Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Containment of Communism - 2228 Words

The Cold War is the closest the world has ever come to complete destruction. In this period of time, two world super powers were in a stalemate economically and militarily and were constantly competing to be the superior. The Cold War started as result of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union had some differences on their perspectives of the world. United States being the richest country in the world promoted democracy and capitalism in the world. The newly formed Soviet Union thought that communism was a better political system because it transformed their economy and status in the world from nothing but a declining empire to a super power once again. The Cold War was a long series of events in which the communist tried to†¦show more content†¦It also called for an increase in income taxes to support a bold and a massive program of rebuilding the Wests defensive potential to surpass that of the Soviet world. In Asia containment took a new turn, U.S. was promoting a non-communist government in China, it invested time and money to see no results from a corrupt and self oriented Chinese ruler. When the U.S. realized that there was no use in helping the Chinese dynasty, they pulled out leaving Mao Zedong a pro communist leader to establish a communist state known as the People Republic of China. On June 25, 1950 North Koreans launched a surprise attack across the 38th parallel. Kim Il Sung of North Korea intended to unite North and South Korea; Stalin supported the effort. Truman immediately asked the United Nations Security Council to authorize a police action against the invaders. Since the Soviet Union was absent because they were protesting the exclusion of China from UN they could not veto the request. The UN sent general Douglass McArthur to head the UN forces in Korea. The UN forces landed in Inchon surrounding the North Korean forces form both sides and with the help of American forces in Pusan pushed them back to the Yalu River where Korea borders China. The Chinese were not happy with Americans being rightShow MoreRelatedEssay on Containment Of Communism2213 Words   |  9 Pagesnewly formed Soviet Union thought that communism was a better political system because it transformed their economy and status in the world from nothing but a declining empir e to a super power once again. The Cold War was a long series of events in which the communist tried to spread their ideas of government and socialist economy, known as expansionism, and the United States and some of the other Western powers such as Great Britain tried to contain it. Containment, a term introduced by George F. KennanRead MoreThe Containment Of Communism And The Cold War1343 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Potsdam Conference that was attended by the current British, American, and Soviet leaders. After the use of the atomic bombs and Japan’s surrender, President Truman gave as speech that outlined the â€Å"containment† of communism that became known as the Truman Doctrine. The containment of communism was the foundation for the Cold War. Both the Americans and the Soviets did not want to get in a physical or â€Å"Hot War† against each other, and this led to the â€Å"Cold War†, financial or military supportingRead MoreThe Containment Of Commun ism And The United States2330 Words   |  10 PagesAt the time of America s involvement in the war in Indochina, much of American foreign policy was seen from the point of view of the Cold War; the ultimate victory of the United States over the Soviet Union, Capitalism over Communism and the United States acting on behalf of the ËÅ"free people of the world. After 1945 and the end of the Second World War, America had emerged as a dominant power and triggered the development of an American ideal. This ideal was based on national pride, built up onRead MoreTruman s Policy On Containment Of Communism1548 Words   |  7 Pages In daylight of President Eisenhower’s policy on containment of communism, the Soviets feel they have no choice but to resist any such efforts. While we have successfully positioned ourselves as the number one nuclear power on the planet, Nikita Khrushchev has built up a nuclear power of his own. I have gathered classified information leading me to belie ve that Khrushchev has landed these weapons of mass destruction in Cuba as part of a â€Å"nuclear pressure† policy, code named â€Å"Anadyr† (Zubok, 144)Read MoreContainment: Vietnam War and Communism Essay examples947 Words   |  4 PagesAll Odds of Communism After the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II it was apparent that the victors would come out as the new world powers. With the United States and the Soviet Union being the strongest nations of the victorious Allies they were the two countries who emerged as the new world powers but their views varied drastically. The Democratic United States and the Communist Soviets butted heads about each others views and the U.S. wanted to halt the spread of communism so it couldn’tRead More Evaluating the Success of Americas Policy of Containment of Communism1031 Words   |  5 PagesAmerica’s Policy of Containment American policy of containment refers to the foreign policy strategy of the US in the early years of the Cold war. The policy was to defeat the Soviet Union by preventing it from expanding the territories under its Communist control or otherwise extending its influence. This, naturally, resulted in strained relations and rivalry between the two superpowers. Despite the many difficulties, American policy of containment during the KoreanRead MoreTo What Extent Did Communism And The Containment Policy? Essay1788 Words   |  8 PagesTo what extent did communist ideology lead to Truman s containment policy? The great historian and moralist Lord Acton once stated; â€Å"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.† The context of his statement was likely directed toward monarchies of the 1800’s but, his words speak truth that resonates still today. The opposing political ideologies of communism and capitalism both seek to balance power, promote fairness, and limit corruption. Both ideologies have very differentRead MoreThe Containment Policy Was Aimed At Ending The Spread Of Communism1595 Words   |  7 PagesUS containment policy was aimed at ending the spread of communism. How the above plan was put into action after the Soviet Union made several attempts to stretch to Africa, China, Korea, Vietnam and Eastern Europe. How the restriction made it impossible for nations to be seen as distinct, with varying histories, cultures and predicaments. 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There was a fear that communism would spread all over the world. The Domino Theory was a long term cause of why the USA became involved in Vietnam because the term was invented long before the Vietnam war. A second reason why the USAbecame involved in Vietnam was the US policy of containment which is why Truman supported

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