Thursday, October 17, 2019

Organisations and Behaviour assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Organisations and Behaviour - Assignment Example Communication generally occurs at the immediate level. A traditional hierarchical structure is more favourable for smaller organisations. The organisations having less number of employees can be controlled and proper flow of communication can be maintained with a top down organisation approach. This is helpful in enforcing power and command over the organisation. However, with the rise in globalisation and technological advancements, organisations began to downsize and started to use technology instead. In the present business environment, a strict top down approach of hierarchal organisational structure is tough to follow. Since every department is branching out into many sub divisions and vertical as well as horizontal branches, cross communication has seen an enormous rise. Thus looking at the present scenario, a hierarchal organisational structure will lead to a lack in communication and the resultant organisational will be more bureaucratic in nature. Apart from this, another ma jor disadvantage of this structure is that it does not encourage employees to collaborate, share ideas and information. Sometimes employees develop cliches and it may also result in fierce competition for power within departments. This decreases the motivation level of employees. Hawk Company was following taylorist methods of production. A taylorist method can be characterized as a production process in which every action or task is broken down into smaller segments with the objective of monitoring and correcting any action. This can be regarded as a rigorous method of production where each and every action is flowed by strict monitoring. A taylorist approach can be accompanied by many methods of organisational structure. These can be bureaucratic, hierarchal or specialised structure. In the bureaucratic, structure, strict rules and regulations are followed and procedures are delegated in order to achieve compliance and control of subordinated from those who give orders. The second one is hierarchical in which decision makers are separated from employees who implement. Traditional methods of taylorism are highly dysfunctional and lead decrease in motivation of employees and workers. From the above two theories, it is very evident that the arising issues and complications from the traditional methods of organisational structure and production process lead to the subsequent changes, which were implemented in the organisation. It is evident from the case that the work process in the manufacturing unit was boring and repetitive and workers were losing interest in the process. The organisational structure was hierarchal as well as bureaucratic because of which, the workers had a very little say in the decision making process. The technology used in the manufacturing unit was mostly basic and traditional because of which workers are highly dissatisfied. This had also resulted in high amount of absenteeism and difficulty in recruitment. Looking at the problems and i ssues, the management decided to consult with the workers and staff. With the help of workers and employee feedback, many changes were made. The first change was made on the workshop and the factory. Old and traditional machinery were replaced by new and more advanced equipments. Special training was also provided to the workers for making them acquainted with the latest machinery. The assembly lines of workers were changed from single task workers to teams, where a team will be

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