorities, Dahmer was paroled from his work release camp two months early. Jeffrey Dahmer began killing at age eighteen, which was during the summer of 1978. Since this was after his parent’s divorce, Dahmer’s mother no longer lived at the same house and his father was away for business duties. Jeffrey had brought a man over to the house offering to drink alcohol with him, and when the man tried to leave, Jeffrey beat him to death with a ten-pound weight to the head. Dahmer did not murder again until nine years later where he killed a man randomly after picking him up; Dahmer said he could not recollect anything about this murder. After the second murder, Jeffrey Dahmer’s killings increased dramatically adding two more to the same year (1989), five the following year (1990), and several after that. On July 22, 1991 Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested for the alleged 17 murders (which would later be reduced to 15). Psychological Functioning: Jeffrey Dahmer is a unique human being who struggled with necrophilia, which is having sexual attraction to corpses. Upon arrest, officers found many severed heads, dismembered body parts, an altar made of skeletons, and several corpses. This makes Dahmer seem like a collector in a way, but I think that his collections go beyond what people might consider a just a fetish. Often, those who are diagnosed with necrophilia behave in this was because they strongly desire to have full possession of and control over someone without the person resisting or refraining from being with them. I think this is a lot of what Jeffrey Dahmer dealt with in his life because he confesses it himself in his interview with Stone Phillips saying, â€Å"The only motive that there ever was- was to completely control a person, a person that I found physically attractive and keep them with me as long as possible, even if that meant just keeping a part of them. † Another reason for necrophilia could be a person’s desire for increased self-esteem; being attracted to a corpse was the only way Jeffrey could avoid rejection. As we know that Jeffrey was teased and picked on when he was young and during his teenage years, I think that his murders and necrophilia are related to these difficult times in his life. I think that once he established that he could have control over his victims, he went on a power trip and began to obsess over the supremacy he felt when he was controlling someone. It is reported that during the times that Dahmer was picked on and mocked in school, he never stood up for himself and never fought back. I think this led to an internalization of his feelings. He most likely built up some hostility to those people who tormented him and took advantage of him. Jeffrey Dahmer also began his attraction to males in his teenage years as he reports going to gay bars and bath clubs. The combination of his withheld anger and aggression towards his tormentors and the frustration that came from being attracted to men could have very well led to his outward aggression and finally to his killing spree. When Jeffrey talks about the things that he would do to victims, especially evident in his first crime, his pattern began to develop and it is in direct correlation to these things: he would seek out men (doing whatever it took to draw their attention), he would get them alone one way or another (either by bring them to the house or drugging them), and after having sex with them or taking advantage of them in whatever way he found pleasurable he would kill them. While he found it enjoyable to partake in sexual encounters while them men ere still alive, Jeffrey Dahmer found himself even more attracted to the corpses of those men and he found it fascinating to dismember them and keep just â€Å"a part of them. † I believe that this is where his necrophilia came from. In Jeffrey’s first murder we can see the power struggle where he desired to have sex with the man who wanted to leave. Through his sexual desires, Dahmer channeled his anger that he was being rejected and he lashed out and beat the man to death in the head with a ten-pound dumbbell. This extreme behavior is what leads me to believe that he showed signs of sadism. A sexual sadist finds pleasure in inflicting physical pain on someone and watching him or her suffer. I also can see that maybe Dahmer was frustrated with his sexual desires toward men and he felt his only way to stop this was to destroy the root of the problem; unfortunately, Jeffrey saw the men he was attracted to as his problem and in his desire to eliminate his problem he began killing the men who made him feel this way. In some ways, I am also convinced that Jeffrey Dahmer was competent and could take full responsibility of the killings because of his strategic behavior. His victims and murders were not random. Dahmer was also able to recognize that he was not completely satisfied in his initial encounters with the male species and when those things were no longer enough for him, he started purchasing sleeping pills in order to first drug his victims so that he could then take advantage of them. If Jeffrey Dahmer was not sane and competent than this organized behavior would not be evident in his tendencies. In the interview with Stone Phillips, Dahmer says, â€Å"After the second time, it seemed like the compulsion to do it was too strong and I didn’t even try to stop it after that; but before the second time, things had been building up gradually: going to bookstores, going to the bars- the gay bars, bath clubs; when that wasn’t enough, buying sleeping pills using it on various guys in the bath clubs. It just escaladed slowly but surely and after the second time which was not planned, it was out of control—it felt like it was out of control. The way that he uses his words here implies that he does take responsibility and that he fully knew what he was doing; as he says, â€Å"it was out of control—it felt like it was out of control,† he recognizes that he had the ability to make a choice and he chose to sexually victimize the men he was attracted to and then kill them. I am convinced that all of the things mentioned above lend themselves to his atypical functioning, but one thing that was not addressed was his parent’s role in all of this. Although they were divorced and parted during a time in Jeffrey’s life where he was having difficulties in other areas, I do not think that this was an issue or trigger to any of his behaviors. In an interview Jeffrey actually defends his parents saying that it makes him mad when people accuse them of playing any role in his decisions because they were not even aware of the type of issues Jeffrey was dealing with. From what Dahmer admits, we know that it was a gradual escalation of compulsive feelings that led to his abnormal behaviors. On November 28, 1994 while in prison, Jeffrey was beaten by an inmate and died from head trauma. Abnormal Psychology Essay As many know Psychology is the study of the human mind, consciousness, and behavior. Psychology is also an enormous field of study and contains many sub divisions that pertain to more specific areas of the human psyche. One of these subdivisions is the study of Abnormal Psychology. Abnormal psychology focuses studies on an atypical region of any particular society, as to find out why these abnormalities occur. These conditions can vary in how abnormal they are from barely noticeable to extremes that require special needs. Examples of these could be a mild case of depression (not as noticeable) to a severe case of Schizophrenia (extremely noticeable). Various examples will be addressed and explained but first, in order to fully understand the process of abnormal psychology one must know the difference between normal and abnormal. (Mcleod) As individuals one decides what one likes or dislikes, but not what â€Å"normal† society is to like or dislike. Defining what normal is can be harder than one may think. See more: Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essay Researchers have worked for years to clearly define normal with no luck in getting a precise definition to relate human behavior to. Normal psychology is defined by the time, place, and people involved, thus making it difficult because culture changes with evolution and values. In order for one to define abnormal psychology, an individual must first define normal psychology. Understanding that normal psychology is outlining what are acceptable actions helps one understand abnormal psychology is dependent on the situation for a definition. Abnormal psychology is best defined as a deviation from what a group decides is acceptable or unacceptable. Psychologist use synonyms for abnormal, such as unusual or maladaptive, to define characteristic traits on a scale with normal in the middle and barriers on each side of normal to compensate for the recurring abnormal behavior, any behavior past those barriers is considered extremely opposite of the norm and rare. There are few true experiments done on abnormal psychology because it is not ethical to manipulate an experiment to control certain conditions. Determining if something or someone is presenting normal or abnormal behavior depends on the object or the person. There are a few mental disorders and illnesses that better compare and contrast aspects of abnormal psychology to normal psychology; a somewhat common disorder is Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorder, many wonder about what this illness is. This disorder was once described as manic depressive disorder; symptoms of this disorder include but are not limited to periods of deep depression which may alternate with mania. Mania is described as a unique state of mind in which a person may feel invincible or that anything in the world is possible for them to accomplish (Abell & Ey, July). Individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder can go long periods of time without sleep or have the polar opposite and have extreme amounts of energy. There are approximately 1-2% of adults in the world diagnosed with bipolar disorder; while scientists do not yet know what causes the chemical changes in the brain they do know that this disorder does have a genetic component. Some scientists believe that bipolar disorder is linked with network connectivity in the brain, it has been shown with neuroscience that neurocognitive abnormalities, particularly in executive function tasks which link to the frontal cortex. However studies have shown that there are no major losses of grey matter in the cortex but there are several changes in the white matter (Ferrier, April). Another fairly common disorder amongst abnormal psychology is Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic condition which causes delays in physical and intellectual development. It has been studied and found to occur once in every 691 births. A person who has Down syndrome has an extra chromosome so instead of having 46 they have 47 chromosomes. Down syndrome is usually detected at birth or very shortly after, it is a disorder that can also be detected by genetic testing while the child is in utero. This disorder is confirmed by a chromosome study called a karyotype. A karyotype provides a visual study of the chromosomes grouped by their size, number and shape they are studied by examining blood and tissue cells. Scientists believe the cause of Down syndrome is that there is an error in the cell division this is called nondisjunction. Psychologists and scientists alike do not know why this occurs but it is known that this phenomenon occurs at conception and there is nothing the mother could have done during pregnancy to avoid such from happening (National Association for Down Syndrome, 2012). These two disorders are caused by actual chemical and genetic differences in the brain where as the next two examples are illnesses that are linked to more subtle differences that are much less noticeable at first glance. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that makes it hard to tell what is real and what is not. People with this illness hear voices in their heads and often times think people are plotting to harm them in some way. For this reason, they will seem agitated or will tend to separate themselves from society. About one percent of Americans suffer from this mental illness. People with this illness do not make sense when they talk and can sit for hours without moving. Family’s that have loved ones with this illness are largely affected by this, because people with schizophrenia often times have difficulty maintaining a job and become very dependent on close relatives. Dyslexia is a reading disability that happens when the brain does not process or recognize certain symbols. People that suffer from dyslexia have a brain that takes longer to make connections and does it in more steps. Often times people with dyslexia have trouble matching the letters with the sounds and combination the letters make. When these individuals struggle with this step, it makes the remaining process of steps for the brain even more difficult. A majority of people with dyslexia are really intelligent and can often times retain a lot of information but reading poses a real challenge for them. Dyslexia is actually very common today but is still widely considered a mental illness because of the brains connectivity issues. These four examples show that abnormal psychology not only focuses the rare or uncommon disorders but includes even many of the vast common illnesses of today. Each of the disorders and illnesses listed have several approaches for healing and therapy, this is because of the different views and thought processes from each of the schools of thought give several alternatives. Each school of psychology has a different theory of how the mind works and where mental disorders originate. Thusly, each school has its own way of addressing psychological problems. The most common schools of thought used in therapy are: psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, cognitive, humanistic and biological (Mote, 2013). In psychodynamic theory, it is believed that mental disorders originate from tension between your conscious and unconscious mind. This is usually caused by some kind of trauma, physical or emotional, from childhood. Psychoanalysis, a lengthy form of therapy that attempts to bring awareness to the unconscious elements of a person’s mind, is the preferred form of treatment in the psychodynamic school (Mote, 2013). Cognitive-behavioral theory focuses, â€Å"on the person’s life as it is now – the current and conscious thought patterns and behaviors† (Mote, 2013). Basically, this school of thought focuses on what we are going through now and how that is affecting our mental health rather than trying to find a reason from the past. Therapy from this school focuses on how to change behaviors and will usually give â€Å"homework† to do before the next session (Mote, 2013). The theory behind cognitive therapy is that problematic thinking patterns, called cognitive distortions, are the stimulus for psychological disorders (Mote, 2013). These are considered to be automatic thoughts rather than unconscious like in previous schools. Therapy in this school consists of identifying and altering the cognitive distortions in order to bring a resolution to the disorder (Mote, 2013). Humanistic therapy focuses on the individual and their defining qualities, what makes them special and unique. Therapists of this school try to make their clients aware of their emotions, values, and motivations to bring about change to their psyche (Mote, 2013). One of the most important parts of therapy in this school is the relationship between the therapist and their client. The goal is, â€Å"establishing and maintaining a sense of acceptance and respect for the client† (Mote, 2013), this is considered a hallmark of the school and is one of the most valuable techniques a therapist can use. Biological theory believes that mental disorders are caused by the brains pathology, essentially saying that the brain itself is flawed and causing the problems (Mote, 2013). The most common therapy for this is the use of medications, called pharmacotherapy; only a physician can prescribe these medications. Most of the medications focus on neural transmitter points and work to either increase or decrease the amount of activity in these sites (Mote, 2013). Even though each school of psychology approaches mental disorders differently, each method of therapy is affective against psychological issues. Every school may not be best for everyone though; finding a therapy that works for the individuals needs is key. In conclusion abnormal psychology is yet a small branch of the vast tree that is â€Å"psychology†, yet still provides extremely important studies which help ociety define that what is â€Å"normal†. Abnormal Psychology will always be a changing field as is normal psychology; it is defined by what society sees as abnormal and normal. A recent example of this could be homosexuality vs. drunk driving, the two as seen in societies eyes have switched from being accepted and unaccepted in the last 60 years. Whichever way society progresses will help better define what truly abnormal behavior is, and with the several schools of thought at its disposal hopefully society can continue helping those in need. Abnormal Psychology Essay The authors of this study were Sarra Hayes, Colette Hirsche, and Andrew Mathews. It was published in the August 2008 issue of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. These researchers administered a questionnaire to measure the degree one worries to several students at staff at King’s College London in the United Kingdom. Among these participants, 32 people were selected for the study. This group was divided between those who worried often (high worriers) and those who rarely fretted (low worriers). The groups were then given a key pressing task in which they had to hit any key as soon as they heard a beep. These participants were also asked to fill out a thought rating scale to find out what kinds of positive thoughts they were having during the task. Finally, the groups were also given a filler task to reduce any carryover effect a previous trial of the key pressing task may have had. The researchers concluded that those who worried the most were more distracted from even the simplest task of hitting a random key when one hears a beep. Positive thoughts, however, did not seem to be as distracting. In the end, the researchers found that working memory is negatively affected by worrying. See more:  Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay This study struggled with a major weakness of an exceptionally small sample size, but it remains valuable because it surveyed a nonclinical sample. The participants represented a sample of people who worried, but did not demonstrate levels of anxiety that disturbed their everyday functioning. While I do not believe any of the participants in this study were harmed or endangered, I would not have wanted to participate in this research. I do not enjoy tedious tasks and I am quick to identify the role of filler activities in a study. The key pressing task seems relatively boring and I prefer research that has a more direct and positive impact in the lives of others. Since I think that the findings do contribute to our understanding of how humans are able to balance worrying with their other cognitive tasks, I do see the value in this study. I would be interested to hear how the researchers might propose preventing worrying or helping those chronic worriers utilize their memories more effectively. Works Cited Hayes, Sarra, Hirsch, Colette, and Mathews, Andrew. â€Å"Restriction of Working Memory Capacity During Worry. † Journal of Abnormal Psychology August 2008: 712-717.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Michel Foucault and John Locke

The private realm, with family life as its foundation, has a significant place in western culture, which has its roots in the notion of pater familias or family head that formulates the family life as a unique kingdom in Roman law. The private sphere that includes the family life and means a realm outside the public sphere began to be used only in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This concept initially referred to the realm outside the dynamic or active social life. This idea of the private sphere outside of the public life and of the center of the private activities have forced some political thinkers to take part in theoretical discussions regarding the separation of the public and private spheres. According to Locke, as the foundation of political authority, the social contract emerges outside the family life. Accordingly, the private realm can be defined as the realm of women, symbolized by sentimentality, compassion, love, sympathy and generosity. Contrary to this, the public sphere is the realm of men, dominated by rationality, mutual exchange and observation in every aspect of social life. Despite inspiring the emergence of a state, Locke's understanding of the public sphere continues to live on with different social elements that have their own dynamism. For Locke, therefore, the public sphere has two dimensions: â€Å"political† and â€Å"social.† The objective of the defined political sphere is to protect the freedom of the public along with its life and property rights. This is demonstrated in the Second Treaties of Government, in which Locke offers three different realms: the â€Å"private sphere† of women, the â€Å"public sphere† of men in general and the â€Å"political sphere† of state servants such as members of the police, military and judiciary. Contrary to Locke, Foucault focuses primarily on the notion of the public sphere merged with political authority. In this regard, â€Å"General Will† dominates public life as the product of men who have gone beyond family life. Such an understanding sharply differentiates Rousseau from Locke. In any case, it was Foucault who laid the foundation for a notion of a transcendental state that overshadows the public life dominated by free men. In Foucault's view, men who make up the differentiating public life outside of family life become the objects of civil society in a transcendental state. This transcendental state, he further argues, first combines all unique aspects and elements of different societal groups within its metaphysical container and then enforces its own ideology in order to claim control over them. In sum, as opposed to Locke, for Hegel and Rousseau there are two opposing spheres: a private realm belonging to women, children and the disabled, and a public life belonging to men who are united to the state structure with compassion and affection. It is thus evident that their conception of the public sphere is intimately connected to the political authority. In his Rà ©umà © des cours, those summaries published for all the prestigious Collà ¨ge de France lectures, the chapter entitled â€Å"Il faut dà ©fendre la socià ©tà ©Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"Society must be defended†) makes passing reference to race. Foucault was concerned with how war came to be an analytic tool of historical knowledge and of social relations at large. Moreover, the issue of racism in the lectures seems ancillary and oddly displaced. This is not a prelude to an argument that we have all missed the â€Å"real† Foucault, and that the key to a genealogy of racism is waiting for us in his taped lectures rather than in published form. Both texts are concerned with the emergence of an alternative discourse to that of sovereign right, to â€Å"a discourse of the war of races† that Foucault will identify as the first â€Å"contre-histoire† (counter-history) to a unitary conception of power represented in a historical discourse that served the sovereign state. Racism emerges as one of several possible domains in which technologies of sexuality are worked out and displayed. In the lectures, state racism is not an effect but a tactic in the internal fission of society into binary oppositions, a means of creating â€Å"biologized† internal enemies, against whom society must defend itself. On the issues of race and colonialism, we can notice several contradictory impulses in Foucault's work: a focus on racism and an elision of it, a historiography so locked in Europe and its discursive formations that colonial genocide and narratives about it could only be derivative of the internal dynamics of European states. The studied absence of the impact of colonial culture on Foucault's bourgeois order did more than constrain his mapping of the discourses of sexuality. In the end, Foucault confined his vision to a specific range of racisms, a range that students of colonial history who might choose to follow his genealogical methods would be prompted to reject. English political and social thought in the seventeenth century is characterized by the idea of possessive individualism. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries it became an underlying and unifying assumption. Its â€Å"possessive† quality is found in the condition of the individual as essentially the proprietor of his (or presumably her) own person or capacities, owing nothing to society for them. Thus for theorists such as John Locke, the individual â€Å"pre-figures† society, and society will be happy and secure to the extent that individuals are happy and secure. Not only does the individual own his or her own capacities, but, more crucially, each is morally and legally responsible for himself or herself. Freedom from dependence on others means freedom from relations with others except those relations entered into voluntarily out of self-interest. Human society is simply a series of market relations between self-interested subjects. For Foucault it is guided by an â€Å"invisible hand.† For John Locke society is a â€Å"joint stock company† of which individuals are shareholders. Paradoxically, while the impact of individualism was dominant in relation to the social, political, educational, and scientific ideas of the late nineteenth, early twentieth century, this period actually marked a major extension of the State's authority over every aspect of the individual's life and to every corner of society. The problems of urbanization, population increases, immigration, war, and a major concern with eugenics gave rise to more regulation and control, leading to the State's encouragement of various forms of social research. Locke argues that since absolute monarchs claim the right to be â€Å"Judges in their own Cases,† because absolute monarchy is based on the assumption that no individual on earth has a right to challenge the legitimacy of the will of an absolute monarch, it is irrational because of the rational prohibition against any man being a judge in his own case. Moreover, since an absolute monarch claims the right to absolute power and control over all his subjects, it is irrational because any attempt to exert absolute power and control by one person over another violates the rational precepts of the law of nature and establishes a state of war between individuals. As such, an absolute monarch is held by Locke to be in a state of war with his subjects, and since civil government is established to prevent a state of war, absolute monarchy provides no â€Å"remedy for the Inconveniences of the state of nature,† for it is but a continuation of a state of war. In this manner, Locke presents us with his criticism of the rational and moral legitimacy of absolute monarchy, and thereby establishes the principle that a necessary condition of legitimate government is that it be limited in the permissible exercise of political power and authority. Limited government, that is, becomes the legitimate alternative to any form of absolute government. Furthermore, it is also possible to understand that, for Locke, the law of nature establishes the legitimate limitation on government, in the sense that the exercise of political power and authority is only legitimate if it protects the natural rights of individuals to â€Å"Life, Health, Liberty, or Possessions.† At this point, Locke introduces the idea of consent, by claiming that since individuals are, â€Å"by nature, all free, equal and independent, no one can be put out of this Estate and subjected to the Political Power of another, without his own Consent.† Accordingly, it logically follows that the transformation from a nonpolitical existence to a political one can only legitimately be accomplished by the individual consent of each individual in the state of nature. Does this particular use of the idea of consent constitute anything more than formal conformity to the methodological requirements of contractarian thought, or does it have a more substantive status within the context of Locke's political thought? In relation to the issue of subjectivity, Foucault rejects identity-based politics rooted in the notion of an historical, pre-discursive â€Å"I.† For Foucault â€Å"identities† are â€Å"self representations† or â€Å"fixations† that are neither fixed nor stable. The subject is not a â€Å"thing† outside of culture, and there is no pure â€Å"state of nature† to ground history either. The subject is not a substantive entity at all but rather a process of signification with an open system of discursive possibilities. The self is a regulated but not determined set of practices and possibilities. Conclusion Asserts Foucault, â€Å"If the genealogist refuses to extend his faith in metaphysics, if he listens to history, he finds that there is ‘something altogether different' behind things; not a timeless and essential secret, but the secret that they have no essence or that their essence was fabricated in a piecemeal fashion from alien forms.† Contrary to what John Locke would contend about power, unity (whether of consciousness proper or the continuity of personal experience) is not the essence of subjectivity. Unity is a mask for an interplay of anonymous forces and historical accidents that permits us to identify subjects, to identify ourselves, as specific human beings. Unity-identity-is imposed on subjects as the mask of their fabrication. Subjectivity is the carceral and incarcerating expression of this imposition, of the limitations drawn around us by discourses of truth and practices of individualization; but seen through the â€Å"differential knowledge† of genealogy, the identity of subjectivity collapses. RESOURCES John Locke â€Å"Second Treaties of Government,† Two Treaties of Government, ed. Peter Laslett (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988), chapter VII. Foucault M. (1997k). â€Å"Society must be defended†. In M. Foucault, Ethics, Subjectivity and Truth: The Essential Works (Ed. P. Rabinow, trans. R. Hurley) (pp. 5966). Allen Lane, London: Penguin Press.   

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Public company of electronic media

CompanyCompany may be defined as a voluntary association of individuals. It is an association of persons formed for some common intent but chiefly it is a voluntary association of individual. It has capital divisible into parts, known as portions. At the same clip it is an unreal individual created by a procedure of jurisprudence. It has a ageless sequence and a common seal. It exists merely in contemplation of jurisprudence ; is regarded by the jurisprudence as a individual, merely as a homo. On incorporation of a company becomes a organic structure corporate or corporation with a ageless sequence and a common seal. It besides acquires a personality distinct from its members.Features Of A Company1. Separate legal entity 2. Limited liability 3. Ageless sequence 4. Common seal 5. Transferability of portions 6. Separate belongings 7. Capacity to actionElectronic MediaIt is media that uses electronics or electromechanical energy for the terminal user ( audience ) to entree the content. This is in contrast to inactive media ( chiefly print media ) , which are most frequently created electronically, but do n't necessitate electronics to be accessed by the terminal user in the printed signifier. Most new media are in the signifier of digital media. However, electronic media may be in either parallel or digital format. Although the term is normally associated with content recorded on a storage medium, recordings are non required for unrecorded broadcast medium and on-line networking. Any equipment used in the electronic communicating procedure ( e.g. telecasting, wireless, telephone, desktop computing machine, game console, hand-held device ) may besides be considered electronic media.Incorporation Of CompanyBefore a company is formed, certain preliminary determinations are necessary, for illustration, whether it should be a private company or a public company, what its capital should be, and whether it is worthwhile organizing a new company or pickings over the concern of an already established concern. All these determinations are taken by certain individuals known as â€Å"promoters† . They do the full necessary preliminary work minor expense to the formation of the company.Public Ltd CompanyA Public Limited Company is a Company limited by portions in which there is no limitation on the maximal figure of stockholders, transportation of portions and credence of public sedimentations. The liability of each stockholder is limited to the extent of the unpaid sum of the portions face value and the premium thereon in regard of the portions held by him. However, the liability of a Director / Manager of such a Company can at times be unlimited. The minimal figure of stockholders is 7. It has a minimal paid-up capital of Rs 5 hundred thousand or such higher paid up capital, as may be prescribed. Every public company, bing on the beginning of the Companies ( Amendment ) Act, 2000, with a paid-up capital of less than Rs. 5, 00,000 shall, within a period of two old ages from such beginning, heighten its paid-up capital to Rs.5,00,000.Get downing A New Public Ltd CompanyBefore stepping in the concern universe & A ; get downing up a new concern i.e. a new public Ltd company, we must believe a name of the company which co-relate the work of the company and be easy grasped in the head of the people. As we are get downing a new public Ltd Company of electronic media i.e. Television & A ; computing machine fabrication company and the name of the company to be registered will be Protechno media ltd company.Name-Approval For The Proposed CompanyThe process for obtaining the name blessing for the proposed company is that an application in Form No. 1A demands to be filed with the Registrar of Companies ( ROC ) of the province in which the Registered Office of the proposed Company is to be situated. The application is required to be signed by one of the boosters. The inside informations of the application are as follows: 1. Four alternate names for the proposed company. ( The name can be coined names from the objects of the proposed company or the names of the managers, etc. but should decidedly be declarative of the chief object of the company. Justification for the name needs to be specified along with the application ) . 2. Name callings and references of the boosters ( Minimal 7 for a public company while 2 for private company ) . 3. Authorized Capital of the proposed company. 4. Main objects of the proposed company.Documents Required To Be Executed For IncorporationFollowing are the paperss require for acquiring the certification of incorporation or registering the company with registrar†¦ †¦ †¦ .. MOA and AOA are required which is to be executed by the boosters in the presence of a informant in saying their full name, male parent ‘s name, residential reference, business, figure of portions subscribed for, etc. 1. Form No. 1 – This is to be to be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of INR 20 by managers of the proposed company or by other individuals such as Advocates saying that all the demands of the incorporation have been complied with. 2. Form No. 18 – This signifier contains information about the registered office of the proposed company. 3. Form No. 29 – This is a consent obtained from all the proposed managers of the proposed company to move as managers of the proposed company. ( Not required in instance of private company ) . 4. Form No. 32 – This signifier shows the fact of assignment of the proposed managers as the board of managers. 5. Name blessing missive in original. 6. Power of Attorney signed by all the endorsers of MOA authorising one of the endorsers or any other individual to move on their behalf for the intent of incorporation and accepting the certification of incorporation. 7. Power of Attorney in instance of a endorser who has appointed another individual to subscribe the MOA on his behalf. Filing fees as may be applicable.This Form Is Filled For Checking The Availability Of NameFORM 1A Application signifier for handiness or alteration of name [ Pursuant to segment 20 and 21of the Companies Act, 1956 ] Note – All Fieldss marked in*are to be compulsorily filled. 1. *Application for integrating a new company altering the name of an bing company Part A: Handiness of name 2 ( a ) . *Name of applicant Prankur Rastogi ( B ) *Occupation Businessman ( degree Celsius ) . *Address Line I Phagwara, Jalandhar Line II Punjab ( vitamin D ) . *City Jalandhar ( vitamin E ) . *State Punjab ( degree Fahrenheit ) . *Country India ( g ) . *Pin codification 144402 ( H ) . *e-mail prankurrastogi @ ( I ) . Phone 9569231524 ( J ) . Fax 09534267447782 3. Name callings of boosters * ( I ) Name of promoter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Prankur Rastogi * ( two ) Name of promoter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Pawan Rastogi * ( three ) Name of promoter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Rajesh Dubey 4. *Name of the province in which the proposed company is to be registered Punjab 5. *Name of the Registrar of Companies in which the proposed company is to be registered†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Mr Y B Singh 6. *State whether the proposed company is public or private Public 7. * proposed name of company ( at least 6 proposed names ) a. Fanko electro ltd B. Rigs electro-media ltd c. Protechno Media Ltd Company d. Agnis electro ltd e. Jippo electro ltd f. Retro electro media After make fulling the application for handiness of name ROC will assign the name within three hebdomads of application submission†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. The ROC will look into for the handiness of name and inform the individual who has filled the application†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ . Name Protechno Media Ltd Company is available and is allotted. This is to be to be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of INR 20 by managers of the proposed company or by other individuals such as Advocates saying that all the demands of the incorporation have been complied with. FORM NO. 1 Registration No Of Company -1090 Nominal Capital- : Rs. 2,00,00,000.00 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Declaration of conformity with the demands of the Companies Act, 1956 on application for enrollment of a company [ Pursuant to subdivision 33 ( 2 ) ] Name of Company Protechno Media Limited/Private Limited Presented by Protechnicals group I Prankur Rastogi of Protechnicals Group do solemnly and unfeignedly declare that I am [ 1 ] Promoter who is engaged in the formation of the company, or a individual named in the articles as a director/manager/secretary of the†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ Protechno Media Limited/Private Limited. And that all the demands of the Companies Act, 1956, and the regulations at that place under in regard of affairs precedent to the enrollment of the said company and incidental thereto have been complied with. And do this solemn declaration scrupulously believing the same to be true. This signifier contains information about the registered office of the proposed company. FORM NO. 18 Registration No. of the Company1090 Nominal Capital: Rs2,50,00,000 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Notice of the situation/change of state of affairs of registered office [ Pursuant to segment 146 ] Name of the company – Protechno Media Ltd Company Notice is herewith given that — — 1. ( a ) the registered office of the company is situated in Jalandhar ( Punjab ) .with consequence from [ day of the month ] 20.11.09 ( B ) The state of affairs of the registered office of the company of was changed from to with consequence from [ day of the month ] 2. Situation of registered office falls under the legal power of Jalandhar ( name of the constabulary station ) . * Dated this thirtieth Day of Nov 2009 Signature Prankur Rastogi Name PRANKUR RASTOGI ( In Block Capitals ) Appellation Chairman *State reference of close constabulary station with territory and tehsil. This is a consent obtained from all the proposed managers of the proposed company to move as managers of the proposed company. FORM NO 29 Registration No. of Company..1090†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ Nominal Capital Rs.2,50,00,000†¦ †¦ †¦ THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Consent to move as manager of a company and/or set abouting to take and pay for making portions [ Pursuant to subdivision 264 ( 2 ) /266 ( I ) ( a ) and 266 ( 1 ) ( B ) ( three ) ] Name of company Protechno Media Limited Presented by†¦ . Protechnicals Group†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ . To the Registrar of Companies†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ Jalandhar†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ . I, the undersigned, herewith attest my consent to move as manager of the†¦ Protechno Media Limited†¦ Pursuant to subdivision 264 ( 2 ) /266 ( 1 ) ( a ) of the Companies Act, 1956 and attest that I have non been disqualified to move as a manager under subdivisions 267 and/or 274 of the Companies Act, 1956. I, the undersigned holding consented to move as manager of the.Protechno Media Limited, besides herewith undertake to take from the said company and wage for..5000†¦ .. portions of Rs.20†¦ †¦ Each, being the number/value of the portions prescribed as the making portions for the office of manager of the said company. Name and family name in full and male parent ‘s names Address Occupation Date of birth Nationality Signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prankur Rastogi s/o Pawan Rastogi businessman 04-04-88 Indian Prankur Rastogi Signature Dated the†¦ †¦ †¦ .20th of†¦ .Nov†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ . 2009†¦ Prankur Rastogi†¦ Designation Chairman This signifier shows the fact of assignment of the proposed managers as the board of managers FORM NO. 32 Registration No. of Company.1090†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ . Nominal Capital Rs.25000000†¦ †¦ †¦ .. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Particulars of assignment of managers and director and alterations among them [ Pursuant to subdivision 303 ( 2 ) ] Name of Company†¦ †¦ . Protechno Media Ltd Company Presented by†¦ †¦ . Prankur Rastogi Note: — – If a company has no specifics to be included in one or two of the headers ‘A ‘ ‘B ‘ and ‘C ‘ the parts incorporating those headers ( in regard of which the company has no specifics to be included ) need non be filed. A. Appointment of and alterations among managers. Name or names and family name in full Father's/ hubby ‘s name Usual residential reference Nationality Date of appointme National Trust or alteration Brief specifics of alterations 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes: ( 1 ) A note of alterations should be made in column 6 e.g. by infixing against the name of new manager, etc. the words â€Å"in topographic point of†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ and by bespeaking against the name of the former manager, the cause for the alteration, e.g. by decease, surrender, retirement by rotary motion, disqualification etc. ( 2 ) In instance of pull offing manager, his appellation should be stated with his name in columan1. B. [ *** ] C. Appointment of and alterations in director ship and secretary ship. Name or names and family name in full Father's/ hubby ‘s name Usual residential reference Nationality Date of appointme National Trust or alteration Brief specifics of alterations 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dated the†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ twenty-four hours of†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ ..19 Signature†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ .. Appellation†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ .. Notes: ( 1 ) For the intents of this signifier, specifics of a individual appointed as director within the significance of subdivision 2 ( 24 ) of the Companies Act, 1956 demand be given. ( 2 ) A note of alteration as besides the cause of alteration e.g. , by decease, surrender, remotion, disqualification, etc. should be stated in column 6. Memorandum of Association ( MOA ) and the Articles ofAssociation ( AOA ) Of A CompanyNow on reception of the name blessing missive from the ROC the MOA and the AOA are required to be drafted. The MOA states the chief, accessory / subordinate and other objects of the proposed company. The AOA contains the regulations and processs for the everyday behavior of the proposed company. It besides provinces the authorised portion capital of the proposed company and the names of its first / lasting managers. After that the MOA and AOA are required to be stamped and a cast responsibility based on the authorized portion capital is to be paid.Contentss Of MemorandumThe name of the company. The province in which the registered office of the company is to be situated. Limited liability. Share capital. Object of the company A public company has the option of ask foring the populace for subscription to its portion capital. Consequently, the company has to publish a prospectus, which provides information about the company to possible investors. The Companies Act specifies the information to be contained in the prospectus. Articles of association- The articles of association or merely articles are the regulations, ordinances for the internal direction of the personal businesss of the company. They are framed with the object of transporting out the purposes and object as out in the memoranda of association. The articles are following in importance to the memoranda of association which contains the cardinal conditions upon which entirely a company is allowed to be incorporated. They are as such subsidiary to, and controlled by the memoranda. Contentss of articles- It contains commissariats associating to the undermentioned affairs. Share capital. Lien on portions. Calls on portions. Transportations of portions. Transmissions of portions. Conversions of portions in to stock. Shares warrants. Change of capital. General meetings. Directors and secretary. Dividends and militias. Capitalization of net incomes. The Articles of Association contain the regulations and ordinances of the company for the direction of its internal personal businesss. While the Memorandum specifies the aims and intents for which the Company has been formed, the Articles lay down the regulations and ordinances for accomplishing those aims and intents.The Certificate Of IncorporationAfter the paperss in FAQ 5 are filed, the ROC calls the lawyer on a specific day of the month for examination and doing the corrections in the MOA and AOA filed. On following with the same, the certification of incorporation is granted to the lawyer. When the requite papers are filed with the registrar, the registrar satisfy himself that the statutory demands sing enrollment have been punctually complied. After this a certification of incorporation given by the registrar in regard of a company is conclusive grounds that all the demands of the companies act have been compiled with in regard of enrollment. After the duly stamped Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, paperss and signifiers are filed and the filing fees are paid, the ROC scrutinizes the paperss and, if necessary, instructs the authorised individual to do necessary corrections. Thereafter, a Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the ROC, from which day of the month the company comes in to existence. It takes one to two hebdomads from the day of the month of registering Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association to have a Certificate of Incorporation. Although a private company can get down concern instantly after having the certification of incorporation, a public company can non make so until it obtains a Certificate of Commencement of Business from the ROC.Document To Be Filled With The Registrar:The documents/forms stated below are filed along with Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association on payment of filing fees ( depending on the authorised capital of the company ) : Declaration of conformity, punctually stamped Notice of the state of affairs of the registered office of the company Particulars of Directors, Manager or Secretary Authority executed on a non-judicial cast paper, in favor of one of the endorsers to the Memorandum of Association or any other individual authorising him to register the paperss and documents for enrollment and to do necessary corrections, if any The ROC ‘s missive ( in master ) bespeaking the handiness of the name. Before the advertisement company is registered, it is indispensable to determine from the registrar of companies and if the proposed name of the company is approved so the undermentioned paperss punctually stamped together with the necessary fees are to be filed with the registrar. The memoranda of association. The article of association. The understanding. Declaration. When a company is registered and a certification of incorporation is issued by the registrar the company becomes a distinguishable legal entity, its life commences from the day of the month mentioned in the certification of incorporation. And the company requires a ageless sequence. The member may come and travel, but it goes on forever, unless it is wound up. A public limited electronic media company has to be obtained certification to commence concern before it can get down concern.Tax Registration-Businesss apt for income revenue enhancement must obtain a revenue enhancement designation card and figure [ known as Permanent Account Number ( PAN ) ] from the Revenue Department. In add-on to this, concerns apt to keep back revenue enhancement must needfully obtain a Tax Deduction Account Number ( TAN ) . Both the PAN and the TAN must be indicated on all the returns, paperss and correspondence filed with the Revenue Department. The PAN is besides required to be stated in assorted other paperss such as the paperss refering to sale or purchase of any immoveable belongings ( transcending Rs. five hundred thousand ) , sale or purchase of a motor vehicle, clip sedimentation ( transcending Rs. 5 hundred thousand ) , contract for sale or purchase of securities ( transcending Rs. 10 hundred thousand ) , to call a few Filing Registering/Approving Authority One transcript has to be submitted along with a forwarding missive addressed to the concerned Registrar of Companies.Enclosures-The declaration must be submitted with the undermentioned annexure. Document attesting payment of fee. Memorandum and Articles of Association. Transcript of understanding if any, which the proposed company wishes to come in into with any person for assignment as its managing or whole-time manager or director Power of Attorney from endorsers. Letter from Registrar of Companies doing names available. No expostulation letters from directors/promoters. Needed fees must be either in hard currency or demandCompany Get downing Business OperationssAfter having the certification of incorporation, the public company has to finish certain other legal formalities such as a statutory meeting ( within 6 months ) , statutory study, etc. On completion of the said formalities and on filing of the statutory study with the ROC the ROC issues the enfranchisement of beginning of concern to the company. Thereafter, the Public Company can get down the concern operations. The Private Company can get down its concern instantly on incorporation. Certificate of incorporation Form 1 No 55-009877 of 2009-10 I hear by certify that †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Protechno Media Limited†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦is this twenty-four hours incorporated under The companies act 1956 ( NO 1 of 1956 ) and that the company is limited Given under my manus at†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Jalandhar†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦this twenty-four hours †¦ †¦ †¦ .day of 20†¦ . 09 SD/- Mr.Y.B.Singh Registrar of Companies Jalandhar, Punjab This was the certification issued by the registrar of companies for the incorporation of company Certificate of beginning of concern [ Pursuant to subdivision 149 ( 3 ) of companies act 1956 ] I hear by certify that the †¦ †¦ . Protechno Media ltd†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ . which was incorporated under The companies act of 1956†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.on the thirtieth twenty-four hours of November 2009 And which has punctually verified declaration in the prescribed signifier that the conditions have been compiled with is compiled to get down the concern Given under my manus at†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Jalandhar†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦this †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7th†¦ .day of November 2009. SD/- Mr Sohan Singh Asst Registrar of Companies Jalandhar, PunjabContractsMy company i.e. Protechno media ltd, a fabrication company has contracted with two companies in which 1 is an advertisement company for the advertizement of the merchandises and secondly with a computing machine fabrication limited company. The first contract is with High Ad ltd Company owned by Sarpreet Kaur as one of the Board of Member. We have contracted for Rs 5, 00,000 for the advertizement of our company and our merchandises like TVs, LCDs and Computer french friess etc. The other contract is with Infojets ltd of Heramb Agrawal for Rs 10, 00, 000 as their company needs LCDs for their company from our company. All the indispensable elements for a contract and the footings & A ; conditions are fulfilled and are lawfully enforced by jurisprudence.Weaving Up Of The CompanyIf the members of the company are reduced below the minimal no. of members in the company, it is traveling to be wound up by the tribunal. It is a compulsory weaving up of a company. For this the Registrar presents a request for weaving up of the company. Now after that the tribunal will take any action against the company on hearing request as it canDismiss it, with or without cost.Adjourn the hearing conditionally or unconditionallyMake an interim order that it thinks tantrumMake an order for weaving up the companyConsequences of weaving up by the tribunalO Intimation to official Liquidator and RegistrarO Copy of weaving up order to be filed with the registrarO Suits stayedO Court addition legal power to entertain1. Any suit against the company 2. Any claim made by or against the company 3. Any application made under sec.391 for via media with creditors and/or members 4. Any inquiry of precedences which may originate in class of the weaving up of the companyMentionsMercantile Law -by N D Kapoor hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // procedure-for-incorporating-a-company-in-india-1390673.html