Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The concept of Emily Grierson as a trapped individual Essay

The concept of Emily Grierson as a trapped individual - Essay Example Emily Grierson was strongly attached to her father and it was her father who brought her up. Her mother had passed away and she did not have any other close relatives. This aspect of her life led her to live a life of solitude and her life was based upon her relationship with her father. Her father was a proud man who considered him to be superior to all the other people who resided in the town. He kept a distance for the other people and did not intermingle in the social gatherings with people. He instilled similar feelings in his daughter and she was also not very social and restricted to her life within the house. Her father considered all the men who offered to marry Emily not to be up to the mark and rejected all these proposals. This behaviour of the Griersons is portrayed by Faulkner in these words, â€Å"People in our town, remembering how old lady Wyatt, her great-aunt, had gone completely crazy at last, believed that the Griersons held themselves a little too high for what they really were. None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such.† Thus her upbringing by her father pushed her into solitude and led her to lead a trapped life. Emily’s father was the most important figure in her life and the death of her father shattered her. She became hysteric and was not ready to accept the death of her father. She did not take the condolences of the people and sent them away. It was only by force that her father’s body was buried. This great loss pushed her more into entrapment and she was left alone in her life. The next major character that entered her life was an outsider, Homer Barron who came to visit the town. Emily became greatly attached to him owing to her solitude and loneliness but Barron opted not to marry Emily. She took a drastic step of poisoning Homer Barron and kept his body in her house. The reaction of the people of the town and their criticism for her can also be held accountable for her trapped li fe. The people in the town talked about her behind her back and only visited her out of curiosity to see what was going inside her house. This social alienation served to further prevent Emily from leading a normal life. Emily became totally isolated and did not believe in societal laws and regulations. She developed these believes owing to her entrapped life. She did not consider herself to be a member of the society. She did not allow for the installation of a mail box at her house as she did not want to be linked to the outside world. She also denied paying the taxes in the town and responded to the officials from the city by saying, "I received a paper, yes," Miss Emily said. "Perhaps he considers himself the sheriff . . . I have no taxes in Jefferson." It has been portrayed that the life of Emily Grierson starts â€Å"decaying† in her home in solitude. She began to decay physically, mentally as well as socially. She started losing her looks and was totally cut off from t he social environment of the town. She did not mingle with anyone and thus her life depicted a theme of decaying. She also lost her sanity as she went as far as to kill Homer Barron so that she could keep his body with her. The death of her father is the initiation of her psychiatric issues. This can be seen when she denies that her

Monday, October 28, 2019

Community College Students Essay Example for Free

Community College Students Essay Often times, community college students are depicted by the public and the media as â€Å"not smart enough† or â€Å"not capable. † For example, just recently I was at Barnes and Noble and as I was looking for a book the sales associate approached me. She asked me if I needed help then asked me what school I attended, when I told her that I go to Fullerton College her attitude changed. She asked me if I didn’t go to a four year university because of my grades, when I told her that, that wasn’t the reason she went on ranting that I need to do good in school and I shouldn’t be at a community college. It seems that the public look down on the students at community college. When watching the show, â€Å"Blue Mountain State,† you have a group of friends that happen to be on the universities football team. On the show is portrays the typical university life and the football players engage in heavy drinking, drugs and lots of sex. If a four university is offering that then what is so good about going to one? Often times you hear about crazier parties thrown by universities rather than community colleges. Universities are supposed to be prestigious but these huge parties are throwing them off. Many times the public says that community college is no good because of its parties with drugs, they say that’s why no students should aim for community colleges but statistics say that universities throw the biggest parties. Who are the bad guys now? Recent talk on the website collegeconfidential. om, students talk about how their parents do not want their kids to go to a community college. This is a website for real people with answers from people who have had the experiences. A student just recently posted that his parents did not want him to go to a community college because they are no good. Many people were quick to respond to his post, most of the people who replied were adults who have had the experience, even some professors, and they told him that community college is not bad at all. The responders replied by saying that ommunity college has great professors and are cheaper than a four year university. Of course at a four year university you will get a bit better education, but for those who cannot afford the fees it is great for them. For example, a user , â€Å"NTKTOP,† posted this comment. â€Å"My parents say that they suck and that theyre going to kick me out of the house if I go to one. † This student sees nothing wrong with community college but his parents do, then this is what one San Diego State University graduate had to say, â€Å"I dont think theyre bad. Of course, it depends on the school you choose and professor you get, but thats the same of any traditional school. CC can be a good jumping board for some people. No matter where you go, you will find easy professors but in my experience CC is a not a bad choice. † This is my second semester in a community college; so far everything has been going good. The professors I have had are not very difficult but do not give easy grades. Last semester I had a Spanish class that was for advanced speakers but there were some things that did not click in my mind. My professor would stay with me after class to try and help me to better understand the material. This semester my math class has tutors that they offer for free. I take advantage of these resources because they are free and the professors are willing to help me out without any problem. The stories I hear from my friends in community college are that they have teachers that care for the student’s education; they do not give easy grades just because we are in community college. Many professors want to further our knowledge and prepare us for our transfer to a university. No matter where you go, you will get a great education. The United States is known worldwide for its prestigious schools. A big part has to come from the students, if the student is willing to put in the time, dedication and effort their possibilities are endless. So far, community college has been a great experience for me. I have great professors who are always able to help out. The media tries to pick on community colleges but in reality, it is a great choice in this economy. Many students that leave a four year university have a huge debt to pay because of loans. Many students choose community college because it is a fraction of the cost of a university. I do not think it is fair when parents judge community colleges as bad; you can get a good education for a very affordable price. You can go to a community college such as Fullerton College, which has great professors, to get your general education classes out of the way for a low price then transfer to a four year university to mainly focus on your degree classes.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dangerous Abortion Laws Essay -- essays papers

Dangerous Abortion Laws Does the sovereignty of a minor’s body also belong to their legal guardians and mainstream societies views of morality? The only answer to this question is absolutely not. Currently 28 states in the U.S. require parental consent or notification in order for a minor to receive abortion services.(Net 3) This is not a federally mandated law, but if the right-wing religious groups get their way it will become just that.(Net 3) Requiring parental involvement in a minor’s decision to abort is unacceptable due to; personal choice, birth control, and health risk, issues. Although a judicial bypass can over-rule a parental involvement law, a minor must prove either extenuating circumstances or her maturity in this decision.(Net 4) It must be understood that this bypass is not nor will it ever be, an antidote for the terrible consequences a parental involvement law can hold towards a minor. When a minor applies for a judicial bypass a multitude of sources may influence the judge’s ruling. That is if the judge chooses to hear her case. Amongst these influences lurk variants of all kinds. Variants that may encumber the minor’s chances of having her petition approved may include: There are no set guidelines for a judge to follow, therefore personal discretion, bias, religion, and or opinions, may sway the judge to a truly unfair decision.(Net 4) When ruling on a minor’s level of maturity no set criteria designates a judges determinate factors. Having to go through the legal system can prolong a young women’s pregnancy, which in turn increases cost, health risks, and emotional strain. The judicial system is an intimidating infrastructure for most adults.(Net 4) Therefore it imposes a frightening experience for a minor who has already taken so much upon herself in order to obtain an abortion. A severe drawback to judicial bypass is there is absolutely no guarantee of privacy.(Net 4) An excellent example of this occurs quite frequently in small close-knit towns where parental involvement laws are strictly enforced, and shot-gun weddings are used as an alternative to abortion. Judges who handle these situations are often local elected officials,so their decisions may be altered for campaign purposes.(Net 4) In local municipal courts a minor chances of being recognized by someone is all too likely. So a minor’s chances of having her ... ...ential abortion are logically the same as birth control dipensation. 3. Dangerous health risks make laws that may force teens to endure more than they choose or are able to, therefore such laws are never appropriate. Cons: 1. Judicial bypass can make parental involvement laws more feasible. 2. Possible side effects. Bibliography: Work Citation Page 1. Barans, T. â€Å"Women’s Reproductive Self-Determination.† Pro-choice Right to Abortion. ( *(Net 1) 2. Harris R, Yvette. â€Å"Adolescent Abortion.† Society. July-Aug.1997 v34. p20-22. *(Mag 1) 3. â€Å"Health Risks.† March of the Dimes Foundation. ( /teenfact.html) *(Net 2) 4. â€Å"Judicial Bypass.† ( *(Net 4) 5. â€Å"Parental Consent for FamilyPlanning.† APHA Fact Sheet. ( *(Net 3) 6. â€Å"Republican leaders vow to take quick action on Child Custody Protection Act.† National Right to Life News. June 9,1998. v25. p1. *(Mag 2)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Financial Literacy Essay

India is among the world’s most efficient financial markets in terms of technology, regulation and systems. It also has one of the highest savings rate in the world – our gross household savings rate, which averaged 19% of gross domestic product (GDP) between 1996-97 and 1999-2000, increased to about 23% in 2003-04 and has been growing ever since. While savings are more in India, where the savings are invested is a cause for concern. Investments by households have been more into either bank fixed deposits, risk-free government-backed securities and low-yielding instruments, or in non-financial assets. A majority of our households do not use modern financial markets. As per an RBI report, only 1. 4% of household savings was invested in equity, mutual funds and debentures in 2003-04. Though this went up to about 4% in 2005-06, it is still very small. Unless the common person becomes a wiser investor and is protected from wrong doings, wealth creation for the investor and the economy will remain a distant dream. We need to convert a country of savers into a nation of investors. Which one should you use? Such questions and choices appear tough to even urban population not to talk of those in rural areas, where most of India’s population is. When it comes to financial solutions, investors tend to use thumb rules or seek advice from friends and relatives, which are often poor approximations compared to those that follow from a systematic process. If they get bad advice, their outcomes will be poor, and they will start to lose faith in the financial sector. A big improvement of financial knowledge of households is necessary so that they participate continuously in financial markets. Financial literacy plays a significant role in the efficient allocation of household savings and the ability of individuals to meet their financial goals. It also means the ability to seek sound financial advice. Financial literacy has assumed greater importance in recent years as financial markets have become increasingly complex and the common man finds it very difficult to make informed decisions. Financial literacy is considered an important adjunct for promoting financial inclusion and ultimately financial stability. Both developed and developing countries, therefore, are focusing on programmes for financial literacy/education. In India, the need for financial literacy is even greater considering the low levels of literacy and the large section of the population, which still remains out of the formal financial set-up. To understand financial planning, a person should be financially literate to understand the importance of preparing household budgets, cash-flow management and asset allocation to meet financial goals. Everyone saves money for future needs but the approach is to save surplus money without preparing household budgets, without prioritizing personal financial goals, without properly allocating investments in different asset classes and without understanding the real rate of return (after adjusting for inflation). Financial literacy has become an immensely popular component of financial reform across the world. As a response to the recent financial crisis, the United States government set up the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy in January 2008, charged with promoting programs that improve financial education at all levels of the economy and helping increase access to financial services. In the developing world, the Indonesian government declared 2008 â€Å"the year of financial education,† with a stated goal of improving access to and use of financial services by increasing financial literacy. Similarly, in India, the Reserve Bank of India launched an initiative in 2007 to establish Financial Literacy and Credit Counseling Centers throughout the country which would offer free financial education and counseling to urban and rural populations. The World Bank also hasn’t been missing out on the trend – it recently approved a $15 million Trust Fund on Financial Literacy. But what do we know about financial literacy? Does it work, and if so, through what mechanisms? Despite the money being ploughed into financial literacy programs, we know very little to address these important questions. While it is true that there is a large and growing body of survey evidence from both developed and developing countries that demonstrate a strong association between financial literacy and household well-being, we are still in the process of learning whether this relationship is causal. While survey analysis can control for all observable variables in the survey questionnaires such as income, gender, age, education, etc. , there may be some unobserved variables, such as ability, that may be driving the positive correlation between financial literacy and use of financial services. In addition, people who choose to participate in surveys or literacy seminars may be quite different in terms of their interests in financial matters, for instance, than those who do not participate. The positive correlations may therefore be driven by endogenous selection. Further, survey evidence cannot distinguish the direction of causality: greater financial literacy may lead to greater use of financial services, or just as likely, individuals who use more financial services may score better on financial literacy assessments based on their experience in financial markets. Experimental studies on financial literacy, similar to medical drug trials, allow for overcoming the problems of selection and endogeneity that are associated with survey analysis. There are only a handful of completed studies on financial literacy, though more are in the pipeline. In the developed world, research evidence that financial education can affect decision-making comes from a randomized evaluation conducted at a major university in the United States. Duflo and Saez (2003) implemented an â€Å"encouragement design,† in which they randomly offered some administrative employees a small financial incentive ($20) to attend a session which provided information on retirement products. Those receiving the incentive were significantly more likely to attend the training session, and this had a small, but significant impact on their savings decisions, as more individuals in the treatment group enrolled in tax-deferred retirement accounts. In a paper I coauthored with Shawn Cole and Thomas Sampson, we provide the first study in this direction in the developing world, through a randomized evaluation of a financial literacy training program in Indonesia. Participants in this study consisted of unbanked households, half of whom received an invitation for a free financial literacy seminar 2-3 hours in length. Although take up of the training is high, we find no effect of the program on the likelihood of opening a bank account in the general population. We do, however, find that the training has a significant impact on unschooled and financially illiterate households, increasing the likelihood of opening a bank account by 12% and 5%, respectively. These results suggest that financial literacy training programs should be carefully targeted at these subgroups of individuals. Additionally, a more comprehensive financial literacy program that is delivered over several weekly sessions, rather than a single session of a few hours, may be required to change financial behavior among households in the general population. The need for a more detailed and extensive financial education program is also reflected in research by Cole, Gine et. al (2009) on rainfall insurance for low-income farmers in Andhra Pradesh, India. Specifically, they randomize the provision of an education module about converting the measurement of rainfall in millimeters to soil moisture. Since farmers typically decide when to sow using soil moisture whereas insurance payouts are calculated using millimeters, the education module should improve farmers’ understanding of the insurance policy. However, results indicate that the education module had no significant effect on insurance participation, possibly because the intervention was quite minimal. The education component only involved using a ruler to demonstrate a length of 10mm and 100mm, and subsequently showing a chart of how 100mm of rain translates into average soil moisture for a particular soil type. Moreover, the information was presented quite briefly, taking no more than 2 to 3 minutes. Thus, a modest amount of financial education appears to be insufficient in inducing households to participate in financial markets, and a more thorough financial literacy program may be necessary to do so. There are even fewer ongoing studies attempting to look at other aspects of financial literacy behavior. Exceptions include Cole, Shapiro and Zia, who are conducting a randomized evaluation of a video-based financial literacy training program in India, which includes modules on loans, savings, budgeting and insurance. Elsewhere, Hastings and Mitchell are conducting an experiment among Chilean households, to determine whether or not financial literacy has an effect on an individual’s ability to make optimal financial decisions; and Karlan, McMillan and Kutsoati are carrying out a randomized control trial in Ghana where rural bank customers receive six 15-minute financial literacy lessons. The jury is still out on whether financial literacy is a useful and cost-effective tool for promoting financial access. The studies mentioned here and many more that are in development should enhance our understanding of what works, how it works, and for whom it works. Indians have better financial literacy levels than most others globally and rank second out of 10 leading nations in having a basic financial literacy level, a survey said. â€Å"Indians turn out to be the second out of 10 leading nations in the world to have a basic financial literacy level (55 per cent), just behind the Japanese, an ING Consumer Resourcefulness Survey, said. A majority of Indian consumers have not only shown better skills in managing their household financial budget but are also confident of facing any financial impediments in future as compared to citizens of nine other countries, the survey said. The survey was carried out amongst 5,000 consumers across ten major nations, including India, the USA, Mexico, The Netherlands, Romania, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Korea and Japan. The survey shows that a whopping 84 per cent of Indians prefer buying life insurance products as compared to 54 per cent globally. A similar percentage of Indians believe in maintaining a household budget with a focus on savings. School for Investor Education & Financial Literacy (SIEFL) Financial Literacy Programmes through schools: NISM intends to introduce financial education in schools through the Pocket Money program. Currently the program covers more than 4300 children from 32 schools across North, South and East India. The program is in the process of being introduced in the schools in the Western region. The Spread of Financial Literacy It is better to start early with the process of financial education as discipline in money matters is an important characteristic of an individual. Children should be taught the benefits of saving and introducing the age old concepts of having a piggy bank can be a welcome start. Schools need to inculcate these habits in students and gradually introduce them to the basics of personal finance. A beginning has already been made by introducing subjects on basic finance in the school curriculum at certain centers. Reserve Bank of India is promoting this early education of children by adopting a friendly and entertaining way through the medium of comics. They are also encouraging the young to participate in contests, the winners of which are awarded scholarships. It is the vulnerable sections of society like women, senior citizens, the rural and urban poor who need to be adequately educated and equipped. The Financial Literacy programme of RBI is tackling all these issues through different means. Their website is a store house of knowledge provided there is an urge to learn. The individual has to be proactive and be eager to grasp the necessary knowledge to safeguard himself and thereby his money. RBI is making extra efforts to be as transparent as possible in the larger interest of the common citizen by reaching out to them through their out reach programmes. These pro-grammes which were held during the 75th year of RBI in 2010 in far corners of the country were primarily to educate the masses about the activi-ties of RBI and how to utilize the available banking services for their betterment. Most banks also have their financial literacy departments and credit counseling centers where personal problems are addressed. How much of these centers are successes is deba-table because a very small percentage of people know about these facilities and even if they know there is an inherent hesitation to seek their help. The websites of banks and financial institutions also have all the details about their products and services. In case of doubts it is advisable to refer to these portals to avoid making any wrong or improper decision. The concern is that incomplete or half baked knowledge is not used to take decisions which are repented later. BCSBI or Banking Codes and Standards Board of India have been set up by RBI as an apex body to improve the working of banks and introduce systemic changes wherever necessary for better treatment of customers. While their primary focus remains on customer service they are also participating in disseminating information on different aspects of banking. For an effective literacy campaign it is important that information asymmetry between service provider and customer is reduced. In this connection banks have unilaterally undertaken to comply with a Code of Commitment to Customers detailing the nature of services provided by banks, the normal time taken for rendering these services and the various obligations of banks who have signed these codes. Only when there is awareness can the customers use the code to their benefit. It is for the individual to take advantage of the provisions provided there is willingness to learn. BCSBI also publishes a quarterly newsletter which is both informative and educative. The importance of promoting financial literacy and the enormity of the task is being gradually understood. This has made many organizations enter this field to make their presence felt. Innovative ways have been adopted to keep the literacy efforts simple and user friendly for maximum benefit. Websites, print media and audio visual communications relating to financial education are easily accessible for the average individual to improve his under-standing of the financial market, its products and services. National dailies, banks, financial institutions,  private organizations are individually contributing through easy to understand pamphlets, comic strips, newsletters etc. to reach the consumer covering fundamental issues. Seminars, conferences, interactive sessions are often arranged to address issues of common concern and dissemination of information. Spreading of information and awareness is critical for an emerging economy like India. If the vast population of deprived people is brought into the mainstream it would be of immense benefit both as a social necessity as well as an economic push. The call for financial inclusion in the country has therefore become an immediate priority and is engaging the attention of policy makers for effective execution. It would reap dividends only when the targeted people are financial literate. Only then would they be able to make the most appropriate choice of the products and services which would improve their position. The vast majority of our people are extremely vulnerable as they depend upon informal sources of finance for meet-in their needs. Only by empowering them with the adequate knowledge can we hope to improve their lot and that of the economy as a whole. The penetration of banking and insurance services is extremely poor in India and if the coverage is extended by simultaneous spreading of financial literacy it would be a huge progress for overall growth. The formal channels of money transmission has to be introduced for all round benefit as for far too long the poor, gullible people have suffered at the hands of the money lender and his brethren. The international body Organization for Economic Development OECD is putting its weight behind RBI in promoting financial literacy in India. There is no running away from this hard fact for which the financial service providers are also being trained to encourage the dissemi-nation of information in as comprehensive a way as possible. However it is the individual as the consumer who needs to grasp and absorb the knowledge for his betterment and safety. Money creation through the legitimate way is hard and painstaking but can be lost in no time if there is improper financial planning. Financial awareness is a critical component in the process of protecting and enlarging the corpus of funds that an individual may have. | | | | | | | The survey shows 84 per cent Indians prefer buying life insurance products compared to 54 per cent globally and a similar percentage of Indians believe in maintaining a household budget with focus on savings. Indians are averse to borrowing money. They borrow money only in case they have to buy a house (50 per cent) or a car (43 per cent). Compared to 33 per cent globally, 87 per cent of Indian households have an emergency fund. The survey was conducted by New York Stock Exchange-listed, ING Groep, and research consultancy firm, Epiphany, amongst 5000 consumers across ten nations, including India, United States, Mexico, Netherlands, Romania, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Korea and Japan. It was to gain a better understanding of how consumers’ financial literacy level influences their attitudes and behaviours and identify the potential similarities and differences across countries, age and gender.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

What are computer viruses and how do they work?

A computer virus is nothing but a programme that is built to â€Å"infect† other programs by making certain changes in that programme that render it unable to perform its designated function.During this procedure of ‘infection’, the virus also self perpetuates, in that it makes many copies of itself, so that it can then further infect other programmes, much like the viral infections that affect human beings.Surprisingly, there is so much similarity between the tow, in that during the replication process the copies are made exactly like the original, with no posttranslational modifications.Depending on what the virus was created to do, it can either delete the programmes it infects, or it can make it completely useless, and may itself turn it into an ‘infecting’ programme also.Major categories of viruses are1 Parasitic virus:   these are the most common form of virus, it attaches itself to executable files and replicates when the infected program is executed.2 Memory-resident virus: this virus attacks the main cache memory of the system, and gains access to all the programmes that are executed.3 Boot sector virus: this virus infects the boot segment, and then infects all the files that are executed from the disc4 Stealth virus: like the stealth machine, is virtually immune from anti virus softwares5 Polymorphic virus: after each infection, the virus changes its character, thus making cleaning or treatment very difficult6 Metamorphic virus: unlike the previous, the virus completely changes itself after every infection. .In the lifetime of the virus, a number of phases have been identified that allow the identification and possible clean up of the virus.1 Dormant phase: virus is not attacking in this phase. It waits for a specific trigger for which it has been programmed. It may be a particular date or a specific programme that is required. These are specific viruses, while not all viruses have been programmed to follow this phas e2   Propagation phase: virus makes multiple copies of itself to infect many files at the same time. Thus the virus may enter the files or the system areas itself.3 Triggering phase: the virus gets its signal to become activated. Having received its signal, it then assumes a position from which it can attack easily.4 Execution phase: this is the final step, when the virus actually performs the step it was made to do. Thus the virus may delete the file, make the programme corrupt, make multiple copies of itself, or whatever it was programmed to perform.Viruses are operating system specific and some even only attack specific hardwares. For example the linux operating system has not yet faced a virus attack, while the microsoft system is continuously batting many virus attacks, even the apple OS is not immune from these attacksAnother identity is a worm. This is a program that can replicate itself (like a virus), but it has the additional ability to send copies from one computer to a nother computer across network connections, via e-mails or VPN systemsReferances1 Heidari M. Malicious Codes in Depth. Accessed from on 13 June, 20082 Brain M. How computer viruses worl. Accessed from on 13 June, 2008

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Modred essays

Modred essays A messenger comes from Modred to Arthur with an ultimatum. Arthur must either leave the land, in which case there will be no fight, or he must fight Mordred. Arthur chooses the latter option, believing it is too late to turn back. Arthurs men are doing a good job with all of the fighting. His men are on the run. King Kaberentin of Cornwell breaks rank and attacks the enemy with the fourth battalion. Mordred sends two more battalions to counter-attack, and King Aguisant takes the fifth battalion into battle. Arthur takes his battalion and charges Mordreds. I dont understand why there was so much fighting back then. That definitely shows that we are born violent and not necessarily taught. Many of Arthurs knight fall dead. Finally, Arthur and Mordred meet, Mordred is dead, but not before Mordred mortally wounds Arthur. Arthur goes to the chapel and prays. Again, I dont understand why is he praying he knows hes going to die eventually. Arthurs court is no longer needed, and disappears from the world. It is just Girflet and King Arthur left Girflet is dismissed. Why do they call their house of prayer the Black Chapel? So now King Arthur is dead but not before a boat of women come and take him away? Why? What is the point of that? Why dont they have women fight? I guess because the guys fought like maniacs back then. The names got really confusing after a while, so, Hector, Lancelot, and Lionel are brothers. Gawain in Jerusalem killed King Baudegamis during the quest for the Holy Grail. (pg. 24) Bors is Hector, Lancelot, and Lionels cousin. They were all knights in Arthur court. Gawain is Arthurs nephew. Because there are so many people in this story it is very confusing to stay up on it. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

hypocracy of american slavery essays

hypocracy of american slavery essays "The white man's happiness cannot be purchased by the black man's misery." -Fredrick Douglass, The North Star His point was clear, all those years ago. As Fredrick Douglass presented his thoughts in front of the citizens of Rochester in 1852; they came expecting to hear a proclamation of national greatness, a celebration of liberty on the fourth of July. Instead, they heard a stirring denunciation of slavery and the white American way of life. Ex-Slave, Fredrick Douglass was asked by local leaders to deliver a speech as part of their Fourth of July celebration in front of a crowd whose majority was undoubtedly white.(Wheeler) They most likely approved of slavery possibly even owning slaves themselves.(Payne) Little did they know that Douglass was preparing to use this opportunity to let White America know that this is a celebration of white independence, not Black independence. He let them know that the "white" Fourth of July has a completely different meaning to the Negro men and women who still have not gained their independence from the white Americans who now celebrate theirs. The phrase "all men are created equal"(constitution) to these men and women seems to be a blatant lie, and Douglas is able to take this opportunity to bring this to the audience's attention. Douglass is doing many things with is phrasing in this speech. He is both accusing his audience, and informing them. He is also both arguing, and persuading them. He accomplishes this feat by using clear cut and undeniable logic. His main arguments against slavery consisted of two very simple principals. First, he says that Black men are not animals and do not deserve to be treated as such.(Williams) He says that when we are "unable to distinguish the slave from a brute, then I will argue with you that the slave is a man!"(Douglass) Second, he states that if Black and White men al ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Carl O. Sauer

Biography of Carl O. Sauer Carl Ortwin Sauer was born on December 24, 1889, in Warrenton, Missouri. His grandfather was a traveling minister, and his father taught at Central Wesleyan College, a German Methodist college that has since been closed. During his youth, Carl Sauers parents sent him to school in Germany, but he later returned to the United States to attend Central Wesleyan College. He graduated in 1908, shortly before his nineteenth birthday. From there, Carl Sauer began attending Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. While at Northwestern, Sauer studied geology and developed an interest in the past. Sauer then shifted to the broader subject of geography. Within this discipline, he was primarily interested in the physical landscape, human cultural activities, and the past. He then transferred to the University of Chicago where he studied under Rollin D. Salisbury, among others, and earned his Ph.D. in geography in 1915. His dissertation focused on the Ozark Highlands in Missouri and included information ranging from the areas people to its landscape. Carl Sauer at the University of Michigan Following his graduation from the University of Chicago, Carl Sauer began teaching geography at the University of Michigan where he remained until 1923. In his early days at the university, he studied and taught environmental determinism, an aspect of geography that said the physical environment was solely responsible for the development of various cultures and societies. This was the popularly held viewpoint in geography at the time, and Sauer learned about it extensively at the University of Chicago. After studying the destruction of pine forests on Michigans Lower Peninsula while teaching at the University of Michigan though, Sauers opinions on environmental determinism changed, and he became convinced that humans control nature and develop their cultures out of that control, not the other way around. He then became a fierce critic of environmental determinism and carried these ideas throughout his career. During his graduate studies in geology and geography, Sauer also learned the importance of field observation. He then made this an important aspect of his teaching at the University of Michigan and during his later years there, he did field mapping of the physical landscape and land uses in Michigan and surrounding areas. He also published extensively on the area’s soils, vegetation, land use, and the quality of the land. The University of California, Berkeley Throughout the early 1900s, geography in the United States was mainly studied on the East Coast and Mid-west. In 1923, however, Carl Sauer left the University of Michigan when he accepted a position at the University of California, Berkeley. There, he served as the department chair and advanced his ideas of what geography should be. It was also here that he became famous for developing the Berkeley School of geographic thought which focused on regional geography organized around culture, landscapes, and history. This area of study was important for Sauer because it further enhanced his opposition to environmental determinism in that it placed an emphasis on how humans interact with and change their physical environment. Also, he brought up the importance of history when studying geography and he aligned U.C. Berkeleys geography department with its history and anthropology departments. In addition to the Berkeley School, Sauers most famous work to come out of his time at U.C. Berkeley was his paper, The Morphology of Landscape in 1925. Like much of his other work, it challenged environmental determinism and made clear his stance that geography should be the study of how present landscapes were shaped over time by people and natural processes. Also in the 1920s, Sauer began applying his ideas to Mexico, and this began his lifelong interest in Latin America. He also published Ibero-Americana with several other academics. During much of the rest of his life, he studied the area and its culture and published widely on the Native Americans in Latin America, their culture, and their historical geography. In the 1930s, Sauer worked on the National Land Use Committee and began studying the relationships between climate, soil, and slope with one of his graduate students, Charles Warren Thornthwaite, to detect soil erosion for the Soil Erosion Service. Soon after though, Sauer became critical of the government and its failure to create sustainable agriculture and economic reform and in 1938, he wrote a series of essays focused on environmental and economic issues. Additionally, Sauer also became interested in biogeography in the 1930s and wrote articles focusing plant and animal domestication. Finally, Sauer organized the international conference, Mans Role in Changing the Face of the Earth, at Princeton, New Jersey in 1955 and contributed to a book of the same title. In it, he explained the ways humans have impacted the Earths landscape, organisms, water, and atmosphere. Carl Sauer retired shortly after that in 1957. Post-U.C. Berkeley After his retirement, Sauer continued his writing and research and wrote four novels focused on early European contact with North America. Sauer died in Berkeley, California on July 18, 1975, at the age of 85. Carl Sauers Legacy During his 30 years at U.C. Berkeley, Carl Sauer oversaw the work of many graduate students who became leaders in the field and worked to spread his ideas throughout the discipline. More importantly, Sauer was able to make geography prominent on the West Coast and initiate new ways of studying it. The Berkeley Schools approach differed significantly from the traditional physical and spatially oriented approaches, and though it is not actively studied today, it provided the foundation for cultural geography, cementing Sauers name in geographic history.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area Essay

Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area - Essay Example At its beginning stage, in 1990 the EU has made the free capital movement within the euro area and formation of a single market certain. In the second stage the EU introduced the formation of the European Monetary Institute (EMI) in the period of 1994-1999, which is the pioneer of the European Central Bank (ECB). The third and final stage has been traced by introducing the euro currency along with a single and common monetary policy of the European Central Bank in the euro area. It is noted that though each of the member of the EU are also the elements of the EMU, however, the euro area does not consist of all the EU countries. Only the members who have considered the euro as their currency have been incorporated in the euro area. Only these countries are liable towards the ECB’s monetary policy. Except the UK and Denmark, all the member countries of EU have been entailed to become a part of the euro area by meeting the criteria regarding the specific economic convergence stan dards. The policies regarding the economic surveillances under the framework of the EMU demand that all members should guarantee the harmonization of their economic policies. Beside they are required to grant their mutual supervision of the union and reveal the regulations related with their financial as well as budgetary policies. With the provision of monetary policy, the stability of the single currency, the euro, is supported and emphasized. However, considering the strategy requirements towards the arrangements of pensions, labor or capital market, the fiscal policy, the policies of taxes and expenditures, remains under the control of the individual state governments of the member countries. But for functioning of the EMU directions effectively in accordance with its requisite, a supportive public finance is necessary along with supple and assimilated labor, product, and financial markets. Governments of all the member countries are required to sustain their

Friday, October 18, 2019

Productivity Software Usability Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Productivity Software Usability - Research Paper Example The invention of computer brought a revolution. Initially, there were very few companies that were providing productivity software, whereas those software were difficult to use and could not perform advanced and complicated jobs. With the advancement in technology and invention of faster computers, the number of productivity software increased to a great extent and the existing one kept improving. Keeping in view the needs and convenience of business and individual users, companies kept introducing different varieties of these software. This fierce competition between software companies has brought revolutionary changes in the way people use computer. Now, there are thousands of software that can perform hundreds of thousands of jobs with great ease and convenience. One of the most famous productivity software suits is â€Å"Microsoft Office†. It is the market leader, used by majority of companies globally. It comes with a word processor (Word), a presentation developing software (PowerPoint), a website developing software (FrontPage), a database software (Access), a data calculation, analysis and visualizing software (Excel), brochures, flyers, business cards, etc creator and editor (Publisher), email client (Outlook), information sharing software (OneNote) and others. Since Microsoft Office is a comprehensive suite of productivity software, I will use it as an example in explaining the usability of productivity software. After that, I would be discussing more usability of these software by mentioning other examples. A word processor is a software that helps in typing anything be it a latter, legal document, report, dissertation, etc. Microsoft Word can be taken as an example. It can format a document according to your need, automatically corrects typing mistakes, helps in correcting the spelling, and puts reference for you and can

Establishing scientific academies and credibility Research Paper

Establishing scientific academies and credibility - Research Paper Example Rhetoric conveying authority Dear’s 1985 account of the establishment of the Royal Society turned on the interplay between rhetoric and authority during this period. He called this period of the emergence of scientific societies between 1650 and 1660 as indicative of the consolidation of the Scientific Revolution. At this time, science practitioners with similar views about scientific inquiry formed groups which â€Å"stand as testimony to a new attitude toward knowledge of nature† (Dear, 1985). The institutionalisation of scientific inquiry was a sign of the changing attitude of society towards the knowledge of nature. The establishment of the Royal Society in particular was the focal point that marked the end of the change process. The new attitude towards the pursuit of natural knowledge was shaped by the disciplines that were established during the Scientific Revolution. The discussion forwards the thesis that early scientific reporting employed rhetoric to convey a uthority pursuant to the convention of the period, which is separate and distinct from the truth discovered in the scientific inquiry itself. ... In his treatise, Dear described a report submitted by Newton in 1666 on a prism experiment, calling it a â€Å"fabrication†. It turned out that the series of experiments were genuine and their results were valid and relevant, but the description of the experiments were cast in a form that made the paper more acceptable for publication. The paper also highlights the contrast between the Old Learning and the New Learning (Rangachari, 1994). The very title of the piece was an ironic play on the motto of the Royal Society. Nullius in Verba was Latin for â€Å"Take nobody’s word for it,† referring to the stringent standards of scientific study. Totius Verba is the opposite, meaning to â€Å"Take everybody’s word for it.† Linguistic style and virtual witnessing. The thesis advanced by Shapin (1984) is that knowledge about reality is shaped by the speech in which such natural reality is couched. The language used is also the key to securing agreement of th e scientific community to the knowledge discovered, and of differentiating the new discoveries from former theories that were accorded mediocre status. Shapin observed that there was a way of communicating that accords a greater credibility to the report than would have otherwise been attributed to it had it been reported in a more regular communicating style. Specific observations were made concerning the effective use of language to convey more than the scientific findings arrived at. For instance, accounts of experiments were replete with rich detail, the purpose of which was to build in the mind of the reader a picture of the execution of an experimental procedure at which they were not physically present to personally witness. Shapin terms this

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Compare the psychological internalization of character in Aeschylus Essay

Compare the psychological internalization of character in Aeschylus Shakespeare, and Austen - Essay Example He was a poet, a playwright and also a scriptwriter. He is also known as the England’s national poet and the â€Å"Bard of Avon†. Moving on, around the world we have another famous world of literature, the Greek history. No doubt the ancient Greek civilization has been one of the most fascinating and wonderful of all the civilizations. And for this, we must be thankful to the ancient Greek writers. One of the most renowned Greek legends is Aeschylus. He was a Greek playwright and is called the father of tragedy. Hamlet’s father, the king, gets murdered by his own brother. To his astonishment his mother marries his uncle, the killer of her husband and his father. Then he is followed by his father’s ghost who cries out for vengeance. However, the Prince is in a dilemma. He has to figure out how to deal with his uncle who kills his father to become the king and goes ahead within a very short period of time to marry his mother. It is a clear indication of how people can be pretenders and harmful. At the same time it calls for a good analysis of the people around. Then there is a kingdom lynching in between, and there is no one who could be trusted. Thus all of the relations and emotions: Family, politics, blood lust, betrayal, mystery, friendship and love – each plays a role in Shakespeares great tragedy, "Hamlet". Through Hamlet Shakespeare represents a man at his most destructive. Hamlet by far is one of Shakespeares greatest works, and is pretty much considered to be the pinnacle of Shakespeare’s literary power. Also, Emma is considered to be Austen’s favorite character. Just like herself, Emma is a domineering, intrusive, complacent, snob of a juvenile woman who attempts to state the lives of all her peers and family members. But even with her flaws, or maybe because of them, Emma happens to be one of Austen’s most adored heroines. Through Emma, Austen expresses her analyses of 19th century England’s intricate and

Organisations and Behaviour assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Organisations and Behaviour - Assignment Example Communication generally occurs at the immediate level. A traditional hierarchical structure is more favourable for smaller organisations. The organisations having less number of employees can be controlled and proper flow of communication can be maintained with a top down organisation approach. This is helpful in enforcing power and command over the organisation. However, with the rise in globalisation and technological advancements, organisations began to downsize and started to use technology instead. In the present business environment, a strict top down approach of hierarchal organisational structure is tough to follow. Since every department is branching out into many sub divisions and vertical as well as horizontal branches, cross communication has seen an enormous rise. Thus looking at the present scenario, a hierarchal organisational structure will lead to a lack in communication and the resultant organisational will be more bureaucratic in nature. Apart from this, another ma jor disadvantage of this structure is that it does not encourage employees to collaborate, share ideas and information. Sometimes employees develop cliches and it may also result in fierce competition for power within departments. This decreases the motivation level of employees. Hawk Company was following taylorist methods of production. A taylorist method can be characterized as a production process in which every action or task is broken down into smaller segments with the objective of monitoring and correcting any action. This can be regarded as a rigorous method of production where each and every action is flowed by strict monitoring. A taylorist approach can be accompanied by many methods of organisational structure. These can be bureaucratic, hierarchal or specialised structure. In the bureaucratic, structure, strict rules and regulations are followed and procedures are delegated in order to achieve compliance and control of subordinated from those who give orders. The second one is hierarchical in which decision makers are separated from employees who implement. Traditional methods of taylorism are highly dysfunctional and lead decrease in motivation of employees and workers. From the above two theories, it is very evident that the arising issues and complications from the traditional methods of organisational structure and production process lead to the subsequent changes, which were implemented in the organisation. It is evident from the case that the work process in the manufacturing unit was boring and repetitive and workers were losing interest in the process. The organisational structure was hierarchal as well as bureaucratic because of which, the workers had a very little say in the decision making process. The technology used in the manufacturing unit was mostly basic and traditional because of which workers are highly dissatisfied. This had also resulted in high amount of absenteeism and difficulty in recruitment. Looking at the problems and i ssues, the management decided to consult with the workers and staff. With the help of workers and employee feedback, many changes were made. The first change was made on the workshop and the factory. Old and traditional machinery were replaced by new and more advanced equipments. Special training was also provided to the workers for making them acquainted with the latest machinery. The assembly lines of workers were changed from single task workers to teams, where a team will be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Compare the psychological internalization of character in Aeschylus Essay

Compare the psychological internalization of character in Aeschylus Shakespeare, and Austen - Essay Example He was a poet, a playwright and also a scriptwriter. He is also known as the England’s national poet and the â€Å"Bard of Avon†. Moving on, around the world we have another famous world of literature, the Greek history. No doubt the ancient Greek civilization has been one of the most fascinating and wonderful of all the civilizations. And for this, we must be thankful to the ancient Greek writers. One of the most renowned Greek legends is Aeschylus. He was a Greek playwright and is called the father of tragedy. Hamlet’s father, the king, gets murdered by his own brother. To his astonishment his mother marries his uncle, the killer of her husband and his father. Then he is followed by his father’s ghost who cries out for vengeance. However, the Prince is in a dilemma. He has to figure out how to deal with his uncle who kills his father to become the king and goes ahead within a very short period of time to marry his mother. It is a clear indication of how people can be pretenders and harmful. At the same time it calls for a good analysis of the people around. Then there is a kingdom lynching in between, and there is no one who could be trusted. Thus all of the relations and emotions: Family, politics, blood lust, betrayal, mystery, friendship and love – each plays a role in Shakespeares great tragedy, "Hamlet". Through Hamlet Shakespeare represents a man at his most destructive. Hamlet by far is one of Shakespeares greatest works, and is pretty much considered to be the pinnacle of Shakespeare’s literary power. Also, Emma is considered to be Austen’s favorite character. Just like herself, Emma is a domineering, intrusive, complacent, snob of a juvenile woman who attempts to state the lives of all her peers and family members. But even with her flaws, or maybe because of them, Emma happens to be one of Austen’s most adored heroines. Through Emma, Austen expresses her analyses of 19th century England’s intricate and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mayor John Lindsay's Time in the office Research Paper

Mayor John Lindsay's Time in the office - Research Paper Example He was competing with two other political rivals also struggling for the office of Mayor. He defeated A.D. Beame, the then comptroller and W.F. Buckley, Jr who were contesting under the banner of Conservative party. When John Vliet Lindsay got the office, the condition of the city was not good as far as the commodities of life were concerned. The city was dumped in serious fiscal and economic upheavals that it was very difficult for any one holding the office of the Mayor to help the City out of this abyss. The outgoing Mayor, Mr. R.F.Wagner, Jr had left a deteriorated economy where the jobs, especially for the uneducated class were disappearing and the migration from the city was at peak. The people were in a very tough condition and the administration has nothing to heal up the problems of the people. The people were thus in coercion and were helpless and have no other option then to leave the city and settle somewhere else. The middle class families were moving to suburbs to live with contentment. The industrial sector was going down, the public sector was in skirmishes and the workers of the public sector had won the right to unionize. Keeping in mind all these aggravated problems it was very tough for John Vliet Lindsay to hold office and control. ... The city was hit by crisis over crisis and this was not only due to the predecessors’ policies but the ill policies of Lindsay gave impetus to these crises which shook the walls of the city. Some of the issues relating to problematic concerns of the city are as under. Labor Issue: When Lindsay took the charge on his very first day, the transport workers staged a protest and shut down the whole city including the subways and bus services. They set an ultimatum of 9 days to meet their demands but the poor policies of the Mayor neglected the ultimatum and did not negotiate with the transport workers. The refusal of the Mayor resulted in three more days of strike and lasted for 12 days. Even then when the negotiations went successful, the leader of the transport workers Mike Quill in a press conference made mockery of the Mayor by saying that negotiating with the Mayor is not a hard task. After such an outrageous protest by the transport workers, Lindsay turned a deaf ear to such protests and in a press conference remarked that New York City is a fun city where nothing happens badly. This point of view was quoted by many newspapers in sarcastic and sardonic points. The country crept on moving in to the abyssal plash and the corporate headquarters started moving out of the city. Still the resonance of the debacle of the corporate sector was in sounds that the Mayor blasted the scene of New York City with another development (Pileggi, 1969). City’s School System Decentralization: According to Pileggi (1969), in the year 1968, the Mayor allowed the decentralization of the city’s school system granting three local school boards under the complete control over other schools. This was a thing of concern for the teachers as now they

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Critical Essay on Raimondo Pannikar Essay Example for Free

A Critical Essay on Raimondo Pannikar Essay Raimondo Panikkar is a Roman Catholic Priest who specializes in the study of comparative philosophy of religion. He was born in Barcelona Spain on November 03, 1918. Perhaps, the mixed inter faith marriage of his mother, who was a Catholic from Catalonia Spain, and his father who was a Hindu from a highly situated caste Nair from South India, accounts most for his interest in comparative religious philosophy. His education also contributed much in this. He was educated in a Jesuit school and he took up chemistry and philosophy at universities in Madrid, Barcelona and Bonn. After being ordained as a Roman Catholic Priest in 1946, and holding doctorates in Philosophy and Science (Complutense University, Madrid 1945 and 1958) and theology (Pontifical Lateran University, Rome, 1961), he left for India in 1953 to undertake studies in Indian philosophy and religion at the University of Mysore and at the Banaras Hindu University. He authored 40 books and almost a thousand articles dealing with comparative philosophy and religion and has deliberated on principles and practices of multi-faith, which includes among others, dialogues between Christian-Hindu, Christian-Buddhist and Christian-Secularist. In the book Intrareligious Dialouges, Panikkar said I left as a Christian; found myself a Hindu; and I return as a Buddhist, without having ceased to be a Christian. (Panikkar, Paulist Press; revised edition, July 1999. ISBN 0809137631). Panikkar’s contributions are widely quoted and heavily used to support the theory of (your family name 2) religious pluralism, interfaith and multi-faith studies as well as religious comparative philosophy. THE WEBSITE HTTP://WWW. RELIGIOUSTOLERANCE. ORG No matter how you describe yourself, you should find your beliefs and practices accurately represented in this website. – (ReligiousTolerance. org) This site is a copyrighted side by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. In their Statement of belief the web masters said that they are a multi-faith group. As of 2008-FEB, we consist of one Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Wiccan and Zen Buddhist. Thus, the OCRT staff lack agreement on almost all theological matters, such as belief in a supreme being, the nature of God, interpretation of the Bible and other holy texts, whether life after death exists, what form the afterlife may take, etc. (ReligiousTolerance. org) They proceed to enumerate key points in their belief system in a bullet style, and among others, said that they In working towards a culture that is relatively free of discrimination on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, physical disability, age, etc. (ReligiousTolerance. org). On the left hand side of the website there are clickable links of articles and essays that list among others, the major religions of the world, Non-theistic articles such as Agnosticism and Humanism. There are also articles on Spiritual Ethics, Peace and Conflict, â€Å"Hot† Topics as well as Laws and News. Over-all the website is plain and straightforward. The interface is very easy to (your family name 3) use and very user friendly. The website has sponsors ads, but none of the usual annoying pop-ups, and/or annoying background music and other widgets that are found in other websites. The articles in the website presented in a logic way, are easy to use and topics are indexed clearly for easy referencing and retrieval. It is also peppered with nuggets and quotes from religious leaders and other notable personas. One such example is on the bottom part of the web page, from Mahatma Gandhi â€Å"The need of the moment is not one religion, but mutual respect and tolerance of the devotees of the different religions. (Ghandi). The website is a valuable resource for information in the major religions of the world. It is an excellent source of in depth religious comparative articles as well as current issues affecting faith and practice. WORKS CITED Pannikar, Raimondo. Intrareligious Dialouges: Paulist Press; revised edition, July 1999. ISBN 0809137631). Raimon-Panikkar. org Fundacion Vivarium Raimon Panikkar – Tavertet (Catalunya) Retrieved February 25, 2009. http://www. raimon-panikkar. org/index. html ReligiousTolerance. Org. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Retrieved February 25, 2009. http://www. religioustolerance. org/

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Buffer Overflow Attacks And Types Computer Science Essay

Buffer Overflow Attacks And Types Computer Science Essay Abstract Buffer Overflows are one of the main reasons for problems in a computer system. Statistics in this report have shown that the number of attacks in the past 20 years is increasing drastically and it is buffer overflow which is also rated the most occurring attack. This paper basically provides the various prevention techniques for Buffer Overflow attacks, like Canaries, DEP and ASLR, and more which have been deployed and are working well to a certain extent. Introduction It is the job of the compiler to check for errors or vulnerabilities in the code. In C, the compiler is not so very efficient to detect these logical errors. The simplest form of a buffer overflow attack would be as follows:- char buf1[5]; char buf2[10]=A1B2C3D4E5; strcpy(buf1,buf2); The above 3 lines of code are compiled without any error by the C compiler as there are no syntactical errors. But logically we are copying a string of 10 chars into a buffer which can hold only 5 chars. This might be a small typing error on the programmers side, but results in an attack which can overwrite the data which might have been stored in the memory location next to the space allocated for buf1. This is Buffer Overflow. Its types are explained in the section below. Buffer Overflow Attacks types. Buffer Overflow Attack as defined by Kramer (2000) occurs when a program or a process tries to force more data into a buffer than it is actually intended to hold. The simplest examples to explain this is the program above, but in laymans terms, let us assume 2 jugs, one with a capacity of 2 litres and another of 1 litre. If you try to empty the 2litres of water into the jug which can hold only 1 litre, you spill 1 litre of water. This attack can have many consequences on a system like incorrect results, security breach or even a system crash. Posey (2005) explains the different types of Buffer Overflow attacks. There are basically two kinds of buffer overflow attacks: 1. Heap-based attacks and 2. Stack-based attacks. In Heap-based attack the attacker floods the memory space which is actually reserved for the program. This attacks is not exactly easy as it feels, hence the number of attacks with respect to the heap are very rare. In Stack-based attack, the attacker takes advantage of the stack, a part of the memory reserved for the program to store data or addresses. The attacker then partially crashes the stack and forces the program execution to start from a return address of a malicious program address which is actually written by the attacker. Statistics Fig 1. Buffer Overflow Statistics Statistics from the National Vulnerability Database(2011) show the occurrence of Buffer overflow attacks. It ranges from 1989 to 2011. The graph is declining in the last 3-4 years, but experts say that there is a possibility that it may rise again. Prevention Techniques Some host based mechanisms to prevent Buffer Overflow Attacks are mentioned below: Detection Elimination: Kuperman(2005) says detection and elimination of the vulnerable code is necessary before someone takes advantage of that code. In this technique there are ways in which software searches for some specific type of code. This is known as Source Code Auditing. Vernon (2003) in his WhitePaper has mentioned techniques and ways how it is done. Kuperman has also mentioned about a group, OpenBSD Group, a group which audits the source code free of cost for a BSD based Operating System. The time taken for analysis is large and the expertise of the volunteers determine their efficiency. Complier Modifications: A technique to avoid buffer overflow attack is to modify the way the data is stored in the memory. StackGuard is a type of a complier which can be used to add gaps in the memory in between, these gaps are known as Canaries. It works in the following way: whenever a function gets a return call, it reads the canary on the stack and check for any modification. If it finds the canary is modified it understands it is under attack. (Kuperman, 2005). Another Complier, ProPolice uses pointers to address memory locations. ProPolice is also an enhancement concept of StackGuard. Frantzen Shuey (2001) in their article have mentioned about StackGhost. StackGhost is a unique technique which was developed by Sun Microsystems. It detects the change in return pointers without actually affecting the program. It effect on the throughput is also negligible. This made attackers much more difficult to do a buffer overflow. Array Bounds Checking: Cowan et al(2000) have explained each time an operation needs to be performed on an array, we can do the boundary checking. If boundary is reached it wont allow writing into the array, thus avoiding the buffer overflow. Similarly we can write a code to check the size of each buffer when writing. If the destination buffer is bigger than the other which is to be copied, then its ok or dont allow it. This technique although might work, but is very costly to implement as it will delay the actual process. Non-Executable Stack: Fritsch (2009) explains marking of the stack as Non-Executable can help stopping Buffer Overflow. But this in turn also stops genuine programs from executing directly from the stack. Sanders (2009) had also mentioned the same technique. The article mentioned that Microsoft had included a security feature in its new service pack for Windows XP (it was Win XP SP2). This was known as DEP (Data Execution Prevention). DEP is of 2 types: Hardware and Software. In Hardware DEP some parts of the memory were marked as Non-Executable by the processor. But again this was a bit tricky as not all processors supported Hardware DEP. Software DEP on the other hand watches the exception thrown by program and checks whether they actually belong to the program. Address Space Layout Randomization: Wagle (2003) has mentioned that earlier the attacker used to insert a large number of nop instructions, to work around the memory location. ASLR randomly allocates memory locations to the code and data, thus making it difficult for the attacker to find the instructions. Proof Carrying Code (PCC): Necula (1997) says PCC is a technique which checks the properties of the program, and the code and also checks its security policy and determines whether it should allow it to execute it or not. SmashGuard: Kuperman(2005) has explained this technique uses a modification of the normal call ret instructions. Whenever a call instruction is encountered along with the actual entry of the return address on the stack another entry on the data stack within the processor. Then when it encounters the ret instruction it matches both the return addresses. If it matches it goes ahead with the execution else if a match is not found then it terminates the program. Also no changes are made to the data. This is a technique which works well with Brute Force Attack. Split Stack: Kuperman (2005) has explained that Split Stack or Secure Address Return Stack (SAS) is a proposed technique to prevent buffer overflow attack. In this technique two software stacks are used, one for control information and another for data information. Hence even if an attacker gains access to the data stack, he cannot affect the control stack. Although it might need to read and write from 2 stacks it is worth the time. Write Correct Code: Cowan et al (2000) writes, the best way to avoid any kind of attack if to write good and correct code. It is a humans tendency to write and forget the code, but that same code can be checked by someone else as well. The above mentioned prevention techniques are only few of them which are available; there are many techniques available for prevention against Buffer Overflow Attacks and various other attacks. Risks Fritsch (2009) in another article has explained the way to bypass ASLR protection. He explains there exists a flaw in the random number generation for ASLR. He explains it is not so very difficult to predict the randomization address. Writing a program which will try and brute force the memory location till it finds the correct one breaks the ASLR protection. Symantec Architect Mr. Whitehouse (2007) had mentioned the problem of ASLR in Windows Vista. Research by Mr. Bojinov (2011) shows pre-linking can help in implementing ASLR on Android phones. He has introduced retouching which is similar in design to prelinking. Also crash stack analysis is introduced which uses crash reports on the local device to prevent brute-force attacks. Conclusion This report includes what exactly are buffer overflow attacks, the defenses mechanisms which can be build up to prevent against them. Buffer Overflow attacks are on the top when discussing about penetration issues or buffer related vulnerability issues. Earlier it were only professionals amateurs who were trying buffer overflow attacks, but now the situation has changed, a small keyword search Buffer Overflow Attack Programs returns results with detailed tutorials and description to perform it. Also the National Vulnerability Database shows that Buffer Overflow attacks have reduced in the past 3 years, but no one knows when situations might change.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

You Can Shave the Beast, But Will the Fur Grow Back? Essay examples --

You Can Shave the Beast, But Will the Fur Grow Back? I live in Brooklyn, New York City. I was born and bred there. I am one of eight million New Yorkers. New York City is sometimes described as a "melting pot," meaning we are like different Kool-Aid powders that dissolve into a uniform color and flavor. My view differs, though. I think we are eight million different insoluble liquids layered one on top of the other, appearing like oil floating on water. When stirred these liquids are rustled from their respective positions, almost coming together, only to revert to their original separated composition a second later. I'm sorry, Dr. King, we haven't all "sat at the same table" yet. This polarization and social indifference, I believe, stems from the ruthless, heart-hardening, cutthroat environment of our city. But underneath this coarseness, I wonder if there isn't a sliver of pillow-soft care and empathy for those wishing to escape the city's coldness. New Yorkers are stereotypically known as a crass and rude group, devoid of compassion. Having visited other places in the world I can frankly attest that I have never experienced apathy so widely spread throughout a populace as I have felt living in New York. The "New York attitude" isn't unique to lower class individuals who are down on their luck; it transcends class, gender, and race. It's evident in the Wall Street white collar, the ghetto rogue, the chubby mothers of three-and me. It's a compelling force. I've been trained, conditioned like one of Dr. Pavlov's dogs, to behave this way; to bark on demand, to push as I'm being shoved, to hate when hated. I was sucked into the vacuum of hate at an early age. When I was twelve years old, I got a taste of the caustic mali... ...form to the street below, I accidentally bump hard into somebody. I offer an apology to this fellow and stick my hand out in good will. He responds with a vile grunt and an ice-cold stare and mumbles, "Fuck off," before hurriedly scurrying away. Predictable, like a hackneyed cliche from the tobacco-chewing mouth of a vociferous Texas football coach in a half-time motivational talk with his players, is the behavior of this rough-hewn New Yorker. I tried leading this horse to water. He refused to drink. This new-found compassion to lead, to rectify, has lifted my soul halfway out of the hostile, rancorous dark New York mire. The remaining half of my soul is being held back by the stubborn horses whose reins I'm holding onto. They refuse to join me, to whinny and trot along the green meadows of tolerance. They keep bucking. But letting go will only pull me back in. You Can Shave the Beast, But Will the Fur Grow Back? Essay examples -- You Can Shave the Beast, But Will the Fur Grow Back? I live in Brooklyn, New York City. I was born and bred there. I am one of eight million New Yorkers. New York City is sometimes described as a "melting pot," meaning we are like different Kool-Aid powders that dissolve into a uniform color and flavor. My view differs, though. I think we are eight million different insoluble liquids layered one on top of the other, appearing like oil floating on water. When stirred these liquids are rustled from their respective positions, almost coming together, only to revert to their original separated composition a second later. I'm sorry, Dr. King, we haven't all "sat at the same table" yet. This polarization and social indifference, I believe, stems from the ruthless, heart-hardening, cutthroat environment of our city. But underneath this coarseness, I wonder if there isn't a sliver of pillow-soft care and empathy for those wishing to escape the city's coldness. New Yorkers are stereotypically known as a crass and rude group, devoid of compassion. Having visited other places in the world I can frankly attest that I have never experienced apathy so widely spread throughout a populace as I have felt living in New York. The "New York attitude" isn't unique to lower class individuals who are down on their luck; it transcends class, gender, and race. It's evident in the Wall Street white collar, the ghetto rogue, the chubby mothers of three-and me. It's a compelling force. I've been trained, conditioned like one of Dr. Pavlov's dogs, to behave this way; to bark on demand, to push as I'm being shoved, to hate when hated. I was sucked into the vacuum of hate at an early age. When I was twelve years old, I got a taste of the caustic mali... ...form to the street below, I accidentally bump hard into somebody. I offer an apology to this fellow and stick my hand out in good will. He responds with a vile grunt and an ice-cold stare and mumbles, "Fuck off," before hurriedly scurrying away. Predictable, like a hackneyed cliche from the tobacco-chewing mouth of a vociferous Texas football coach in a half-time motivational talk with his players, is the behavior of this rough-hewn New Yorker. I tried leading this horse to water. He refused to drink. This new-found compassion to lead, to rectify, has lifted my soul halfway out of the hostile, rancorous dark New York mire. The remaining half of my soul is being held back by the stubborn horses whose reins I'm holding onto. They refuse to join me, to whinny and trot along the green meadows of tolerance. They keep bucking. But letting go will only pull me back in.

Friday, October 11, 2019

History Of Human Resource Management Essay

Human resource management is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of their employer’s strategic objectives.[1] HR is primarily concerned with how people are managed within organizations, focusing on policies and systems.[2] HR departments and units in organizations are typically responsible for a number of activities, including employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and rewarding. HR is also concerned with industrial relations, that is, the balancing of organizational practices with regulations arising from collective bargaining and governmental laws. HR is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th century, when researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic management of the workforce. The function was initially dominated by transactional work, such as payroll and benefits administration, but due to globalization, company consolidation, technologi cal advancement, and further research, HR now focuses on strategic initiatives like mergers and acquisitions, talent management, succession planning, industrial and labor relations, and diversity and inclusion. In startup companies, HR’s duties may be performed by trained professionals. In larger companies, an entire functional group is typically dedicated to the discipline, with staff specializing in various HR tasks and functional leadership engaging in strategic decision making across the business. To train practitioners for the profession, institutions of higher education, professional associations, and companies themselves have created programs of study dedicated explicitly to the duties of the function. Academic and practitioner organizations likewise seek to engage and further the field of HR, as evidenced by several field-specific publications. HR is also a field of research study that is popular within the fields of management and industrial/organizational psychology, with research articles appearing in a number of academic journals, including those mentioned later in this article. In the current global work environment, most companies focus on lowering employee turnover and retaining the talent and knowledge held by their workforce. New hiring not only entails a high cost but also increases the risk of the newcomer not being able to replace the person who was working in that position before. HR departments also strive to offer benefits that will appeal to workers, thus reducing the risk of losing knowledge. History Antecedent theoretical development HR spawned in the early 20th century and was influenced by Frederick Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor explored what he termed â€Å"scientific management†, striving to improve economic efficiency in manufacturing jobs. He eventually keyed in on one of the principal inputs into the manufacturing process—labor—sparking inquiry into workforce productivity. The human relations movement grew from the research of Elton Mayo and others, whose Hawthorne studies (1924-1932) serendipitously documented how stimuli, unrelated to financial compensation and working conditions, yielded more productive workers.[6] Contemporaneous work by Abraham Maslow, Kurt Lewin, Max Weber (1864-1920), Frederick Herzberg, and David McClelland (1917-1998) formed the basis for studies in industrial and organizational psychology, organizational behavior and organizational theory, giving room for an applied discipline. Birth and evolution of the discipline By the time enough theoretical evidence existed to make a business case for strategic workforce management, changes in the business landscape (à   la Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller) and in public policy had transformed the employer-employee relationship, and the discipline was formalized as â€Å"industrial and labor relations†. In 1913, one of the oldest known professional HR associations—the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development—was founded in England as the Welfare Workers’ Association, then changed its name a decade later to the Institute of Industrial Welfare Workers, and again the next decade to Institute of Labor Management before settling upon its current name.[7] Likewise in the United States, the world’s first institution of higher education dedicated to workplace studies—the School of Industrial and Labor Relations—was formed at Cornell University in 1945. During the latter half of the 20th century, union membership declined significantly, while workforce management continued to expand its influence within organizations. â€Å"Industrial and labor relations† began being used to refer specifically to issues concerning collective representation, and many companies began referring to the profession as  Ã¢â‚¬Å"personnel administration†. In 1948, what would later become the largest professional HR association—the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)—was founded as the American Society for Personnel Administration (ASPA). Nearing the 21st century, advances in transportation and communications greatly facilitated workforce mobility and collaboration. Corporations began viewing employees as assets rather than as cogs in a machine. â€Å"Human resources management†, consequently, became the dominant term for the function—the ASPA even changing its name to SHRM in 1998.[9] â€Å"Human capital management† is sometimes used synonymously with HR, although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view of human resources; i.e., the knowledge the individuals embody and can contribute to an organization. Likewise, other terms sometimes used to describe the field include â€Å"organizational management†, â€Å"manpower management†, â€Å"talent management†, â€Å"personnel management†, and simply â€Å"people management†.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Chinease theory of discovery of America Essay

There are many theories or ideas on who discovered America first. Many people believe it was Christopher Columbus, the Vikings, or in my case some believe that the Chinese arrived here before Columbus. It is believed by some people that Chinese sailors beat Columbus to America by more than 70 years. Anthropologists, archaeologists, historians and linguists have debunked or out ruled much of the evidence that has been gathered over the years to support this theory. It has been named the 1421 Theory. It is said that sometime 10,000 years ago, the people from China are believed to have crossed over the Bering land bridge from Siberia to what is now Alaska. From there, they are believed to have spread out over the course of millennia. Once they got here they started diverging genetically and populating North and South America. The problem is that the only real evidence they have is maps and some artifacts, which from carbon dating trace back to 2200 B. C. These generally have been found on the coasts of Florida, South Carolina, New York and Canada. Many people believe this theory due to evidence found, like artifacts and maps. Also many people were convinced by books written by scientists, archeologists, and historians. One of these books is 1421: The Year China Discovered America, by Gavin Menzies. It is said that he tells and describes the theory so well. I do believe that it could be possible that China arrived here before Columbus but there are many holes in the theory according to some historians. But over all I do not believe that they beat columbus to the Americas. There just isn’t enough proof and any kind of written or physical evidence to show or prove to me in any way that they were for sure here about 70 years before Christopher Columbus. So I would have to turn down this theory due to the lack of proof given. Citations â€Å"Chinese cartography: China beat Columbus to it, perhaps | The Economist. † The Economist – World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. . Clark, Josh. â€Å"HowStuffWorks â€Å"Did the Chinese beat Columbus to America? â€Å". † HowStuffWorks â€Å"History†. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. . Kolesnikov-Jessop, Sonia. â€Å"Did Chinese beat out Columbus? – The New York Times. † The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. .

Central Park Reflection

My Reflection On Central Park Imagine a topographical view of Manhattan in the early 1800’s; all you see is squares and streets. This was Clinton’s Commissioner Plan- to level all of Manhattan to make way for streets and buildings. However, what were not taken to account were parks and recreational areas. This would all change in the 1850’s as landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted architect Calvert Vaux won the right to build their project- the Greensward Plan (CentralParkHistory). This plan would become Central Park, which spans two and a half miles from 59th Street to 110th Street and half a mile from Fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue. For my second New York City trip, I decided to visit Central Park- one of the largest park’s in New York City. Firstly, the thing I noticed prior to the entrance of the park was the entrance itself. There are many entrances in Central Park. The one I used was the 59th Street and 8th Avenue entrance. There stood a beautiful monument dedicated to the heroes who died on the battleship Maine. Throughout the visit there are other monuments and sculptures of many historic figures-many of them being symbolic. As you walk in the beautiful park, a new feeling fills the soul. You forget the concrete jungle and all of its problems and enter a natural utopia. All the trees are fully grown and very lush. Most, if not all, the trees in Central Park did not come from Manhattan. In fact, Manhattan was cleared of most of its trees and plants. Central Park is now filled with 26,000 trees, covering 31 families within the deciduous and coniferous classes of trees, 71 genera, and 152 species (Central Park Conservancy). Talking about how New York City is so diverse with people and culture, it is also diverse with different trees, plants and shrubs. Central Park was landscaped so people can escape the city and its problems. Throughout out the years, Central Park was able to do so. With its curvy walkways and paved streets, one can seem to forget the â€Å"Grid System† of the city. Moreover, the streets that cars drive through central park are on lower ground compared to the landscape. In other words, if you look straight into Central Park you will not be able see cars driving because they are on lower ground. Moreover, Central Park offers â€Å"pedicab† and horse carriages as means of transportation around the vast and limitless park. It is a great way of getting around Central Park and having your own private tour guide of the panoramic landscape. What is amazing about central park is it has something for everyone. Baseball fields can be found throughout the park, including on the Great Lawn and the North Meadow. In addition to housing America's pastime, the park is home to a number of basketball courts, jogging paths and a swimming pool. One of the park's most popular attractions is its zoo, which survives as the nation's second-oldest publicly owned zoo. It features a petting zoo complete with pigs, goats and sheep. It also features the Wollman Memorial Skating Rink which is covered in ice for most of the year. In the summer it is the location of numerous theatrical performances. It hosted man bands, plays, and movies throughout the year. A trip to Central Park can make everyone who enters it jubilant. God’s gift to humankind is nature but, Man’s gift to New York City is Central Park. My journey through Central Park was breathtaking. One can throw all his worries and problems from the city and enjoy the natural life Central Park has to offer. Whether you go there to relax, exercise, play, or watch a concert, Central Park has something for everyone. Work Cited Unknown, â€Å"Central Park History. † Andrew Green and the Model Park. Web. 31 Oct 2009. . Unknown, â€Å"The Trees of Central Park. † Central Park Conservancy. Web. 31 Oct 2009.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Social Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Development - Essay Example Market forces usually depend on the political goodwill and social integration for its growth. From scholarly view, cultural change in the society owes its root from globalization. Fabrication of societal norms to meet human needs has led to growth in many areas of human life. It is significant to note that integration of modern of modern technology has transformed human life. Globalization has led to development of uniform policies in global markets. Development of uniform policies influences political and social life of the society. For examples, policies that define trade between two countries influence social conditions in those countries. When policies are uniform, people are able to exchange ideas, technology, and social policies, which would in turn influence social growth.   Trade and international policies are inseparable. Identification of common need in the society has led to transformation of the society from a low-income society to high-income society. The adoption of K eynesian theories of management in financial management has influenced the financial patterns adopted by many banks and financial institutions. According to Amoore (2005:58), Global financial system favored financial interest over government planning or productive manufacturing. Thus, it opened ways for accessing credit facilities. Acquisition of financial assistance influences the economic development of a state. The power to initiate social development lies on the ability of a state to acquire financial assistance when necessary.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Human Brain and Computer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Brain and Computer - Essay Example Possibly, it can be said that the brain is better at doing some specific jobs and the computer is good at doing other jobs. This paper is intended to analyze the benefits and limitations of the metaphor "the brain is often compared to a computer" which is commonly used by many. Before getting into the details it is important to understand why such a comparison was made. Theoretically the brain is a machine just as the heart and kidney. It can be said that the brain is a computer (processor) with neural connections, programmed responses, and a data bank. It has sensors in the body that input information into the computer. It has an output to devices that perform actions, and the brain communicates with these devices through electrical and chemical channels. The comparison of the brain and the computer is a metaphor. In general metaphors are just used to help us better understand things. Or in other words metaphors are used to convey the idea that one thing is similar to another thing. They are useful for helping us understand things, such as mind/body interaction. Metaphors do not mean that both the things compared are one and the same neither is one thing is a substitute for the other. Since several processes in the brain are similar to the computer, it is commonly compared with each other. For instance, both brain and computers use electrical signals to transmit information. Both have a memory which tends to grow over time. With proper instructions given, both brain and computers can learn. Both work based on the energy present. Brain and computers are able to think logically and do math. There are also differences between brain and the computers. For instance, brain uses chemicals such as calcium and sodium to transmit information where as the computer uses electricity. Electrical signals generated in the brain travels much slower when compared to computers. A computer uses switches that are either on or off and works on the binary system, where as the brains do not have such a system. Memory of the brain generally grows by stronger synaptic connections but in a computer it is only possible by adding additional memory chips. The brain needs essential nutrients such as oxygen and sugar for working where as the computer only require electricity or a battery to keep working (, N.D.). Though till date the technology had not grown to replace the brain with a computer, there have been several advantages with the development of this technology. For instance, today it is possible to use computer inputs as substitutes for other sensory inputs, and for outputs to limbs or devices to create movement of neurologically damaged limbs, control the environment by sensing the brain's electrical impulses, and even create limited forms of sight. Besides, great steps are being made in bionics, including artificial hearts that work for longer periods. In recent years study is under progress for replacements for muscle made from specialized ceramic or polymer materials that contract like muscles, which can be triggered by a computer. With this trend of advancement in technology, perhaps one day we could also replace computers with brain (Cole, 2003). A person can do many things which a computer cannot even attempt to do it. A brain beyond doubt has one thing that a computer doesn't and this is a major difference. A brain communicates with itself and the body

Monday, October 7, 2019

Brand management in Irelands indigenous sector Essay

Brand management in Irelands indigenous sector - Essay Example 442). Brand assets are difficult and expensive to develop, maintain, and adapt. The offering environment is cluttered, confused, and complex in part because of the proliferation of products, brands, and sub-brands. Dynamic market contexts with the emergence of new sub-categories make it necessary to adapt and stretch brands, putting additional strain on their ability to deliver the needed support. Consequently to understand the dynamics of brand management and assess whether or not they are successful in communicating the brand to consumers and whether or not those strategies enhance their brand equity, this proposal was developed. The organization of this proposal is the following. Firstly, a description of the project is presented. Secondly, the methodology is proposed. Thirdly, an approximated time schedule of research is developed. Finally, a provisional table of contents is suggested. The aim of this research is to assess whether a firm is successful in communicating the brand to consumers and whether their strategies enhance their brand equity of three Ireland companies. Consequently, the general objective is: In reference to academic relevance, this research pretends to support empirical evidence to the field of marketing metrics. The suggestion of Rust et al. (2004) about search for empirical support to the chain of marketing activities has been taken into account. With respect to managerial relevance, th... 1.3. Academic and Managerial Relevance of the Subject In reference to academic relevance, this research pretends to support empirical evidence to the field of marketing metrics. The suggestion of Rust et al. (2004) about search for empirical support to the chain of marketing activities has been taken into account. With respect to managerial relevance, this research pretends not only to tell the board that brand management contributes to the company, but also to give them the effectiveness of marketing in money terms. 2. Description of the Project 2.1. Literature Review in Short 2.1.1. Brand Management Brand Management is the best way for firms to manage their precious brand assets (Low and Fullerton 1994). Additionally, brand managers are responsible for the performance of brands as well as central coordinators of all marketing activities for their brand and responsible for developing and implementing marketing plan. Along the years the research in Brand Management has been associated with Corporate approach, Retailing, Strategies, Alliances, Brand Extension, new Research methodology approaches, Non-profit firms, International decisions, and others. One reason for studying brand arises from a strategy-based motivation to improve marketing productivity (Keller 1993). Perhaps a firm's most valuable asset for enhancing marketing productivity is the knowledge that has been created about the brand in consumers' mind from the firm's investments in previous marketing programs. What consumers know about brands is the brand knowledge. On the other hand, brand Awareness is related to the strength of the brand node or trace in