Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hiv And Aids Epidemic. In The 21St Century, Everyone Has

HIV and AIDS Epidemic In the 21st century, everyone has heard of the frightening HIV and AIDS virus. The disease we first discovered in 1983 in Arica, when it killed millions of people, especially poor people and travelers. In the developing countries, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are considered a death sentence, the world over, it is a frightening virus that has killed many people. The research provided me with the information the developing countries have a higher rate of HIV/AIDS infection than highly developed countries. The statistics from â€Å" The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic† show that 36.7 million people in the world have HIV/AIDS, and of the 36.7 million, 19 million are in†¦show more content†¦When it was first reported, scientists were unaware of the how many people were infected with HIV and how many developed AIDS. By the mid-1980 it was suggested that more than 100,000 men would have already been infec ted with the virus. In 1983, females were infected with this virus, and at that time, scientists believed it come from heterosexual sex. In the same year, children were infected with this virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that casual contact could transmit that virus. However, later that year, scientists said that HIV/AIDS could only pass to someone through sex, by sharing and injection syringe, though breastfeeding, and through contact with the blood of someone infected with the virus (History of HIV/AIDS Overview). â€Å" I have a boyfriend, but I cannot tell him I am positive although he says he love me and this is stressing me a lot because I want to get married but I could not because he will fall sick. I love him, yet I could tell him I m positive. Even when I am with my friend, we go dancing, chat, sometimes we pray, but I don’t move with my drugs because I don’t trust them much with status.† According to Natalia Matovu Sharh, people living with HIV/AIDS are associated with discrimination from the society and family members because they believe the disease will bring shame to the social and the family. Individuals who are willing to start a treatment haveShow MoreRelatedThe Plague Of Plagues : Smallpox2151 Words   |  9 Pagesseems to be becoming less of a possibility and more a thing of antiquity. Around the latter half of the 20th century, doctors thought that disease as a whole would be eradicated with the new vaccinations and antibiotics that were being produced. For the first time in history it seemed as if diseases were under control. It was not long before the arrogance of modern medicine found new epidemics that were not so easily cured. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Investment Opportunities in Adventure Tourism in Australia

Question: Discuss about theInvestment Opportunities in Adventure Tourism in Australia. Answer: Introduction: Adventure tourism is one of the fastest growing sector in Australia. In all the stages of economic development, the adventure tourism has been the priority of Australia for the growth of the market and this is because they are able to recognize the cultural, ecological and economic value. Adventure tourism is international as well as domestic. Australia is regarded as one of the top destinations for adventure travel according to the World Youth Student and Educational Travel Confederation (Randle and Hoye 2016). Several Australians states actively courts backpackers and have created Backpackers action plan. In the state of Victoria, the action plan comes with statement that the backpackers are less vulnerable to the fluctuating economic conditions and in the wake of global financial crisis, it would be the resilient travelers (Abascal et al. 2016). The research proposal is intended to highlight the long term competitiveness in the adventure tourism. It would also take into consideration the importance of collaboration of private and public sector within the adventure tourism. In the later part, hypothesis is developed about the scope of investment in this sector. Hypothesis developed would predict Research questions will be framed on the basis of impact of adventure tourism on the economy, community development and considering the macro economic factors as well (Mason 2015). Role of tourism sector in Australia is to enhance the international and domestic leisure tourism and international business events. Over the past years, adventure tourism in Australia has grown exponentially and tourist are visiting the destination that is previously not discovered (Rice 2014). Problem Statement: Few studies have analyzed the relationship between investment opportunities in adventure tourism in Australia. Economy is greatly impacted by investment made in tourism sector and thereby provides the platform of economic development. Therefore, present study analyses the available investment opportunities and how far the investment level in adventure tourism contributes to economic and community development. Literature Review: Current Scenario of Tourism in Australia: Since last decade, Australian northern territory has record of facilitating the substantial projects. The land development corporation of Australia plays a crucial role in the development and growth of the territory by delivering the investment opportunities in a commercially manner (Morgan 2016). Destinations and business which is involved in tourism considers several factors while successfully creating the demand for their offerings. Tourism sector in Australia is known for its ability to create many opportunities that enhance the performance of the economy. Adventure Tourism in Australia: Adventure tourism is growing subset of the Tourism market which seeks programs and activities having the perception of uncertain outcome. Adventure tourism in defined as the activities that are commercially operated and this involves combination of excitement and adventure that is pursed in outdoor environment ( 2017). Adventure tourism incorporates the broad range of activities that include low risk adventure activities such as tamping to high risk adventure activities such as white water rafting. There are White Water River rafting in New South Wales and Sydney (Buckley et al. 2014). Supply chain of the adventure tourism in Australia is complex and does not follow the traditional pattern. Adventure tour operators plays a key role in contributing to the sustainable vision of the sectors by promoting the activities and choosing the facilities (Dredge et al. 2014). Adventure tourism in Australia is attracting the attention for its emphasis on culture of the company. Australia offers prepackaged adventure tourism market often including the adventure neophytes. Research Questions and Hypothesis: Research Questions: Is the collaboration of public and private sector has any impact on the development of adventure tourism in Australia. Does adventure tourism provides the business opportunities in Australia? Do adventure tourism contributes effectively in the economy and community development and attract high value customers? Hypothesis: Following hypothesis are set in order to make recommendation for the investment opportunities of adventure tourism in Australia: Null hypothesis (H0): Australia does not have any investment opportunities in the adventure tourism. Alternative hypothesis (H1): Adventure tourism does not provide any investment opportunities in Australia. Operational Definitions and Measurement: Data for conducting the research are collected by limiting the number of respondents to seventy. This is done so that any kind of complication are avoided with the techniques of research. For the measurement of the different type of respondents from the participants, Likert scale has been used. Likert scale is used for scaling the responses obtained from the respondents. This represents the attitude of the participants in the research toward the particular topic. Researcher needs to set various parameters for executing the Likert Scale. For the purpose of quantitative analysis of the primary information or data collected form the respondents, it will be suitable to convert the responses percentage terms. From the above analysis, it is shown that the respondents Research Methodologies: Research Design Under the present study, descriptive research design is considered in which the researcher describes a particular situation. This is based on collection, presentation and designing of collected data. Sampling Techniques Analysis of the primary data and secondary data will form the basis of the sampling techniques used. It has been observed that the total number of respondents for conducting the research is seventy. Respondents would comprise of information collected from the hotels and tourism spots in Australia. It would also includes the higher authority and senior level managers who are seeking to expand the business via the adventure tourism in Australia. Secondary data would comprise of the reports of the several investments made in the Tourism sector. Analysis would be done on the basis of the quantitative data collected from the field of enquiry and from the various secondary sources. Method of Analysis: Primary collection data is done by using the survey method. In addition to this, analysis of the quantitative data collected from the respondents is further done by evaluating the data based on the central tendency analysis. Analysis of collected data is better understood by using some of the statistical tool such as standard deviation, mean, skewness, kurtosis and performing several tests. For the analysis of the secondary data collected, it is suitable to consider theoretical bases that has been used for the purpose for literature review. Research Process Research process will be initiated by identifying the types of investments made in the adventure tourism in Australia. Process of collecting the data will be started by carrying out the survey. Questionnaires framed would be distributed to the respondents. Which are seventy in number. Such questions would be asked to the senior managers of the tourism sector and the hotels and several respondents from the tourist spot. Descriptive statistical value of the data would be found out by carrying out the analysis using the approach of central tendency. Investigation of investment opportunities in the adventure tourism is done by evaluating collected data. Expected Outcome It has been studies by different authors that several places in Australia such as Victoria, New South Wales and Sydney serve as the ideal destinations for adventure tourism. It has been found that adventure tourism supports local economies and encourages sustainable practices in Australia. Outcome of the research would depict the positivity contributed to the economy, business and community due to investment made in the adventure tourism sector in Australia. Adventure tourism may require less capital investment for infrastructure. In order for the adventure tourism to flourish, it is necessary that investment is made in the elements complimenting the natural, adventurous and cultural assets. Research is depicting the need for collaboration of the public and private sector for creating fertile ground for adventure tourism. While the government can work to ensure that the practices, policies and attitudes are in place and private sectors can contribute to the development of adventure tourism sector. This can be done by creating compelling and innovative products. Conclusion, Interpretation and Recommendation: Findings from research have been analyzed in detail by considering the bases of theory, reviewing the relevant literature, literature background. It also includes hypothesis that is selected for analysis of data and techniques of interpretation have been applied to relevant questions. The interpretation of collaboration of the public and private sector on influencing the investment opportunities on adventure tourism sector has been seen with the partial response by the respondents. This is in light of the reluctance of the private sector to focus their efforts in promoting investment in adventure tourism because of long term challenges of maintaining business. Respondents partially agreed with the availability of scope of business and investment opportunities for the adventure tourism. This secondary interpretation shows respondents tendency towards partial awareness. Moreover, the respondents have shown agreement of adventure tourism on the community development and attracts the customers of high value. Therefore, continued growth of these sector would have a positive impact on the destination economies, people and environment. On the basis of interpretation of last research question presented, it has been found that several adventure companies in Australia are increasingly opening up new destinations, developing new products and taking initiatives in attracting new clients by enhancing their commitment to sustainability. From above discussion and interpretation, null hypothesis associated with availability of investment opportunities in Australia can be rejected. Hence, alternative hypothesis would be accepted. Reference: Abascal, T.E., Fluker, M. and Jiang, M., 2016. Domestic demand for Indigenous tourism in Australia: understanding intention to participate.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,24(8-9), pp.1350-1368. Buckley, R., 2014. Adventure tourism as a research tool in non-tourism disciplines.Tourism Recreation Research,39(1), pp.39-49. Buckley, R., Shakeela, A. and Guitart, D., 2014. Adventure tourism and local livelihoods.Annals of Tourism Research,48, pp.269-272. Dredge, D., Airey, D. and Gross, M.J., 2014.The routledge handbook of tourism and hospitality education. Routledge. Horner, S. and Swarbrooke, J., 2016.Consumer behaviour in tourism. Routledge. Mason, P., 2015.Tourism impacts, planning and management. Routledge. Morgan, D., 2016. Adventure tourism.Encyclopedia of Tourism, pp.10-11. Randle, E.J. and Hoye, R., 2016. Stakeholder perception of regulating commercial tourism in Victorian National Parks, Australia.Tourism Management,54, pp.138-149. Rice, P., 2014. Universal management: a proposal to change the direction of accessibility management in the Australian tourism industry to create benefits for all Australians and visitors to Australia.Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal,2(2). (2017). Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2017].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The One Day in Jozefow Initiation to Mass Murder free essay sample

The main question raised in the One Day in Jozefow: Initiation to Mass Murder article is that of how did the Nazis get the manpower and successfully eliminate so many Polish Jews in a mere matter of eleven months. What is found is that the Nazis did not actually use real military force to clear the ghettos. When they were given orders leaders did not have enough men to successfully clear ghettos, therefore, they turned to normal everyday Polish police. They also gathered prisoners of war who were from places like the Ukraine and Lithuania. The Nazis also took order police who were stationed in the German government. This gave them the numbers they were so lacking and that were vital to them to take on their orders. Many of these people had not been brought up and raised in Nazi Germany and therefore they did not have the values and anti-Semitism that other soldiers had. We will write a custom essay sample on The One Day in Jozefow: Initiation to Mass Murder or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They were simply given orders and expected to carry them out. Some men did not want to participate in shooting Jews at point-blank range and yet some did without even giving a second thought as to why they were killing these people. It seemed as if some of the men were merely just going along with what their peers were doing in order not to be singled out or labeled a coward. This concept is a very interesting one. How could the Nazis succeed in simply convincing men who were not necessarily racists towards Jewish people to kill them so mercilessly? Surely the men could have refused and went against orders but instead, they chose to kill innocent people. After the Holocaust, the men were uncomfortable talking about what they did. They did not feel good about it nor did they take any sort of pride. They themselves probably wondered how they were so easily persuaded and convinced to murder so many Polish Jews. Genocide and Public Health: German Doctors and Polish Jews examines the roles that German Doctors played in the mass murder of the Polish Jews. It looks especially at the public health officials. First, it shows the fact that German Doctors thought Poland, in general, was a filthy country that was filled with uncivilized people. They thought health conditions in Poland were not even suitable for animals. Things like this helped contribute to anti-Semitism because people thought no respectable human being would ever choose to live in such conditions. The health system that was set up was to first serve the German people above anyone else. There was an emphasis on preventing the spread of any diseases that the Polish Jews may be carrying. This like this helped justify things like mass murder. It gave people all the more reason to think that it was okay to eliminate Jewish people from the country entirely. They restricted the movement of Jews in order to prevent any diseases from traveling and keep in mind the well being of the Polish people and above all the Germans. The doctors began to look at Jewish people not as patients but instead as a danger to everyone else. They did not focus on getting them better but instead thought it would be best just to abolish the Jewish people entirely. These ides infiltrated other people’s heads and fueled their hatred. The Jewish people were putting them at risk for sickness and disease and they did not seem to care. This gave the people all of the more reason to want them to be murdered. These two articles were extremely interesting to explore and compare. It is amazing the influence certain people can have on others. On one hand you have the doctors being able to spread bold lies and make citizens feel that the Jewish people were the cause of a lot of disease and they could not be cured therefore they had to be eliminated. On the other hand you had people who were not necessarily against Jewish people being persuaded to kill them for beliefs that they themselves did not possess.